17 Sep

Crazy Healing; Crazy Life; Will Conquer

Okay, I have been researching and speaking with experts in microbial infestation (ie: alpha-gal strains, lyme strains, bartonella, Epstein Barr, and many more). I believe, after all this, I have more than one issue from the tick transmitter, and alpha-gal may be on the low end. This is crazy stuff. I believe also, that I have found a path, paved by the Father in his created resources, to get rid of all of it! I know it, in fact, and it will occur. I am confident. I am going to have to be patient, however. You all may have some of these causing your chronic and autoimmune deficiencies and issues. I am on a protocol with a biofeedback device, herbs, oils, and nutrition, to rid the things I have found in me (dormant or otherwise).

25 May

Live for the moment? Maybe not

this was my encouragement today 🙂 love being a member of this faithful team.

Inspirational & Informational Article for Week 17:
written by Michelle Spadafora

Live for the moment? Maybe not.

If you struggle to make healthy choices when it comes to food (and you’re not alone), here’s what I want you to try. When offered something unhealthy, I want you to stop and ask yourself some questions. Ask yourself if the choice you’re making will cause you to feel guilty later. Will it lead to you beating yourself up for hours? Will it bring you into a mindset of shame and a belly that aches?

We’ve conditioned ourselves to view certain foods as “rewarding” and delicious, but the truth is, these things only taste delicious and feel rewarding for a moment, a minute, and then the shame sets in. When offered a dessert or something else unhealthy, before you dig in, maybe just ask yourself, “how will I feel if I eat all of this and how will I feel if I only have a bite or completely pass?” No, having only a bite or passing entirely on dessert is not the cultural norm. Yes, people probably (for whatever reason) will still try and get you to eat more. Yes, your own mind will try and argue that it’s okay to have more. More, more, more, it’s always okay to have more.
BUT, I just want to tell you right now that your body and your health are worth it! YOU are worth it! You can change, you can say no, you can resist—do you understand that you have the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead living inside of you! If that’s not power and authority, I don’t know what is. You don’t have to play the victim anymore. You don’t have to wallow in a sea of shame and guilt after every meal. You CAN say yes to health and, in that yes, pass on things that come against that yes and that desire to have a body fit to run the race set before us with perseverance.

Many of us tend to live in the moment, and we often think we are powerless to change this way of living—but, of course, we aren’t. Even if you’ve lived in the moment when it comes to those delicious and unhealthy foods all your life, you can still change. You see that chocolate cheesecake sitting on the table in front of you, and then envision yourself sitting down later and rubbing your stomach and feeling sick and ashamed, and you can say no to more cake or cookies or whatever it might be.

I have learned that sugar doesn’t make me feel good. I physically feel sick if I eat more than a bite or 2 of something sweet (so thankful for this!) So, when I have a bite of something sweet, I know I don’t want to feel sick later, and I know I don’t want to put something in my body that will zap me of energy. I know I want to do all I can to live out the rest of my life with health so I take a pass on another bite. And I’m no one special! This way of life and way of saying yes to health is available to us all, and I promise the more you consistently do this, the more natural it becomes.

The cool thing is you can use this with most decisions you face. To exercise or not?? In the moment I might feel tired and stressed and too busy, but then I can think of how, after I workout, I’ll feel better, have a better attitude and feel accomplished. To read my Bible or not?? In the moment I might feel like I have too much to do and don’t have time, but I know if I spend 15 minutes with God I’ll have such a better outlook on my day and be filled with more peace.
The truth is, we don’t have to live our lives based on how we feel in one particular moment. Maybe the kids kept me up and I don’t want to work out, or maybe I’m already working late and I don’t feel like reading my bible, or maybe I’ve had just had a fight with my spouse and some sugar seems like the perfect comforter—whatever it is, we don’t have to be enslaved to our feelings. We have God’s Spirit in us and we are powerful and we can say yes and no, even if we don’t feel like saying yes or no. Jesus didn’t feel like going to the cross, but he did. God didn’t “feel” like watching his own son be crucified, but he did. Isaiah and Jeremiah and the rest of the prophets didn’t “feel” like crying out for people to repent day after day, but they did. Esther didn’t “feel” like approaching the king on behalf of her people, but she did.

The truth is, you can say no to your desires and feelings and emotions in the moment, and you can say yes something greater. You can. I’ll say it again, you can. True freedom and courage and bravery are found in saying yes to something greater than ourselves and our momentary, fleeting desires and feelings.

God has given you a spirit of power and of love and of self-control. So my only question to you is this: will you use it?

I continue to pray for you!
Michelle and the Faithful Workouts Team

Check back tomorrow to see why this article helped me so much today.

31 Jan

“Does God Care About How I Treat My Physical Body?”

(article from Faithful Workouts) January 2017

“Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is.” -3 John 1:2

For centuries Christians have asked the question,“Does God care about how I treat my physical body?”  Maybe it’s even a question you’ve asked yourself.

I love how my study bible explains this verse from 3 John: “John was concerned for Gaius’s physical and spiritual well-being. This was the opposite of the popular ideology that taught the separation of spirit and matter and despised the physical side of life. Today, many people still fall into this way of thinking. This non-Christian attitude logically leads to one of two responses: neglect of the body and physical health or indulgence of the body’s sinful desires. God is concerned for both your body and your soul. As a responsible Christian, you should neither neglect nor indulge yourself, but care for your physical needs and discipline your body so that you are at your best for God’s service.” (The Application Study Bible, New Living Translation)

Let me repeat that again…discipline your body so that you are at your best for God’s service.

That’s really what we have to keep at the forefront of our minds as we begin our journey to better health. It’s not about getting into a certain size of jeans, and it’s not about a number on the scale, our desire should be that we take better care for our body so that we are at our best for God’s service. We should exercise and eat healthy so we will have the energy and strength to do what God has planned for us.

Of course there is nothing wrong with having a body that looks strong and healthy and fits into the jeans you love, but it shouldn’t be our main motivator. 3 John 1:2 is not the only verse that speaks about caring for our physical bodies, here are few others.

Romans 3:16 – “We are to use our whole body as a tool to do what is right for the glory of God”

Romans 12:1 – “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 – “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

If you have decided to be a follower of Christ you should take care of your body. I know it’s not easy. It takes discipline and self control but know that God is there to help you. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” – 2 Timothy 1:7

For sure. Love these programs. All levels and abilities can join in Faithful Workouts. It is refreshing, uplifting, joyful, spirit-led and addicting. Get on board. I am on the yearly f4 plan but there is a free f3 sign up filled to the brim with amazingness!