Workshop Information and Registration


abc’s of your sensational baby

Aware: Because you nourish baby’s senses with nurturing touch

Bonded: Because both of you relax and enjoy a deeper connection

Confident: Because you know the value of touch in baby’s healthy physical and cognitive development

  • Sensational Baby workshop teaches skills that benefit you and your baby for a lifetime: expert support on practical practices
  • support from a community of new families
  • techniques to help baby sleep better and soothe colic fussiness
  • a routine for bonding with baby
  • skills to reduce stress and encourage relaxation for baby and caregiver
  • Infant Massage Can Improve Sleep, For You And Baby!
  • Caregiver-Baby Massage workshops 2024

Learn more and enroll in Sensational Baby from infant massage USA

Facilitator: Jeana Anderson,  501-690-3306

Dates and location:  contact me to set up a workshop with your group at my class room location, or your choice of space.  

Time: ONE HOUR Workshops

Cost: $45 per caregiver/baby (contact Jeana to register and pay)

Cost and Registration is a 4 or 5-session commitment.



Self-Care Bodywork Therapy (in person)

contact me to set up a time to learn with a friend, spouse, or family member.

$75 for 2, $95 for 3, and $115 for 4

Online set up via zoom can be set up for long distance learning.

Learn effective massage from the comfort of your home or office. Knowing how you can help those around you is empowering.

While taking time out of your busy schedule to book a massage with a massage therapist may be nice, sometimes it just doesn’t fit in with the busyness of life (or wallet!). Rather than suffering in pain, come learn and feel empowered. Self-Care Techniques will include head, neck, shoulders, low back, pecs, IT/thigh, feet, buttocks/hip, and hands.


Peaceful Body through Reflexology

contact me to set up a time to learn with a friend, spouse, or family member.

$55 for 2, $75 for 3, and $95 for 4

Online set up via zoom can be set up for long distance learning.

You can refresh the whole body to feel fabulous by learning how to massage points on the hands and feet, and following the simple reflexology patterns we’ll show you.
purchase tickets through the registration link, or contact me directly to purchase 501-690-3306



Caregiver-Baby Massage workshops 2024

Infant Massage Can Improve Sleep, For You And Baby!

From Vimala McClure, author of “Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents” and founder of the International Association of Infant Massage:

“We all have sleep associations; we don’t bat an eyelid about our own quirks or needs around what helps us sleep. Yet, with even a very young baby, there is pressure to ‘teach your baby to self-settle’ – to fall asleep without any help from you.

‘Self-settling’ has become the holy grail of sleep training. One of the main reasons, apart from the sheer convenience of having a baby who falls asleep without help, is that once your baby can ‘self-settle’, she will put herself back to sleep without disturbing you if she wakes during the night. This is rubbish – apart from the fact that you are growing a little person, not simply managing an inconvenience – many babies who happily fall asleep after being put into bed wide awake will call for help or reassurance if they wake during the night. They don’t have the brain structures to physiologically ‘self soothe’ yet, and they won’t develop these for several years.

There are many reasons for babies waking, from hunger or discomfort to separation anxiety and, just as your baby needs food to grow, she also needs the stimulation of your touch to help the development of her nervous system, her brain, her digestive system and for emotional reassurance. These are all legitimate reasons for your baby to signal that she needs you, day or night.”

Article: Self Settling – Why It’s Not the Holy Grail of Baby Sleep

Self-Settling – Why It’s Not the Holy Grail of Baby Sleep

Do you know the benefits of baby massage?

Communicate with confidence, understand baby’s cues, sleep more, enjoy less crying and improve baby’s health, digestion, and all-over bodily functions. Loving massage can increase muscle tone, improve motor skills, IQ, teach respect and trust and much more… Soothe, repair, bonding and relaxation for baby and you! Come take a class with us!

  • Registration is a 5-session commitment Prenatal and postnatal are welcome in this class.
    Learn a full-body massage routine for baby. Promotes wellness and deepens communication. Learn tips and techniques to ease common infant woes. Great for any caregiver to learn!  Bring a blanket for baby on your lap. Baby can be massaged during class or you can simply listen and observe if you or baby don’t want to massage/be massaged as the class is happening.Class price is $45 per adult/baby (4 sessions required to cover all material). Includes book, handouts, folder, oil, and lots of SUPPORT.Class options are:

    • Other locations and session options can be discussed and added by request. I can come to your location to do a class for your group.
