09 Nov

Remedies and More Remedies, Part 1 – Let the Healing Begin!

Biofeedback is amazing.  I am a biofeedback specialist with a SCIO device, a stress reduction facilitator.  (more information about biofeedback)  There is much to learn about the amazing mind, body, and soul from stress studies, and indicator patterns from the device.   I am going to give you some education about your body, some common, yet overlooked, perspective, and recommended remedies tried and true.

Heart Disease and Circulation indicators

part one


Adrenal and kidney are in the same complex of the body…they are the battery of the body. They can become exhausted. Quote from Quantum Academies: ” They say that this battery is 50% rechargeable, which means you can exhaust it to a point, and by resting and rejuvenating, your body will naturally recharge. Maybe this is the intelligence behind resting on the seventh day.  However, if we push ourselves beyond normal  exhaustion, we may get a ‘second wind’ of energy, but at this point, we are dipping into our non-rechargeable half of the battery.”

THINK ABOUT THIS! I loved the 7th day thing because I am a firm believer in it, and it works. But, think on the rest of what was said. Listen to your inner core. Do you hear the truth of what you just read?

The adrenals are little glands perched atop our kidneys. Without them, our bodies could not adapt to stress.  I once knew a school teacher who relied on caffeine to get him through his workday for his entire career.  Caffeine and sugar are two of the worst dietary adrenal stressors, by the way.  By the time he retired, his adrenals were ‘toast’, and he was on medication on which his life depended.  Under-active and exhausted adrenals are a prime signature of chronic stress. A combination of poor nutrition in the first place along with accumulated habitual stress responses conspire to exhaust our batteries, sometimes beyond repair.   Under chronic stress, the adrenals can become initially overactive (hyperadrenia). Symptoms and conditions include: (males) muscular ‘square build’, baldness, excess body hair(testosterone)…(females) excess body hair, unusual physical strength, puffy face, fluid retention, rapid pulse, high blood pressure. This then turns into low adrenals (exhausted) due to chronic stress and poor nutritional support. Symptoms are: excess neck, head, and shoulder tension, sensitivity to bright lights, unusual craving for salt, ‘lump’ in the throat when upset, must lie down when stressed or upset, allergies-(especially skin, inhalant, asthma), form goosebumps easily, excess perspiration, cold sweats, high pitched voice when stressed, easily strained by noise, heart ‘pounds’.

The adrenals have an inner core and outer core. The inner (Medulla) is directly affected by Stress and the Sympathetic Nervous system (the gas pedal).  The outer (cortex) produces hormones that affect almost all bodily systems.  With a strong stress link, issues like chronic anxiety, fear, anger, and hypervigilance can lead to adrenal exhaustion.  The emotional correlates would be chronic defeatism, feeling overpowered, self-neglected, self-anger (depression) and lack of self-approval.  Knowing these issues points to the importance of considering adrenal exhaustion and supporting adrenal regeneration when dealing with these emotional themes.  (Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome are more serious conditions of this exhaustion).  Hypoglycemia and menopausal symptoms are also low adrenal issues.

Daily minerals and vitamins to help recharge Adrenals:

B5 (pantothenic acid) depletion is a huge contributor to atrophy (shrinkage of the glands). Never take B’s single; use a multi B with 100 mg of each in the formula.

Vitamin C (2000 mg), Vitamin E (400-800 mg natural source, vegan source), B-12(sublingual), B-6, Potassium (1/4 tsp creme of Tartar daily), Adrenal Glandular (natural source or vegan)

A hair analysis is a lifeline to knowing what your body needs and the amounts it needs. I do these as well, long distance or local.  Contact me for more information on this amazing test (simple and inexpensive but worth its weight in gold).

LOOK FOR PART TWO, AND MORE PARTS, TO THIS SERIES OF BLOG  POSTS, covering more heart disease and circulation truths and indicators including low stomach acid/hypochloridia–HCL, chronic indigestion, low thyroid, pancreatic function, and mental-emotional.

Be healthy, Be wise, Take care of yourself

04 May

Allergy sensitivities? Read more

Has your world been rocked with allergy sensitivities? I have a couple of articles from recent magazines I subscribe to, but before I pin those, I have a few things to say.

It has been two years since acquiring my alpha-gal allergy, a mammal product allergy, although I never had official diagnosis until a year ago April 2017.  It has changed so much in my life. I have had to read everything I pick up to check ingredients, ask everyone what is in their dishes at pot lucks and social events, and make sure I spray every time I leave the house with my natural tic/insect bug spray as it warms up. I have had a few episodes from cross contamination eating out or the air borne meat cooking, but mostly reaction free.  I have found so many products being put into the market now for food sensitivities, vegan, and wheat issues, that it is not hard to find alternatives. The alternatives are not the same however, and I miss dairy and other thing very much.  It will not every be easy. I feel that this is just a rising epidemic, and I believe I know why. Our foods and world is so corrupted and messed up that our human body guts are becoming weaker; our immune system weaken when the lower intestine, gut, and gall bladder weaken. Our bodies are not warding off the things that they have before.  Our population is so filled with chemical, antibiotic and pharma pollution; this pollution is why the body is overwhelmed. Note that this has occurred over generations of time. It is the building up in the genetics that causes junk like these allergies to take hold. I still believe there is a way to turn this trend in the individual body around and I am continuing to do so. Until then, I am going to help everyone I can to live with and through these allergies and sensitivities with the leading of the Father to give me the motivation and inspirations to do so.  I will have classes beginning soon, so watch for registration to begin within the next week. I will, with interest, try to do some online classes also.  I want to gather people together, because together we can teach each other and together we can  empower each other, and together we can create a new story individually to pass on.

The following article is excellent, not long, and worth the time to read. I hope it helps you in your path of understanding what is going on in your body and why.  Keep on keeping on.


23 Jan


As Bill Nelson said, “the Germ theory proposes we get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them.”

12 Jan

Update On Me, and Amazing People Out There

Alpha-Gal allergy people have side effects, and it seems that gluten is a big one. I believe that it is due to the effects of the allergy in the blood and lower intestines that cause weakening of the lining and other issues, and then these side effect allergies occur.

I believe that this is all conquerable.  I had a side effect of egg and almond allergies but not anymore that I can tell.  I am able to eat gluten some again, but I am still careful because it causes my sleep to be affected some.  I plan to add a page very soon, for my local River Valley area and surrounding areas, to show the places where it is safe to eat with this mammal allergy.  I will have categories for places safe, places not safe, foods brands safe, links to the lists of ingredients to be aware of, lists of ingredients that can be both vegan and animal-based, companies that have been contacted to change their product and links for people to write in to ask them to have options for us (such as vegetable capsules, and plant glycerin and Vitamin D). The page will be free to start, and will eventually become a paid subscription service.

Be watching my Facebook page and my web page for updates and new blog posts as I am beginning to put stuff up again (I kind of got out of sync with the blogging and updating).  My book has taken a little delay also, so keep watching for it to be published by February. Be encouraged.   That is my update for now.

Carry on and keep healthy!

I leave you with some info I copied from the site for gluten-free info and help. It is the best I have seen, and I love the “watch” section.  I plan to have a section like this called “the alpha-gal watch” to keep updated like she does this gluten free site.

The Gluten-Free Dietitian web site was started to help you or someone you love successfully follow a safe and nutritious gluten-free diet. I am a nutrition consultant who has specialized in celiac disease and the gluten-free diet since 1996.

If you are new to the diet, the Gluten-Free Diet Basics and Resources pages will help you get started.

Timely information on the gluten-free diet can be found in the Gluten-Free and Nutritious Too! newsletter.

If you are looking for books written by me on the gluten-free diet visit the Books page.

Finally, if you have any questions about the gluten-free diet, please visit the Contact page.

If you are interested in learning whether the foods you eat truly are gluten-free foods, please visit our sister site Gluten Free Watchdog


04 Jan



A food allergy, cancer, lymes, or any other mycroplasma parsite prion blood issue, needs a plan to destroy and heal. I have combine several plans to come up with one that I believe, with time, will destroy the thing causing the mammalian allergy within me from a tic (called alpha gal).  I plan to keep at it until it is gone. I will not live this way. I confirm from the Almighty himself that my energy and my gusto with his healing plan will succeed.

Whole food supplements
 Amla Powder
 Apricot Kernals or powder (and other fruit seeds)
 Minerals and vitamins:** The best way to know what your body needs is through hair analysis and saliva testing, not blood work tests; the invader in the body will absorb the vitamins and minerals from your body, so a consistent daily dose of supplementation is necessary to combat nutrition deficiency (causing hormone and other imbalances and issues). (I am certified Health Coach and do the hair analysis and consultation). FIND a good nutritionist or Health Coach who can help you create the supplement plan your body needs. It will change every 6 months to 9 months as your body’s needs change.
Plant extracts
 Beta Glucan (I get this from the Amla powder)
 Colloidal silver (dark, high silver: I purchase from Herbal Healer Academy Dr. McCain)
 Turmeric/Cur cumin
 Boswella/Frankincense (I use the oil on head and feet)
 D3 from the sun, lots of sun (if you take a supplement, use a plant based, not Lanolin)
 Vitamin C, highest amount you can tolerate (usually up to 5,000 mg a day; if you have loose stool, you have met your max amt.) (if you take Amla, no need for extra C because it has the 2nd highest concentration of vitamin C in all foods)
 Probiotics (make your own, or find high quality)
 Oil of oregano
 Quercetin (in food or supplement)
 Proteolytic enzymes (pineapple, papaya, etc…or the supplements for these)
 Enzyme therapy
 Dandelion Root (powder or tea)
 Essiac Tea (I order the mix from The Bulk Herb Store, and make this myself, OR order the Essiac tincture from Herbal healer Academy)
 Jason Winter’s Tea
 Other Detox teas from Yogi and Bulk Herb Store
 HMD Herbal Drainage formula
 Dr. Clarks Parsite Cleanse OR
 (I use) Intestinal Freedom and Wormwood Plus Tincture

Cancer, Parasites, Mycroplasma (Lyme, Alpha Gal, etc.), ETC. IS A DEVINE CALL TO ACTION!
• Everything (issue good or bad) in our life is because of us, the choices we make.
• These are natural and normal, but the immune system is the difference for what becomes a tumor, chronic, or enhanced in other ways.
• By the time diagnosis , it is too late for prevention.
• The body created it and the body can heal it.

Make life goals, make future plans, Live for these goals, enjoy life as you have it, do not fear, focus on the positive, focus on the things that bring joy, live as if you had not issue; The mind can do great things.

Vegetables: garlic, onion, cauliflower, broccoli, dark greens
Fruits: cranberries, lemons (highest cancer fruits by dose): tart/sour is the key

Organic cran powder

Green Lemonade: 1 lemon, 4 granny smith apples (with seeds and peals)

Eat berries all year long, every day.

Oats with fruit
 With cinnamon—cinnamon amps the antioxidants,
 With seeds—seeds add nutrition needed
 With blackstrap molasses—huge nutrition

Amla berry—highest concentration of antioxidant on Earth, known, and 2nd highest in vitamin; this berry is anti-everything bad.

16-24 oz of water in the morning, some of that with lemon, and total of 64-90 ounces by end of day.

30 minutes or more of exercise, with cardio

64 ounces of juice daily, especially in morning for cleansing

Salads (meaning more than two kinds of vegetables not counting lettuce) daily

Fruit, lots of it

Need to have a mostly raw diet (90 %), but some cooked foods ok: rice, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, lentils, fish, and biblically clean meats (in moderation); some dairy is ok also, especially yogurt.

The things in this Massive Action resource are from a lot of research. I use essential oils and biofeedback and massage in combination of these nutrition things. I believe meditation, prayer, and action are all part of the process of elimination of the invaders (I call them weeds). We have to use a whole body/mind/spirit approach to healing for all things.
This is the protocol I am using, and yes, I do it all, and never let up. I will eliminate the alpha gal and other weeds in my body. I have combated many things in my lifetime, and this is no exception.

Jeana Anderson
Natural Helping Hands

17 Sep

Crazy Healing; Crazy Life; Will Conquer

Okay, I have been researching and speaking with experts in microbial infestation (ie: alpha-gal strains, lyme strains, bartonella, Epstein Barr, and many more). I believe, after all this, I have more than one issue from the tick transmitter, and alpha-gal may be on the low end. This is crazy stuff. I believe also, that I have found a path, paved by the Father in his created resources, to get rid of all of it! I know it, in fact, and it will occur. I am confident. I am going to have to be patient, however. You all may have some of these causing your chronic and autoimmune deficiencies and issues. I am on a protocol with a biofeedback device, herbs, oils, and nutrition, to rid the things I have found in me (dormant or otherwise).

08 Sep

Use That Fruit!

When someone sends you lemons, digest them, eliminate the waste, and utilize the lemon for all its cleansing ability and nutrients.

health benefits of lemons

The health benefits of lemon (this post contains excerpts; see article in link for more info) include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera, and high blood pressure, while it also benefits your hair and skin. Known for their therapeutic properties for many generations, lemons help to strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach, and they are also considered a blood purifier. It is well known for its medicinal power and is used in many different ways.

Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. It is well known as a useful treatment for kidney stones, reducing strokes and lowering body temperature. A refreshing drink made by mixing lemon juice and water, lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool.

Many people also use it as a washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains. The scent of lemons can repel mosquitoes, while drinking lemon juice with olive oil helps to get rid of gall stones.  As per the results reported in a study by the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, lemon provides protection against inflammatory polyarthritis and arthritis.

Worth Repeating: When someone sends you lemons, digest them, eliminate the waste, and utilize the lemon for all its cleansing ability and nutrients.

Let’s think contrary to what seems common: instead of putting focus on the lemons, relationships, work, school, etc., put the focus on the Father of all, and He will put the focus on those relationships. John 15 – we are to remain in Him, stay connected with Him. Only when we stay connected with the Creator can we bear fruit.  He prunes us to make us strong. When life gets challenging, we are being pruned and weeded, so that we can bear more fruit. Apart from Him we can do nothing. How are you abiding in the Father? Are you making time to connect with Him? We find time for the things that we value. Make time with the Almighty your #1 thing.

The fear of light is what really sets us back, not failure.

Fail forward.


05 Sep

Weeds Grow Faster Than the Fruit

Weeds grow faster than the fruit. I tilled up ground for an autumn garden and I have to till or hoe again, just a few days later, because there are weeds filling the ground. I was not able to plant seed and have it mulched when I tilled it due to not having the proper seed I needed at the time. Now, a week later,  I have to deal with the weeds. Again.  It is amazing how fast clear ground can turn into an overgrown mess.

If you have experienced the wonders of planning a garden, having a picture of what it would look like, and having expectations of the garden every neighbor would be in awe of, you probably also realized that these do not just happen or naturally grow on their own. Weeds and grasses do, however, grow abundantly without being planned or planted. It seems as though weeds do their thing without anyone lending a hand. I have another perspective however, to add to the weed’s abundance. We do have a part in the growth of weeds, more than we know or want to admit. I cleared the land, leaving fresh, soft, fertile, soil. Everyone I know loves to put their hands or feet into fresh, clean soil, and stay a while. The soil has been tilled, meaning, the top layer has been broken and the lower soil brought to the surface. What was on the top? Weeds, plant matter, old mulch, all turned under.  Point: there are always weed seeds, and weed matter, in the soil.

Our lives are wrapped up with pulling weeds and planting seeds. We can produce weeds of selfishness and lies, or fruit of love and service. The Messiah said the soil of our hearts is the most valuable acreage on planet earth. We have to tend to it with pulling weeds and weed roots, planting good seeds, and growing fruit that can be harvested for many.

If You Want Me, Just ThistleWeeds can squeeze the life out of a garden, especially brier, thorn vines.  In life we call these the worries and anxieties of the world, and the desires for other things. These weeds have the potential to multiply. Several people I know are struggling with the “what am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to be?” They are falling into the trap of comparing, looking to other gardens, and trying to live there instead of where they were planted. Just one weed, like a dandelion, has unnumbered seeds, and if we let just one weed grow freely, the result can be devastating. Dealing with allergies from a tick, alpha-gal mammal allergy, I have had to be very proactive, and tend my body with more care than I ever have. I have always been healthy, eaten well, and stayed active, but I am now more tuned into every detail of what goes into my body and mind. I have struggled with emotions, imbalances, and triggers from the allergy, but this allergy has revealed more about myself internally than I ever would have known otherwise.  I have experienced releases I may not have ever experienced, in deeper ways than I thought I could go. I had more in me than I would have ever guessed.  I hate this allergy with a passion, and I am actively pulling at it to find its core.

I read in an article that weeds left unattended can cut a harvest by as much as 40-60 percent. We have to be very intentional and serious about pulling and tilling under the weeds of destruction.

I will post an article on the pruning process and the mulching process, because it fits so well with weeding. It is all about keeping the good plants healthy and strong, and using the weeds for good.

31 Aug

The Struggle is Real

You decide to go kayaking, get to the place, and go to put on sunscreen, then realize one BIG THING – ingredients. You read the ingredients only to find that the sunscreen has glycerin in it, and you find nowhere on the package the words “vegan” or “vegetable based products” or “vegetable glycerin”.

Glycerin is not always vegetable based, so if the product does not say, you do not know. You have to make a decision to take the risk of a reaction later that day for using the product, or you take the risk of being burned. What would you do? What have you done in a similar situation?

I took the burn that day. I had a long sleeve swim shirt and a huge garden hat, so I knew I had upper body protection, but I had nothing for my legs. An hour in I remembered my towel in the dry bag, got it out and used it for the remaining hours we were on the water floating down the river. I thought I may have caught the “burn” in time, but each time I took the towel off my legs were revealing the hour of sun they had gotten. By the end of the day, I had red thighs, very red thighs! It could have been worse, but I was able to cover well and keep from bad burns. If I had not had a long sleeve shirt and a big hat and towel to cover, I would have had to stay behind and not go on the river, take the other risk of a bad allergic reaction later, or just let myself get burned badly and live with weeks of pain. (What I got was bad enough)

I now have non-mammal sunscreens and skin products. I found out about glycerin being animal based when I had a reaction to massage cream not long ago, and it has caused me to look at everything I use, and change it if needed.

The struggle with food allergies, especially Alpha-gal mammal allergy, is real, folks. We have to make decisions all the time that can alter little things in an entire plan. We have to cook separate meals for ourselves, take our food and drinks everywhere, ask people to change their food choices, and so the list goes on.

Here is another situation I have been in many times:

We go out to eat on occasion. On the day we went kayaking (story above), we had been on the water longer than expected, getting off the water and able to leave about 5 p.m. We were hungry so we went to a place to eat. I will name the place because they are taking many strides to make it easy for allergy people to enjoy eating out without too much struggle, Ruby Tuesday. I ordered the Turkey burger and of course had to ask for no cheese and no dairy dressing, and that it be cooked on a grill not being used by anything else. They had trained the staff and were prepared with a special “allergy” grill. YES! you read that right. They have a special allergy grill and pans, and they are cleaned after each use and used only for allergy people’s food. The asking was a struggle and I hated it, but the fact that they had a plan for me already in place helped me to get through it. Not every place is like this, however. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL FOLKS.

Eating out, cooking at home, buying makeup or other skin products, using sunscreen, buying soap and shampoo – and the list is long, friends – is just not what it used to be for us allergy people.

We have to make the best of it however. I am posting all I can with resources and links to help you all live in this “phase”. I am also on a mission to find a way out of this. I am on a journey just like you. I would like to encourage all who have no allergies to have patience; it is a struggle for you all also, I know both sides now. I will do another post for those with the struggle to live with and interact with food allergy people when they have none. The frustration and struggle is real on both sides of the spectrum.
