04 Apr


Daniel, in the Bible, had an excellent spirit about him. I believe Daniel and his friends were Yeshuah/Jesus-like before Messiah walked the Earth in flesh. Daniel and his friends were living and confirming the promises they were given as part of the chosen people blessed by the Almighty.

The excellent spirit comes from Faith, and Faith can ONLY come by practicing and receiving the Word, by diligently seeking to know all Yahweh God wants you to know.

The excellent spirit has Health, Provision, Prosperity, and Protection. Daniel had all of this.

The excellent spirit has a heart set apart, values the secret things of the Father, is humble, has practiced discernment with constant improvement, and is in continued prayer and meditation.

Continued prayer and meditation (talking and listening) is communication throughout the day. Skilled, continued prayer (as Daniel and his friends) is appointed in the day, developed, and custom. Daniel and his friends had the custom of prayer and meditation. This is how faith is built. We have to set times and keep them, just as we set appointments with people. I know this works and can be done, even on a busy day. You just block out that time just as anything else in the day. With daily consistency ( say 9 am, 11 am, and 3 pm, for 10-15 minutes each time, or more), it becomes easier and others begin to know when you can be called upon and when not, including your children. I remember doing this with my kids when they were young, and with consistency, they began to know I am not going to succumb to their calling during that time and they began to copy it.

I hope I have stirred some ideas in your mind to begin a new “custom” and to yearn for that excellent spirit that we all can acquire, along with the health, Provision, Prosperity, and Protection that comes with it.

One idea to get you started is a Prayer journal, where you stop, and write a prayer on your heart, no matter what it is, or read scripture and write a prayer to use that scripture and see it in your own life. This is a great way to get the daily custom going strong. Here are some scriptures to ponder, and get you started: Hebrews 13:16, 12: 1-3, Set your mind on things above. OR, just begin reading Daniel and things will really get you moving in prayer.

Be blessed.