11 Aug

Weeds…the Process…Part 2

Pulling Weeds Lessons I have learned from weeding in my garden:

  • The weed in relation to allergies such as alpha gal: What I feel alpha gal and other food allergies, intolerance and sensitivities are in the garden, and my mission to wipe them out so that they cannot reproduce again. This is my coined nickname now for alpha gal: a weed.
  • The weed in relation to life situations, people and things: Must stop in the moments and pull the weed, even when we do not want to stop, take care of it and go on.  When I stopped in the moment to take care of a situation, or approach a person with an issue, the ending was always good. When I catch myself not saying or doing anything, turning my back or face to a problem person or situation, (going silent or leaving after a disagreement with a friend or my spouse, walking on when there is trash in the trail)  it never ends well, creating a lasting bruise or sever in friendship, or scar, and creating a tougher thing to fix.
  • Weed before you water, before it rains: If we water before we weed, the weeds will flourish with the fruit, causing the fruit to produce less because the weed takes away from the fruit. Weeds and grass will consume the majority of the water and deprive the fruit of its needed moisture and nutrients. Watering a weed creates more weeds, bigger weeds, weeds with deeper roots.  If we weed and then water, or are aware of the skies to weed before the rain, then the fruit gets the water.
  • Weeding must be complete, with root and all parts with it: The soil must be knocked off the weed roots or the weed will find a way to re-root. (ie: pull weed from close to ground to get root, or use a tool to dig it up completely, and then make sure it is turned upside down, root up, and soil knocked off) Weeding takes time, but it is worth it in the end. Weed the small stuff and the big stuff; the small stuff is what hides and becomes bigger when left alone or thought to be too small to worry about. Take the time to weed all strands of grass, tiny two leaf weeds, etc. Get the weeds when small because it is easier to weed them with your hands and takes less time.
  • Weeding must be continuous: We have to be out in the garden daily to pick the fruit, yes, but also to take the time to weed. If we are weeding every day, then there is not chance there will ever be a take-over, and our fruit will last longer and be more abundant. Our fruit will rule the garden when the weeds are continuously taken out.
  • Weeds grow around the plants, but sometimes they come in from the sides and walkways: We can overlook many weeds when they are outside our “circle” of produce/fruit/vegetables, such as fences, areas where plants are finished producing for the season, areas where we have picked out the produce plants (beets, carrots, root veggies, greens,etc.), areas outside the fence. Weeds can vine in from far outside the garden growing under the plant then choking it from the inside out…this is where we have to follow the vine and dig the root from its outside source, and not just cut the vine inside the fence.  Weeds and grass will grow in the walkways and trenches, spreading toward the good plants slowly and gradually.  We can leave them be because they are not “near the plant” but they take from the plant from that short distance and they eventually grow out of control surrounding the good plants, creating a long hard weeding process later, or a “too overwhelming” situation (and then the plants die slowly and fruit less).
  • Weeds choke off the water ways: I have trenches in my garden for the water to go out, so that I do not have my plants flooded in big rains. Weeds grow in those trenches first because they are wet longer, but also because trenches are protection from the elements.  Waterway drains must be weeded regularly to avoid choking off the protection from a flood in the garden.  Weeds choke off water, and food, from all fruiting plants.  Weeds, even small, literally suck the water from the soil and the plants around them.
  • A GOOD THOUGHT FOR WEEDS: Weeds can be turned into something good for the “community”, or garden. When I pull weeds, I turn them upside down onto the old mulch, and they then become good mulch, good nutrition and cool ground for the roots. Weeds can be converted into something good for the garden.
  • Hidden evils under weeds: Weeds can look fine where they are, and not be a problem. They can however, be hiding some bad stuff under them. I pulled a bunch of weeds out and it revealed a den of fire ants! I had to extinguish the fire ants, leave the weeds for a while because if I touched the weeds in that spot, there would be bad consequences for me. We have to be aware of what is under the weeds. Snakes, wasps, other insects, crawlers, and spiky weeds can be under or around a weed; when there are groups of weeds, roots are deep and they are tough to pull, but groups also create dangerous situations. Take care and be aware.
  • ONE MORE: Weeds and grasses are beautiful inside and out, just as all plants. Good loving management keeps them from hindering, challenging, or altering the face and growth of the fruit and vegetation.

Pulling weeds

Read Part 1 of Weeds, the Process.


04 Aug

Weeds…the Process

I have made a few videos on my Natural Helping Hands Facebook page on the subject of weeds. (click on the titles to view them)

I am developing a book with this subject as the theme. I am developing this from the perspective of food allergies, namely the one I have “alpha gal.” If you have followed my blogs and my videos you have learned much about alpha gal already. If you do some research in my blog posts and my Facebook pages, you will find the best resources, truths, about alpha gal. I have been learning how to deal with food allergies like never before. I have never been allergic to anything in my entire life, except kerosene. This has rocked my world! I now understand to the bottom of my soul how this all feels, the risks it involves, the minute by minute care it takes, and the constant battle of risk behind every bite of food we take in.

I intend to write everything that has been messaged to me from the Father of all creation on the subject of weeds in hopes to give you a perspective on what I have come to coin as a nickname for “alpha gal” (mammal food allergy): a weed.

Weeds and wildflowers can be found just about anywhere. While some weeds are well worth the trouble of removal, others are actually attractive and useful.

Weeds are simply plants growing in the wrong place. Some wildflowers are nothing more than weeds while others provide crucial sustenance to wildlife.

There are two types of weeds—annuals and perennials. Annual weeds grow faster, typically spreading by seed and die out within a year. Perennial weeds are more difficult to control, as these weeds usually have extensive root systems that can cover large areas. They also come back every year.

Look for new blog posts to learn all the lessons I have learned from weeding in my garden, and how it is related to food allergies like alpha gal. In this process, we will find a way to “weed” the weed of food allergy out of the body for good, creating a way to eat the foods we so long to have again. Come with me on my journey. Find empowerment in your journey. If we have this a while longer or if we find ways to come out of it, please share those with me in your feedback to these posts. Please share this with your friends and family.  Together we will grow stronger no matter what ails us.


05 Jun

I am Writing a Book!!!

The past year my life has changed so much my head spins. I am not alone. Overnight, 70 percent of my diet and the foods I loved were no longer something I could enjoy. I have some things to say, to vent, to teach, and to search out. I have a story that is one among thousands. I am on a mission to find a cure, to find a way to combat this and drive it out of me. The thing that rocked my world: alpha-gal mammal allergy! It is mind boggling! I have had menopause food sensitivities, hormone food sensitivities, and more, but nothing like this nasty thing.

I am writing a book to help those with food allergies and sensitivities find healing and positivities in what they can eat. I am writing a book to let others know they are not alone. I am writing a book to bring to light something that we think cannot be dealt with. I am writing a book to drive home the message to restaurants, activity coordinators, friends, and family members to be aware and make options for these people. Life is tough when we cannot eat anything and have to ask about the ingredients everywhere we go or bring our own food everywhere; it is humiliating, embarrassing, maddening, and exhausting. I have stories of establishments (will be named in my book), who went out of their way to create a menu item for me because I chose to ask! The more I ask the more I find that people will make something work for me. I have been humbled in my frustrations.

I am writing a book to shove the fears out and pull in our internal strengths. I am writing a book to show the Father of all does have our best interest and will make a way for us when we act on His core voice, for it is His voice that has given me life where I thought I had lost and had no way out.

I AM WRITING A BOOK. Follow my blogs and teachings and updates.

By the way. I am using all my modalities and knowledge and connections to find this cure for Alpha-gal mammal allergy. Explore my web page for what I do. Also, watch for Pinterest to see the cookbook I am beginning and the video blogs I am beginning to make on this very “sensitive” (pun intended) subject. 🙂

Live well, Be well, Listen to your intuition.

01 Jun

More Alpha-Gal Research

I am very excited to find this research article (and yes, I read every bit of it slowly and carefully) after many months on a mission to find a cure for this ghastly thing called alpha-gal- many of my friends are afflicted with this, myself included. I have had it about a year, but only discovered what it was about six months ago. I immediately was on my knees asking the Father to lead me to figure this out or be led to the people he has on the same path. Before I came across this article, I was at the conclusion that there is more to this allergy than meets the eye, that it has to be a parasite, that it is a gut issue in the lining or tissues, and that the core is the place to kill it. I found this article to be on the same path in its questions of conclusion. I am contacting these doctors and setting up sessions to talk to them about being on the team of explorers to find the cause and cure. Pray with me and all who are in this cause and mission.

31 May

Separate the Wheat from the Tares

Obadiah… wow! And then we have Abraham Lincoln’s Lyceum Address in 1838, a prophecy for what has occurred in this nation, a nation chosen by Yahweh and now dying from within not from without. Coexisting with “tares” (evil) never succeeds nor ever becomes more peaceful; it is always less and less peaceful. Tares are false grain, zizanion, resembling wheat in every way except the seed; the seed is black and poison. (II Corinthians 11:14)

Now look up the address (link above) and read it carefully. Love is one thing, loving one another is not coexisting with evil. Love is changing evil to good, and saying no when it wants to come into your world (church, workplace, etc) with its agendas. We have to work with and school with the “world’s” junk but are not supposed to allow it to be heard or rule. Period.
Wheat Field
Quote from friend, “And health wise we have an ever increasing issue with wheat in this world. Makes you ponder how prophecy extends into all aspects of life to touch everything…..M has an epipen her reaction is so bad. She is allergic to most of the grasses here.”

MY response, “it is a gut issue, and the gut is the voice of God, plus the physical core of all our entire system. This is a fact. This is how I lead people to healing and myself as well, by getting to the core and ridding the cause, the tare, from the core, so that it cannot reproduce and become worse to death. This is a process you can combat and heal from. Begin to ask for the spirit to guide you, then begin to read all you can about the gut, and read about the lining of the stomach, and read about the tares in the bible and the physical ways the tares get in and cause issues. Begin to wipe it out from the inside out. Begin to rely on the Father as the primary physician, completely, trusting experimentation without the pharma/crooked doctor influence. Find a solid functional/integrative doctor who has this knowledge of process and elimination and healing, and faith as a top priority. You can turn it around.”
Wheat in July
There is only one way! There is only one God: the Almighty Elohim. We cannot be led by man and The Almighty, but only one: and only one has life.

I believe that the biggest reason there are wheat sensitivities (such as myself this year even though I ate clean all my life) are from the wheat being mixed with the tares so much that the tares and wheat can hardly be identified as different, BUT the tares will always be poison and always weaken the wheat where they are allowed to be. I grew up with wheat farmers and my Dad told me how much harder it was to get the tares out compared to when he was a kid, etc…

THIS IS SPIRITUAL, not physical. If we followed the Creator’s law to the letter, took care of the earth as we were directed, the tares would never have a chance (try but never come in). Our people (the believers) have allowed every “christian” belief system to be ok and accepted into the “body”, and every doctrine be deemed tolerable, and every lifestyle be acceptable, and every dirty joke be just a joke, and every kind of clothing style and hair style be a “phase or personality”, and every doctor and pharmacist be a god, and every judge and leader walk on red carpet, and, and, the list can go on. This is all a disgrace and embarrassment to each and every one of us. We have allowed political correctness to live out its definition: “fruit of the silencing of the opposition of the tare.”

29 May

Reason Two

Reason two that this helped me:

I have had a hard time going out to eat, or buying groceries, with the limitations I have. I have had to read every label, and I mean every label, even the organic ones and the supplements (kosher gelatin is beef so I can only use capsules that are vegetarian), and so many other things that have mammal products. I cannot eat real yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, cream, milk, cheese, etc….and it is the hardest food thing I have ever done. Sweets have been a big issue for me also; I do not eat many but the ones I enjoy are now a no. I have to find sweets that have no soy, dairy, wheat, or mammal. I am wheat,

I cannot eat real yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, cream, milk, cheese, etc….and it is the hardest food thing I have ever done. Sweets have been a big issue for me also; I do not eat many but the ones I enjoy are now a no. I have to find sweets that have no soy, dairy, wheat, or mammal. I am wheat, almond, and egg white free also from hormonal changes, but that is iodine and other things and I will get over that soon (those have nothing to do with the alpha-gal, but the balances in my body). I have to buy gluten-free even though I am not gluten free because nothing is just wheat free. Fortunately, I grind my own flour and make my own bread and can use spelt, barley, and other grains with gluten and bread is good. (if YOU have been told you are gluten intolerant, please do yourself a favor and have a food allergy panel to see if it really is gluten or just wheat…it is worth the effort).

ANYWAY, the point is I have been guided to so many places and found so many things I CAN EAT, and that is encouraging 🙂 I am healthy and feeling fine, but I do not want to stay this way. I WILL HOWEVER stay as positive as possible and keep to programs like www.faithfulworkouts.com and Pinterest, where I can find so many good things to eat without having to stress, and feed my entire family (who are not limited) without stress

26 May

Reason Number One

Last night I shared an article that was really encouraging to me. Today I’d like to share one of the reasons the article really helped me.

I recently acquired a terrible thing called alpha-gal….it is a tick-borne protein in the blood of mammals and ticks, that causes humans not to be able to eat anything mammal. I have had this for about a year but did not really figure out it was alpha-gal until the past few months. I have not told anyone much because it has rocked my world and taken me time to really ingest what I have and research it out.

I have decided that I do not believe this is a “protein” but rather a “parasitical protein”> I am on a BIG mission to find a cure. I know I will find it despite the labs and doctors saying there is nothing that can be done except elimination for life. I am unwilling to live without dairy and mammal foods for the rest of my life, or even the next year. I am totally faithful that the Father will allow me to find a way through this and help the world with the cure.

If you all know of anything that can enhance my learning, please send. Do not send links or media or whatever else, but rather personal learning from solid sources that has helped you or a loved one. I am on a program right now to see if it will lead to a cure.

25 May

Live for the moment? Maybe not

this was my encouragement today 🙂 love being a member of this faithful team.

Inspirational & Informational Article for Week 17:
written by Michelle Spadafora

Live for the moment? Maybe not.

If you struggle to make healthy choices when it comes to food (and you’re not alone), here’s what I want you to try. When offered something unhealthy, I want you to stop and ask yourself some questions. Ask yourself if the choice you’re making will cause you to feel guilty later. Will it lead to you beating yourself up for hours? Will it bring you into a mindset of shame and a belly that aches?

We’ve conditioned ourselves to view certain foods as “rewarding” and delicious, but the truth is, these things only taste delicious and feel rewarding for a moment, a minute, and then the shame sets in. When offered a dessert or something else unhealthy, before you dig in, maybe just ask yourself, “how will I feel if I eat all of this and how will I feel if I only have a bite or completely pass?” No, having only a bite or passing entirely on dessert is not the cultural norm. Yes, people probably (for whatever reason) will still try and get you to eat more. Yes, your own mind will try and argue that it’s okay to have more. More, more, more, it’s always okay to have more.
BUT, I just want to tell you right now that your body and your health are worth it! YOU are worth it! You can change, you can say no, you can resist—do you understand that you have the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead living inside of you! If that’s not power and authority, I don’t know what is. You don’t have to play the victim anymore. You don’t have to wallow in a sea of shame and guilt after every meal. You CAN say yes to health and, in that yes, pass on things that come against that yes and that desire to have a body fit to run the race set before us with perseverance.

Many of us tend to live in the moment, and we often think we are powerless to change this way of living—but, of course, we aren’t. Even if you’ve lived in the moment when it comes to those delicious and unhealthy foods all your life, you can still change. You see that chocolate cheesecake sitting on the table in front of you, and then envision yourself sitting down later and rubbing your stomach and feeling sick and ashamed, and you can say no to more cake or cookies or whatever it might be.

I have learned that sugar doesn’t make me feel good. I physically feel sick if I eat more than a bite or 2 of something sweet (so thankful for this!) So, when I have a bite of something sweet, I know I don’t want to feel sick later, and I know I don’t want to put something in my body that will zap me of energy. I know I want to do all I can to live out the rest of my life with health so I take a pass on another bite. And I’m no one special! This way of life and way of saying yes to health is available to us all, and I promise the more you consistently do this, the more natural it becomes.

The cool thing is you can use this with most decisions you face. To exercise or not?? In the moment I might feel tired and stressed and too busy, but then I can think of how, after I workout, I’ll feel better, have a better attitude and feel accomplished. To read my Bible or not?? In the moment I might feel like I have too much to do and don’t have time, but I know if I spend 15 minutes with God I’ll have such a better outlook on my day and be filled with more peace.
The truth is, we don’t have to live our lives based on how we feel in one particular moment. Maybe the kids kept me up and I don’t want to work out, or maybe I’m already working late and I don’t feel like reading my bible, or maybe I’ve had just had a fight with my spouse and some sugar seems like the perfect comforter—whatever it is, we don’t have to be enslaved to our feelings. We have God’s Spirit in us and we are powerful and we can say yes and no, even if we don’t feel like saying yes or no. Jesus didn’t feel like going to the cross, but he did. God didn’t “feel” like watching his own son be crucified, but he did. Isaiah and Jeremiah and the rest of the prophets didn’t “feel” like crying out for people to repent day after day, but they did. Esther didn’t “feel” like approaching the king on behalf of her people, but she did.

The truth is, you can say no to your desires and feelings and emotions in the moment, and you can say yes something greater. You can. I’ll say it again, you can. True freedom and courage and bravery are found in saying yes to something greater than ourselves and our momentary, fleeting desires and feelings.

God has given you a spirit of power and of love and of self-control. So my only question to you is this: will you use it?

I continue to pray for you!
Michelle and the Faithful Workouts Team

Check back tomorrow to see why this article helped me so much today.

18 May

Empower yourself

I am Natural Helping Hands, and I love to empower you to be the healthiest you that you can be. The Father, clients, friends, and family are my greatest teachers.

To quote Dr. Jung, “all women (and men) can transform themselves to their benefit by improving their health and well-being. Even our most traumatic experiences do not sentence us to a life of misery and failure. The power to change and overcome is within us all.”

Come see me at the Expo!


02 Mar

come one come all :) live, laugh, learn, teach

There is fun stuff on the horizon!

Do you struggle with cooking? Do you crave home cooked meals and healthy choices? But you tell yourself, or you think that cooking is not your thing?

Do you want to learn some simple, do-able, new ways off the plate to improve skin, body tone, face tone, eyes, indoors and outdoors? Do you think you are too busy for this stuff? You are not alone. It is possible, and I want to show you how!

One day Program for caregivers:
A great class for parents or caregivers. It is an informational, interactive time, to learn how to deal with the many challenges of family nutrition in a world that promotes junk, fast food, and pharmacy. Let’s get healthy.

Classes for caregivers with babies:
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.
Learn massage techniques for calming, healing, bonding, making stronger and smarter babies. Gather some friends and set a plan to take a 4-week course. Registration is now open for March 2017 classes.

AND MORE… PLEASE share this information with your friends. Take a little time for yourself to learn and share, and create new stories for your future and the future of your loved ones.

For more information about any of my upcoming classes, visit the Class Information and Registration page.