08 Feb

Keep in Mind…

I will get right to it.

While going through life, and walking this earth, one must take into consideration some fine points about the human disturbances before putting out information to friends that something is toxic or not good for us or our animals.

I have recently heard some things about foods and plants that have me wondering, “what happened to research before you post”? What happened to “think before you speak”? What happened to “prove all things”, before forging forward explaining things as fact? What happened to reason?

okay, we cannot answer these questions, but I can make a few statements to get it turning back to thinking, reasoning, and researching again.

One: If one puts out the word that gluten is the killer of society, or gluten needs to be cut out of every diet, or the best one, “we are not supposed to eat bread”…let us go all the way back to the Bible. Jesus ate bread, yeast bread, wheat and barley bread. Now, forward, we have changed grains to where they are not what they were. JUST research this and one can find this to be true. If we buy grains from the best possible sources, and find them untainted as possible, most gluten intolerance would not be happening.  Enough said on that because all I wanted to do was point out the fine point of research and then one can find the truth, not depending upon the doctors, pharmacies and media to inform you (lies and trends instead of truth).  Another fine point to this has to do with not just the changing of our grains, but the changing of our dependencies, our farming, our living conditions, our lifestyles, our soils, and so the list goes on.  Take all into consideration, as the Bible says, “and the truth will make you free” and this applies to our food too.

Two: If one says that your pets will die from a certain plant or flower, think twice or even three times.  Flowers and plants are part of our world.  If your plants are coming from a non organic source, such as a flower shop, then there is more to the story of what is toxic in the plant than just the plant alone. RESEARCH and find out the source of the plant.  A plant from a flower shop (rarely are there organic shops), is a plant that has been created and farmed with chemicals and gmo, and has a history of poor genetics.  The plant it NOT the problem, rather the junk in the plant is the problem. Do more research and talk to others with animals, both in organic farms, and in cities, to find out if they have heard of these things. Call vets from small towns. Get the point? Find out if it really is the plant that killed your pet (or made it ill), or if it was something else before spreading a scare to all pet owners that a simple lovely flower that a friend gave you in a vase, was the evil, and therefore “all” of those particular plants or flowers in the world are evil to your pets.

I can continue to give examples of things I have been sent or told, but I feel that these two get across the point well, that we need to reason, think and research before making blanket statements to friends. Our world is full of lies because of blanket scares or statements, in wellness and health.

Take care.

be well, be healthy, be

31 Jan

“Does God Care About How I Treat My Physical Body?”

(article from Faithful Workouts) January 2017

“Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is.” -3 John 1:2

For centuries Christians have asked the question,“Does God care about how I treat my physical body?”  Maybe it’s even a question you’ve asked yourself.

I love how my study bible explains this verse from 3 John: “John was concerned for Gaius’s physical and spiritual well-being. This was the opposite of the popular ideology that taught the separation of spirit and matter and despised the physical side of life. Today, many people still fall into this way of thinking. This non-Christian attitude logically leads to one of two responses: neglect of the body and physical health or indulgence of the body’s sinful desires. God is concerned for both your body and your soul. As a responsible Christian, you should neither neglect nor indulge yourself, but care for your physical needs and discipline your body so that you are at your best for God’s service.” (The Application Study Bible, New Living Translation)

Let me repeat that again…discipline your body so that you are at your best for God’s service.

That’s really what we have to keep at the forefront of our minds as we begin our journey to better health. It’s not about getting into a certain size of jeans, and it’s not about a number on the scale, our desire should be that we take better care for our body so that we are at our best for God’s service. We should exercise and eat healthy so we will have the energy and strength to do what God has planned for us.

Of course there is nothing wrong with having a body that looks strong and healthy and fits into the jeans you love, but it shouldn’t be our main motivator. 3 John 1:2 is not the only verse that speaks about caring for our physical bodies, here are few others.

Romans 3:16 – “We are to use our whole body as a tool to do what is right for the glory of God”

Romans 12:1 – “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 – “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

If you have decided to be a follower of Christ you should take care of your body. I know it’s not easy. It takes discipline and self control but know that God is there to help you. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” – 2 Timothy 1:7

For sure. Love these programs. All levels and abilities can join in Faithful Workouts. It is refreshing, uplifting, joyful, spirit-led and addicting. Get on board. I am on the yearly f4 plan but there is a free f3 sign up filled to the brim with amazingness!

16 Jan

We cannot just give it up to “God”…

Hello. Hope you are all making this day worth something.

Today’s blog will be different, and more of a list of thoughts to ponder. Print them and share them.

We cannot just give it all up to “God”; Our Father, Creator, may be waiting for US to do something.  He does lay things in our laps…he leads things to be the way they are, and sometimes we have a say, and sometimes we do nothing, and sometimes (hopefully more than not) we do all we can and then it is more a reward.

We prophecy things into being, in what we say, in what we tell others, in our repeating beliefs to ourselves, and our daily habits.  We become relaxed and allow beliefs to become who we are, instead of who we are to be.  the truth will set you free

John 8: 31-32, The word does not bind us; it gives us liberty.

The mirror is the work of God; that is who we are. We need to be in the word to know the way. Hebrews 4

The only battle we have to win is our mind. Catch those thoughts. Who is leading your thinking?

If you are going somewhere, then there is NO time for wrong stuff and passive nothing. The blank mind provides room for the devil. Passive is killing us off.  When we spray poison, we cannot plant flowers. Call it out.  John 20:3

We all need to quit “don’t’n” and start “do’n”

signing off…be well, live well, eat well.

09 Jan

Life Unsustainable… Exhaustion

Hush, let me sleep...Are you, like 90 percent of Americans, sleep deprived? Are you experiencing lack of sleep, sleep issues, no more dreams in sleep, disturbed sleep (without being a parent of little ones), or any other sleep problem?

Sleep is the number one problem in America today. The Huffington Post describes this as leading a life unsustainable, otherwise known as, Exhaustion.

People have grown to believe the lie, or myth, that they can handle less sleep than those before them, and that 4-5 hours of sleep is enough… yet, those same people, statistically, have sleep issues that have gone deep into their systems; this is a lack of one of the most fundamental aspects in life.

Sleep has had many changes in history.  Weekends, just a few decades ago, used to be for vegging out, relaxing, resting; stores were shut down, and people socialized, or stayed home with the family.  One can look back into history and see these changes fairly easily now with the online connections, or asking grandparents (oh, that would cause person to person communication, which is nearly unheard of now).

Correlation between sleep and weight loss, sleep and choices, sleep and food, sleep and… fill in the blank. Sleep has an impact on just about everything.  One can be completely healthy, eat well, drink well, and still have issues just from lack of sleep or true rest (or the build up of such).  Many good folks confuse sleepy with hungry, are dependent upon stimulants, confuse rest with inebriation,  and try to swallow sleep. Sleeping on train

Rubin Naiman, an expert doctor of sleep, has some good references to sleep and some good advice.  He says we consume and absorb food, information, oxygen (air), light and energy.  Much of our information, food, air, light and energy are over consumed or of poor quality.  This over consumption literally heats us up (chronic inflammation).  In general, the population has forgotten what rest is; recreation is NOT rest.  We are literally RESTLESS. Naiman tells of a story of a young child who was found on the bookshelf above the bed; when asked why she was there, she replied that she was afraid of falling off the bed so she climbed “up”.  This tells something of the human mindset. We try to get higher and higher, up our energy, and we are reluctant to go down and to let go.  We land into sleep much like a jet hitting turbulence; we go back up into the thoughts and energy. Hyper arousal is defined as insomnia, increased metabolic rates, elevated heart rates, elevated core body temperature, increased high frequency, elevated nighttime cortisol, nocturnal sympathetic activation, and over-active HPA.

Most sleep loss is in the dream state (REM).  REM is important for memory retention, cleansing of information, and absorption of information.  It is the reason memory loss is on an increase and other similar disorders; not dreaming is directly related to memory deficiency.  Dreams involve emotional healing. The brain is a second gut, and must go through the same things as the gut:  digest, assimilate, absorb, and cleanse.  When dreaming is suppressed, the pattern matches mood patterns.

One last thought:

Light is important. Dark is important. We have been trained to think dark is bad. I think differently on this. Dark is good. Dark is needed. Dark is just dark.  When the sun sets, the lights dim, and our eyes need rest from the light.  We need to sit in dim light, and dim our computer screens (or not have them on at all at night), and let dark be a thing for us and our bodies to embrace. Horizontal is balancing, unlike any other position.  If we are in harmony with nature more, we will be at the right place in the right place, at the right time.

Now, rest, sleep well my friends.

sleepFor more information on how to change your sleep, and come to understand what you can do for your sleep, contact me and set up an appointment. Together we can make a plan for you. Together we can change our homes, our families, our communities, one sleep at at time 🙂 I can do consultations by phone or in person.

16 Nov


I have found my new heroes! 🙂 I will get older, but no one will know how old 🙂 I will look as good as I feel. I will live, and just live, without world view age junk. I will serve the community. Lets see….I will… 🙂 BE ME.

  • Create a mission.
  • Create a life.
  • Create a new story.
  • Create YOU (you know, the one you should be, and are, without the outside world view of you)

Take the 3-minute True Vitality Test™, and get customized recommendations on how to live longer. – See more at: The Blue Zones.

14 Nov

Anxiety, my new outlook upon it…

Anxiety. A real monster. A reality in life.

We have energy inside us, outside of us, around us, and through us.  That energy is color and describes our demeanor.

I have recently realized to ask each day, “what do I want to be free of today?”


The thing that I wanted to be free from may be just the thing that tethers me to a higher power. I can be free from the thing binding me, but at the same time, the thing tethers me to others who have the same “thing”. I can hold space for others in this “thing”; I can say to them, “you are not the only one.”

If I had not had the anxiety attacks, and the health manifestations that came with them, maybe I would not be as sensitive and know what to do with those people.  RATHER, I can embrace the anxiety, the results of it, the worry and the results of it, the control issues and the results with them, and the abandonment issues and the issues with that (and all of this from childhood to now), and MAKE THIS MY MESSAGE. This is ME.

It is how we ride the things (the roller coasters, waves, etc.) we want to be free of, and the things we love, and all the things in between, that make the difference. The difference, as a counselor told me, is “as a piece of hair on our head; the diameter of the hair is the difference between terror and excitement.”

I hate roller coasters, and always have, and probably always will; they terrify me. I asked myself what is it about them that I hate…and that is where it all became clear, connected with the anxiety in my life, and described my relation with the anxiety.  We all ride them differently, the things that terrify us, and yet something draws us to them at the same time. REPEAT THAT, it is profound. We all ride them differently, the things that terrify us, and yet something draws us to them at the same time.

Breath and Spirit are the same word in all languages and cultures on this earth, and in the word of the Creator (the Bible’s Hebrew).

Love others as you love yourself then takes on a whole new meaning:  unselfish to yourself “as” (at the same time as) others.

Take care. Be healthy.

14 Nov


Look at the moon feel the peace. Full moons are energy; they pull up and recharge. Full moons revive gems and crystals, plants, people. Go out and be in the full moon. The next week the energy will be great, as was last week. Then it will begin to draw down, push into, and release for 14 days ish. It is a cycle, a beautiful cycle. Been doing this my entire life: looking up and around and down to retrieve the creation’s gifts to me. Outside is a great place to go when needing peace and release and The Father’s touch! (That is a daily thing, and in large doses).

11 Nov

ready for real change? want healing for your child?

I just spoke with a friend and a client. She did a hair analysis with me through the best lab (recommended in books) in the nation for this kind of test. She has been learning so much about herself, experimenting with taking things out and adding things in to her food and life and supplements. She just told about how she stopped taking her calcium this week and has felt so much better, and her heart was not hurting at all; she said is had affected her sluggishness during the mid day and other things, that are disappearing! The analysis results showed that she did not need calcium; she needed other things to absorb it (there is more detail in this if anyone wants more examples). I am just on a high for what can be done and how the body will heal anything given a chance. I had a convo with someone last night who has a daughter with tourettes, which is totally curable despite the pharma take on it. It is a disorder in the category of ADD and other things similar. It is a mineral/vitamin/nutrition deficiency/gut disorder. It can be fixed. It can be cured!! Please contact me if you want to change your life or change your child’s life. I am totally excited about having complete and total time to serve and learn. I am learning so much more than I have ever, putting pieces together I never would have put in the same puzzle. The body is AMAZING! THE CREATOR IS AMAZING. We are given the power to heal and be healers. Action friends. NOW BREATHE, just breathe. AND LISTEN. just listen.




10 Nov

clean that gut :)

this is a good site: check it out. I can help you understand this stuff if needed.

you are separate from your behaviors. you do not change your essence. 🙂 Know this. Think on this. Believe this. I believe this in all of you.”
