15 Feb


Self-Care Bodywork Therapy

February 23 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm


Effective massage from the comfort of your home or office. Knowing how you can help those around you is empowering.

While taking time out of your busy schedule to book a massage with a massage therapist may be nice, sometimes it just doesn’t fit in with the busyness of life (or wallet!). Rather than suffering in pain, come learn and feel empowered. Self-Care Techniques will include head, neck, shoulders, low back, pecs, IT/thigh, feet, buttocks/hip, and hands.

sign up now 🙂

20 Jun

Covid 19 resources

COVID-19 Resources

Natural Helping Hands disclaimer: I support all that is in this article. There are a variety of ideas and suggestions. Keep well and stay on high immunity.
~ Jeana (blog author) www.naturalhelp.net

DISCLAIMER: This page was last updated in May 2020. As you know, information continues to arrive at a fast pace. New details seem to contradict what we first thought about the virus, and it can all be very overwhelming and mystifying. While many of the resources on this list are still as relevant now as they were a few seasons ago, there are always updates and corrections to consider. We welcome your feedback, suggestions, and comments. We wish to emphasize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing this pandemic, and the resources listed here should not be considered a replacement for seeking care from a qualified medical practitioner should you or a loved one suspect you have contracted COVID-19.

Thanks to everyone who has reached out asking how herbs can support your health during this challenging and uncertain time. I’ve been contemplating how to respond to all your inquiries about COVID-19 and how it affects you personally, your family, our community, and our global economy. In short, it is a novel viral infection, which means this is new and uncharted territory for all of us, from the single mom who has just lost their employment and is struggling to care for her kids, all the way up to the leaders of our national healthcare agencies. Confusion is normal. Anxiety is natural. In the face of all this uncertainty, we would be robots if we did not feel these emotions.

But of course, we are humans, and our hearts are all feeling heavy today. And equally true, the earth is constantly beneath our feet, supporting us and lifting us up, just as the plants are always surrounding us with their generous medicines, and our ancestors are always at our backs, reminding us that throughout the course of human history, our species has survived trials like this one again and again and again.

Does that make things easier right now? Not really. Maybe it gives but a small spark of light at the end of a long tunnel. But it does mean that we are not alone. We have the plants, we have our ancestors, and we have our communities to lean into during this time of great anxiety, suffering, anger, confusion, and grief.

Yes, grief. Grief as we suffer our own losses of income, social connection, and certainty over our future. Grief as we watch the world around us crumble, as we watch economic systems long propped up collapse. Grief as we witness our healthcare workers on the frontlines neglected of the very personal protective equipment that allows them to serve the ill and still go home to their families. And most of all, grief at the human loss of life in this viral catastrophe.

Many systems of medicine consider grief to be seated in our lungs. As we face the spread of this viral respiratory infection, and all its societal repercussions, this fact has not been lost on me. I’m encouraging my students and clients to use breathwork exercises to strengthen their respiratory system and enhance their immune capacity, but also to address the emotion of grief and help it move through the body constructively.

I talk about this, and much more, in our recent video, Community Health Discussion. To continue that conversation, we are hosting an online workshop series titled Herbs for Resilient Health. Through an in-depth discussion of immune support, antiviral strategies, nourishment, respiratory care, and emotional wellness, our five-part series hopes to empower you with practical strategies to care for your health and the health of your loved ones, so that together, we may ensure the health of our community. Classes will be recorded for later viewing if you can’t make them at their scheduled session time.

Keep your heart strong, look to the plants around you, and lean into community. May we cultivate calm, clarity, and courage to navigate these confusing and uncertain times together.

With hope for healing,
Emily Ruff





Some of these resource links will have duplicate listings, but each is unique and offers a wealth of resources for those wishing to continue further self-study and research on plant allies to call on during this time.


Emotional Wellness

Online Resources for Mental Health (COMPREHENSIVE LIST)

4-7-8 Breath Exercise & Three Breath Exercises (Including 4-7-8)

Yoga Nidra

19 Ways to Tend to your Mental Health

Apps and Programs:

It’s Time to Emotionally Prepare for What’s Coming

14 May


The Liver and Kidneys regulate every function of the human body. Without these two vital organs, the body would perish.

EVERY malady of the entire body…head to toe…can be traced back to one of these two major organs!! It is imperative to keep these two organs running and clean.

Liver -The Liver regulates the skin of every organ of our body including the skin itself. To your Liver there is no difference between the skin of your Spleen or the skin of your leg. To the body, anything that coats anything is skin and is under the watchful eye of the Liver.

Liver-The Liver regulates ALL HOLLOW organs of the body

•Lungs•Colon•Intestines•Stomach•Vagina•Uterus•Skin•Arteries•Veins•Capillaries•Nerves•Throat /Esophagus•Mouth•Sinuses•Nasal Cavities• Kidneys

Kidneys -The Kidneys regulate ALL SOLID organs of the body.

•Brain•Muscles•Heart•Pancreas•Tendon•Cartilage•Ligaments• Liver Kidneys

The Kidneys regulate Blood Pressure, are solely responsible for all Fluids of the body

.•Eye•Blood•Saliva•Sweat•Tears•Urine•Semen•Bile Kidneys –

The Kidneys process Uric Acid and Lactic Acid and regulate body Equilibrium.

ALWAYS work on BOTH of these organs anytime you are working with and on the human body. You will NEVER make a mistake by working to support them both.

Contact me to set up a reset plan for your body, including hair mineral analysis, reflexology, massage and biofeedback.

11 Feb


Oxygen. I have written how oxygen is key to keeping our immune system in order and our blood cells healthy. As ordinary as breathing may seem, the intake of oxygen sustains human life at its most fundamental level. This can be seen in the very first book of the Bible in Genesis 2:7: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul.” The body has an immediate, moment-by-moment need for oxygen; not water, not food … oxygen. Not surprisingly, God has supplied us with more than a few foods that promote oxygen-rich blood to nourish this vital life requirement. Oxygen supports the body’s health, along with foods that build oxygen-rich blood to include in your daily diet (deep greens, kelp, blueberries, lemons, etc.). I like the article above, but I will not say you have to be a vegetarian to attain this kind of health, because each person’s needs are very different; i advocate finding what that is in yourself, but that the diet needs to be mostly raw is definite truth and fact.


oxygen kills viruses and bacteria and other foreign bodies. It helps to maintain healthy histamine levels. We must keep our oxygen in our bodies high. I take kelp powder and eat loads of raw foods.


Oxygen travels from the lungs to the bloodstream, with the bloodstream delivering oxygen to every cell of the body. In turn, each cell in the body uses oxygen to carry out a process known as cellular respiration. It’s through this process that cells generate energy. From there, the health benefits of oxygen-rich blood run the gamut, a few of which are:

  • Healthy digestion
  • Strong muscles
  • Mental clarity and ability to focus
  • Strong immune system
  • Strong heart
  • Healthy nervous system


  1. When the weather allows, open your windows. Access to fresh air is essential for breathing more easily. However, remember it’s important to monitor your local air quality. If you live in an urban area and can’t open the place up because of smog, consider investing in an indoor air filtration system, or items which purify air at home naturally. But Choose electronic air purifiers carefully—many of them produce lung-irritating ozone.
  2. Grow green things. Introducing live plants into your home will increase available indoor oxygen. Ferns are a great option for extra oxygen production in the home. They are relatively easy to keep alive and don’t require a lot of sunshine.
  3. Exercise. Check with your doctor about the type and amount of exercise you should be doing each day. As your breathing rate and depth increases, your lungs absorb more oxygen, and that means you’ll feel better.
  4. Practice mindfulness. Begin a daily meditation or prayer routine that emphasizes deep breathing. Five to ten minutes per day of relaxed and focused breathing can improve your oxygen intake and reduce stress.
  5. Eat fresh, iron-rich foods. Your diet can, to some extent, influence your blood’s ability to absorb oxygen. Certain foods can help improve your oxygen levels in the blood. Focus on iron-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables. These dietary choices can correct an iron deficiency, which could increase your body’s ability to process oxygen and make you feel more energetic. Stock up on green vegetables like kale, broccoli and celery.

The next article goes a bit deeper in the core of our many issues. Enjoy!

Jeana Anderson


Natural Helping Hands, LLC


22 Jun

Empower yourself with information about your health PART 2

Nutritional Consultation and Holistic Health

Nutrition is more than what you eat, but how you nourish and care for your whole self. During a consultation, all aspects of your health will be taken into account.

The consultation consists of a comprehensive personal interview which evaluates diet, health history, current health concerns, supplements, and medications, along with lifestyle, constitution (immediate family history), and daily workload. You will gain a better understanding of what your body needs and what steps you must take to be healthy.

An estimated 50% Americans take nutritional supplements. You can eliminate a lot of guesswork, while working with a trained professional who can assist you in developing a nutritional program that is tailored to you as an individual.

Holistic healthcare is the use of therapies that are designed to enhance well-being by promoting health for the whole person, rather than a specific symptom or disease only. It promotes health by assisting balance of mind, body and spirit. Scientific studies indicate the mind-body connection is an important aspect of health and wellness. the concept can be summed up in this biblical proverb, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

I believe that health is an ongoing process involving the whole individual who can become empowered through education and knowledge. My goal is to teach others the best possible ways to improve the quality of their lives. I practice a client centered approach to wellness enabling the individual to make choices that best fit their lifestyle, budget and mind. I endeavor to restore wholeness to each individual by helping them maintain control over their healthcare choices.

The following are services that can be used in consultations and coaching sessions. I will indicate the services off site and on site. I can interpret all results from the tests listed.

Hair mineral analysis: in office sample/off site lab: See part one of this blog to learn more about Mineral analysis.

Biofeedback: in office: Stress can become habitual and you can even forget how to relax sometimes; however, biofeedback can teach you how to get back to a more relaxed state. Although biofeedback is helpful to treat stress, it can also help a number of other conditions listed on my web page.

Saliva testing: off site sample and lab: thyroid panel, gastro-intestinal health panel using saliva and bowel, adrenal stress index, female and male hormone panels, post menopause hormone panel. Saliva testing is non-invasive and can be performed wherever you are. There are no stressful blood draws or bio hazards. With blood tests, a number of borderline conditions may be missed. Hormones can either be free, as in saliva, or bound to protein, as in blood. Research has determined that the free hormone fractions found in saliva most significantly influence living cells. Saliva tests help minimize using too much or too little natural hormone replacement and supplementation, insuring proper hormones in the appropriate amounts.

Other tests that can be used are: Amino acid profile (a urine test) and Bone Marker Test (a urine test). I can discuss these if you feel you would want to look into these tests.


15 May

wise words from a fellow practitioner

I am sharing these words from a fellow practitioner because I have done the same work for the same time frame, and still going strong today. Please take time to consider the options you have when you feel there are none. There are always options.

quoted from Andrea Beaman:

The work I do is essential to the health of my clients and for the world at large. First and foremost, I’m in the business of preventative healthcare and natural healing, and I’ve been doing this work for over two decades. I provide preventative and healing methods for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Some examples include:

Heart Disease (over 15 million deaths per year!)
Cancer Prevention
Brain Health/Alzheimer’s
Liver Detox/Cleansing
Kidney Support
Bone Health
Thyroid Disease

My job as a wellness practitioner is to understand the illness, including Covid-19, from an alternative and preventative perspective and provide natural ways to rebalance the body and heal using diet, lifestyle, and consciousness.

This knowledge is essential for a variety of reasons, many of which became abundantly clear during this coronavirus outbreak:

*People on lockdown couldn’t get out to visit a doctor, go for a blood test, or even get access to a hospital as many were overwhelmed with Covid-19 cases.
*For a wide variety of Covid-19 symptoms (poor immunity, dry cough, sore throat, loss of taste, and smell) people have access to medicine in their kitchen and don’t even know it.
*Beyond Covid-19, people are struggling with many other conditions and need support and guidance on how to manage them from home.

As a health coach and wellness practitioner, I provide service to clients. I care for their needs as they seek support for a variety of symptoms related to Covid-19 and other conditions.

My service is essential to the health and well being of people during this crisis and beyond.

Doctors and healthcare workers are doing work that is essential.
People preparing food are doing work that is essential.
Grocery store workers are doing work that is essential.
Delivery services are doing work that is essential.
Police and fire departments are doing work that is essential. Transportation workers are doing work that is essential.

Those people are getting paid for their service without any shame attached to it.

The work that preventative and alternative healthcare workers like myself and you, and many other wellness practitioners, do is also essential.

We are providing a service to PREVENT and HEAL and take the burden OFF an overwhelmed healthcare system.

As we’ve clearly witnessed, our healthcare system CANNOT handle the amount of stress that this virus presented to society as a whole.

So, whether it’s this virus or the next disease that overtakes the population, wellness practitioners of all kinds are providing essential service to help people make it through with their health, their life, and their sanity, intact. There is no shame in that.

I encourage you too, to get back to doing this essential work – you are needed in the world now more than ever.

end quote

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., MMT, CEIM, CBS
Natural Helping Hands, LLC
501-690-3306 (I-phone)

23 Apr



How to Make Herbal Liniment by Jethro Kloss July 1, 2010/

Click here the image above to learn more

in Remedies & Recipes /by Kimberly Gallagher

Rosemary Gladstar’s book the Family Herbal: A Guide to Living Life with Energy, Health, and Vitality

this recipe is one of our family favorites and we are very excited to have this opportunity to talk with her and share her herbal wisdom with all of you. She describes this remedy, Jethro Kloss’s Liniment, as “a very old, very strong recipe & useful for reducing inflammation of the muscles, cleansing wounds, and soothing insect bites.” This liniment was first concocted by a famous old herbalist named Dr. Jethro Kloss, hence its name. The herbs in this liniment by Jethro Kloss have antiseptic, warming, stimulating, and anti-inflammatory properties. They will also help increase circulation in areas where muscles are sore. We haven’t made a liniment in a while, and wanted to update our supply, since we definitely find that it is a great addition to our herbal family medicine chest. I used our liniment a lot for sore back muscles during my first pregnancy and found this one by Jethro Kloss to be very effective, and it is very simple to make. Herbal Liniment by Jethro Kloss What you’ll need… 1 ounce echinacea powder 1 ounce organically grown goldenseal powder (I do want to emphasize the organically grown part of this description. This plant is endangered in the wild from over-harvesting, so be sure and get it from a healthy, cultivated source. If you can ‘t find that, Rosemary suggests substituting chaparral or Oregon grape root) 1 ounce myrrh powder 1/4 ounce cayenne powder 1 pint rubbing alcohol Need organic herbs or supplies? Get them here! Ok, start by weighing out the powders and putting them in a pint jar. Pour the rubbing alcohol over the powders, leaving a good 2-inch margin above the herbs. Stir and put a lid on the jar. Place the mixture in a warm location and let it sit for 4 weeks. (2 weeks is also fine). Strain and rebottle.

Label the bottle clearly FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY (rubbing alcohol should not be taken internally). We’ve found that bottling our liniments in a spray bottle is very handy. It’s easy to spray it onto areas with sore muscles or onto wounds that need cleaning.

Enjoy this wonderful addition to your family medicine chest from Jethro Kloss. About the Author – Kimberly Gallagher Kimberly Gallagher, M.Ed., CCH is author of the Herb Fairies book series and creator of the Wildcraft! board game. She is also co-founder of LearningHerbs. Kimberly is passionate about sustainable living, cultural transformation, healthy cooking, parenting, and storytelling. Read more about Kimberly »

Text from https://learningherbs.com/remedies-recipes/jethro-kloss/
Copyright © 2020 LearningHerbs.

22 Apr

Liver, Stress, allergies, and…

This all can pertain to the virus we are dealing with also! seriously, from personal experience, this stuff works. Watch for another post about virus and illness.


“…Cellular wastes in the returning blood will circulate around the body longer before the liver can break them down. This pollutes the Mother Ocean a bit, weakens the more delicate tissue, and excites those tissues responsible for defenses, scavenging and immunity. Mostly white blood cells, they are triggered into over activity whenever there is a build up in the blood of protein wastes (it might be an infection… they don’t know). When excited, these cells induce inflammation and send chemical messages to other defense cells in the body. These chemicals are proteins also, and with the liver deficient, they circulate too long and set up a chronic, unnecessary reaction that underlies all allergies and hypersensitivities…” Michael Moore.

An imbalanced liver goes berserk overreacting to normal protein stimuli and actually attacking its own organism. The kidneys also play an important role in the prevention and cure of asthma/allergies/hayfever. As the master filters of the body they are responsible for discharging metabolic wastes as well as environmental toxins. If not properly functioning, these wastes continue to circulate in the blood stimulating cellular hyperactivity of the liver. Though symptoms for allergies, hayfever, and asthma vary somewhat, I treat them similarly. A basic treatment plan (modified somewhat for each) includes:

  1. Hydrotherapy: Take hot/cold showers daily, alternating between the hot and cold water several times until both feel comfortable. This is a simple way to build general constitution and to improve circulation.
  2. Follow General Guidelines for a Healthy Liver (See Lesson 2) for three to four months. An excellent time to begin this toning treatment is in the fall but any season will do. Drink alteratives daily, follow dietary guidelines, drink liver flush once daily, etc.
  3.  Take ginger/garlic syrup, one teaspoon three times daily. See recipe in this lesson.
  4. Take Vitamin A 25,000 units daily, preferably emulsified.
  5.  Bee Pollen and Local Unpasteurized Honey Local pollen and honey have proven to be very helpful for many people who have hayfever. Take 1/4 teaspoon of pollen grains daily. Use local honey in your teas.

After three to four months of concentrating on building, toning and cleansing the liver, you should notice an obvious improvement in energy, digestion, and skin tone. The next organ to tone is the Kidneys. Follow guidelines for healthy kidneys and continue to do so for at least 3 months. You will marvel at how well and vital you begin to feel as your major organ systems return to balance, revitalized by the good attention and habits you are forming. When the cycle of hayfever/allergies/asthma return, your system will be so much better equipped to handle the stress. Even within the first year you should notice a marked difference in the degree of symptoms. Since so many of the imbalances lodge in the lungs, throat, and sinuses, when symptoms do occur treatment usually is focused on the respiratory system. Follow those treatments listed above under the Respiratory System that are applicable to the particular symptoms manifesting. Each year your symptoms should become fewer and fewer as you work on your entire inner ecology, building and recreating positive change. I’ve included an informative article on allergies and hay fever that was written by a highly skilled herbalist and friend from Sonoma County. A loved an respected teacher, Bhavani died a few years ago o cancer. Her healing work and her teachings continue to affect others. This article is reprinted from The Well Being Community Calendar


by Bhavani Worden

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to substances (foreign proteins) in pollen that enter the blood through the mucous membranes by breathing. This unpleasant reaction indicates a breakdown of function within any or all of four systems in the body. By working on these areas in advance, you can be free of hay fever reactions this same year.

The areas involved are

  1. The adrenals these two tiny glands above the kidneys have as one of their jobs the production of hormones which render foreign proteins harmless.
  2. The liver the healthy liver detoxifies the body, preventing a harmful reaction.
  3. The digestive system efficient digestion is necessary to avoid build-up of protein substances in the bloodstream, which cause symptoms.
  4. The mucous membranes healthy mucous membranes do not allow foreign proteins to enter the bloodstream.


Since hay fever is an allergic response, it has in common with other allergies a failure of defense mechanisms in the face of stress, and a resultant flooding of the body with toxins. A healthy body can neutralize toxins. The adrenal cortex should release natural cortisone to destroy white blood cells and thus inhibit inflammation, and a hormone called aldosterone to fight stress and prevent fatigue. Certain nutrients are required in order for the adrenals to produce hormones. When these nutrients are undersupplied for a long time, the adrenals atrophy and must be rebuilt. Protein is very important in overcoming hay fever. Vegetarians can increase their daily consumption of protein by combining foods to make whole proteins, using the charts in Diet for a Small Planet. It is also important to be aware of the many nutrients that enhance the utilization of protein in the body.

 Among them are:

  • Potassium, (also good for strengthening adrenals)good sources are apples, potatoes and bananas as well as green leafy vegetables Mullen leaf and licorice root are high potassium herbs.
  • Magnesium; abundant in raw wheat germ, molasses, almonds and many fruits and vegetables, but often deficient without an amino acid calcium-magnesium supplement.
  • Zinc (carried out of the system by the physic acid in the germ of whole grains, thus often undersupplied in a grain-based diet) is present in seaweeds, nuts, seeds and meat, but often needed as a supplement; again, best absorbed if amino acid chelated. (White spots on fingernails indicate a zinc deficiency.)
  • Vitamins B2 and B6 taken preferably as part of a balanced B vitamin supplement program, but even taken alone will help temporarily with protein breakdown.
  • B vitamins – are essential for the general health of the adrenals, and can effectively guard against allergic reactions. The B vitamin pantothenic acid is directly related to the production of natural cortisone. A deficiency of pantothenic acid can be inherited, which is why people with hay fever often have at least one child with hay fever or other allergies. Any kind of stress, including rapid growth, illness or exposure to toxins (including pollens, etc.) can suddenly increase the requirement for pantothenic acid. Because this B vitamin is necessary for producing hormones needed to change sugars and fats into energy, a deficiency makes one very susceptible to low blood sugar, which in its extreme manifestation is know as hypoglycemia. Although brewers or nutritional yeast is an excellent source of both B vitamins and protein, it is deficient in pantothenic acid. As a result, taking yeast may make hay fever worse, or hasten the onset of symptoms as the season approaches. If you take a complex supplement, it should contain equal pans of B1, B2 and B6, but twenty times as much pantothenic acid (e.g., for every 10 mg. B 1, you need 200 mg. pantothenic acid). This will avoid creating a deficiency. Since this proportion is virtually impossible to buy in one pill, hay fever sufferers can supplement the complex with a high quality sustained release pantothenic acid tablet.


  • As an allergic or hay fever attack is beginning to occur: take 1 gram (1,000mg.) high quality Vitamin C (ascorbic acid with bioflavanoids), 300-600 mg, sustained release pantothenic acid, 1 amino acid chelated calcium-magnesium with 200 mg. calcium, 100 mg. magnesium. This combination gives immediate support to the adrenals in their attempt to produce cortisone, and to the entire system in its detoxification effort. If the system is already slowed down by the time you get around to taking this formula i.e., the allergic reaction has begun, the mucous membranes are inflamed, the digestion has slowed, the blood sugar level has dropped, and fatigue, irritability, headache or depression have set in then it would be wise to crush the tablets and mix them with yogurt to ensure their efficient digestion.
  • Don’t use pantothenic acid without balance of other B vitamins too often when it’s not really needed. After you overcome the initial deficiency, excess pantothenic acid will create deficiencies of other B vitamins in this case especially B1.Some symptoms of a B1 deficiency are constipation, intestinal griping, insomnia, fatigue, and numbness of feet and hands. If you already have these signs, then build up with a balanced B-complex, adding the extra pantothenic acid instead of taking any B vitamins alone. Only use the stress formula in cases of emergency. It will work. If it doesn’t maybe you have an ineffective brand of C or of pantothenic acid. Don’t buy the cheapest.
  • Linoleic Acid, an essential fatty acid found in unrefined vegetable oils such as soy, sesame and safflower (but not olive), is needed to produce adrenal hormones, as well as to synthesize pantothenic acid in the intestines.A deficiency of vitamin B6 will make it difficult to utilize linoleic acid; a deficiency of linoleic acid will make it possible for cholesterol to build up dangerously. Three teaspoons daily of raw unrefined oil will cover this area in the diet. You can include mayonnaise if you make it with these oils; unhydrogenated peanut butter or sesame butter. You can sprinkle sesame oil on steamed vegetables, use oils to make your own salad dressings, and add oil to butter in a blender or with a fork (1 cup safflower oil to 1 pound butter).
  • Iodine is necessary to produce thyroid hormone, which keeps up the rate of metabolism, controlling the speed of body activities.An undersupply of thyroid hormone results in exhaustion, a feeling of coldness, and susceptibility to colds. Seaweed, sea salt, or iodized salt (which contains added chlorine and sometimes sugar) are the only reliable vegetarian sources of iodine. The herb sarsaparilla contains some iodine. A teaspoon of kelp powder supplies a day’s need of iodine, as well as many other needed nutrients. Kelp tablets are not as good to take, as they are overly concentrated. Including seaweeds, especially kelp and dulse, in the daily diet is better.The Sodium-Potassium balance is of great importance in treating hay fever. Aldosterone is another adrenal cortex hormone which is produced by healthy adrenals under stress. It causes the body to retain more sodium than usual thus increasing the blood pressure, and forcing nutrients into the tissues to meet the demands of stress. When the adrenals are undernourished, aldosterone is not produced and fatigue and exhaustion accompany every stress. Because insufficient sodium is retained, too much water gets into the cells, resulting in a stuffy nose, watery eyes and swollen tissues.
  • Salt overuse is in the background of many hay fever sufferers.Too much salt produces inflammation of the mucous membranes, weakening them and diminishing their ability to protect against invasion by foreign particles. Overuse of salt also overstimulates the adrenals, contributing to their eventual exhaustion and inability to produce hormones. When aldosterone production ceases, there is no internal regulator of the sodiumpotassium balance.
  • Learning to balance sodium and potassium in the diet is one of the most interesting aspects of nutrition, but too long to go into in this article.It is the study of yin and yang, and covers the principles upon which traditional macrobiotics is based. But for the present, and in relation to hay fever, we should concentrate on organic forms of sodium, such as in zucchini, celery, carrots, beets and seaweed. Some herbs which are high in sodium are fennel seed, meadowsweet and nettles. Meat-eaters get plenty of sodium from meat. Nourishing the adrenals as outlined above will insure an adequate production of aldosterone, whose job is to regulate the sodium-potassium balance.
  • In summary, then, the important things to do to insure production of adrenal hormones are:Increase protein intake and utilization. Fortify the body with B vitamins (now) and prepare the stress formula for hay fever onset (later). Make sure enough raw oils are included in every day eating. Add iodine to your diet and cut out excessive salt intake while adding natural forms of sodium.

These changes are not easy, and may not be possible for everyone to accomplish quickly, but they will change your life totally, adding much enjoyment and good health in unexpected ways.


When a foreign protein (in this case pollen) gets into the bloodstream, the body, if it has any resistance at all, produces antibodies to denature it. The interaction between these antibodies and the protein produces a byproduct, histamine, which is toxic to the tissues. Histamine produces blood vessel dilation resulting in flushing; contraction of air passages in the lungs, causing wheezing; and tissue swelling in the nose, lungs and around the eyes. Histamine makes capillary walls more permeable, allowing waste material from the blood to enter the cells and cause toxicity, resulting in allergic reactions.

It is the job of the liver to deactivate poisonous substances, even when they are produced in the body itself. The healthy liver produces an enzyme called histaminase which serves as a natural antihistamine. If the liver is clogged with fats or accumulated toxins, it cannot produce histaminase. Cleansing the liver is another lengthy subject, but there are many good tips in Dr. Beiler’s book, Food is Your Best Medicine.

The main thing to concentrate on in this context is eating clean. Avoid any additives, such as M.S.G., nitrates, artificial food colors or flavors, chemically grown or sprayed foods (including grains), processed oils or refined flower. Stay away from sugar, coffee and alcohol, as well as spices, all of which overstimulate the adrenals, lower resistance and increase fatigue and mucus by acidifying the blood. Eat antacid foods such as sprouts, honey, yogurt, millet and buckwheat. Avoid drinking while you eat. Breathe deeply whenever you remember to. All these things prevent acidity. Use whole grains, vegetables and tofu or aduki beans as a base for your diet, adding seaweed, fish or meat, organic fruit, raw dairy products and honey in small quantities.

Minimize environmental toxins as much as you possibly can by using propane or any gas as little as possible, opening windows to keep the air fresh, by fixing exhaust leaks in your car to minimize fumes, by cutting down on canned foods packed in tin and sealed with lead, by avoiding commercially prepared cosmetics, and any other ways you can think of.

In regard to histamine as a toxin, red wine is naturally high in histamine, so you may want to avoid it altogether, or at least test it to see if it provokes an allergic reaction in you. Pantothenic acid, vitamin C and vitamin E have all been shown to reduce the production of histamine under stress, in some cases by up to 50%. Taking the strain of continual detoxification off the tired liver will help it to cleanse itself, and thus make it more likely to come through when needed to help you during hay fever season.


 Many people who suffer from hay fever have been found to have a poor capacity to digest starch and protein. Many hay fever sufferers find that grasses in food affect them as negatively as grass pollens inhaled. Examples of foods from grasses which may trigger allergic reactions are wheat and hard liquor, both of which have been shown to be related to depression and extreme fatigue. Undigested protein and starch produce putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. These bacteria change the amino acid histidine into histamine, thus triggering the toxic reaction. The only food I know of that is very high in histidine is the radish, which, I suppose, is why so many people find it indigestible. Another side effect of undigested protein is that parts of it make their way into the bloodstream, where they act as foreign proteins just as effectively as does pollen.

Increasing the intake of B vitamins will help this digestive problem greatly, especially if B-complex deficiency symptoms are making themselves known – e.g., low energy, irritability, troubles with health of hair, skin, eyes or mouth, ridges on fingernails, etc. It is often necessary to add digestive enzymes to the regime if the deficiency is severe and/or long-standing.

Taking a tablespoon or two of plain acidophilus yogurt after each meal aids the digestion; so does eating alfalfa sprouts, miso soup and seaweed. Chewing food thoroughly and avoiding drinking with meals will also help


Hay fever is defined as inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It usually develops only after the sinus and nasal mucous membranes have atrophied. Healthy mucous protects all the organ linings from invasion by bacteria; when this healthy mucous is not being produced, the membranes are vulnerable to irritation by friction and by germs, and this irritation results in an uncontrolled increase of mucous flow.

Because the cells of the mucous membranes are completely renewed every thirty days, there is a fine opportunity to have some real effect on this system. With a few months head start, your nasal mucous membranes can be completely rebuilt by hay fever season!

The membranes surrounding the cells in the rest of the body also deserve consideration. Their function is to discriminate very finely between different substances, and to hold firm in their decisions as to what should enter the cell and what should go out of the cell. The healthy cell membrane has just the right degree of permeability to prevent toxins from entering, to let nutrients in, and to let all waste products (toxins also) out. If the membranes weaken and leak, nutrients such as protein and B vitamins will never reach the interior of the cell where they are needed, waste products of metabolism will remain to poison the cell, and foreign proteins such as pollen will gain easy access to the heart of the cell where they can do much damage and trigger symptoms.

The same three vitamins are implicated in these two areas, rebuilding mucous membranes and strengthening cell membranes. Vitamin A is used to strengthen mucous membranes, to increase cell membrane permeability, to digest protein, and to aid hormone production. During this season, 10,000 to 25,000 I.U.’s should be taken daily with vitamin D included. Some people have had unpleasant symptoms of vitamin A overdose it can be toxic, especially if there is liver damage but any toxicity is immediately canceled out by taking more vitamin C (a 1,000 ma. or 1 gram dose when symptoms first occur and again if they show any sign of returning). Some of these symptoms are loss of appetite, nosebleed, headache and painful joints.

Vitamin A cannot be stored in the body without destruction unless there is sufficient vitamin E; some hay fever sufferers found that if they took A and C daily from January to April (without changing anything else in their diet, etc.), they were almost completely symptom free later in the year. Vitamin E is needed for the utilization of linoleic acid, for cell membrane permeability, and for the oxygenation of red blood cells. It has been shown to have antihistaminic properties and to put a stop to allergic reactions such as hay fever. It is more effective when taken before irritation than after symptoms begin. Try taking 800 I.U.’s mixed tocopherol daily, after a meal, before hay fever season begins. If you’ve ever had heart damage (e.g., a murmur) or high blood pressure, start slow on vitamin E. Make sure it’s mixed tocopherol, not alpha with mixed, and take 100 I.U. a day for a few weeks, then build up slowly 100 at a time.

Vitamin C is important for many, many functions relating to allergy and hay fever. Perhaps the most crucial is that it binds foreign proteins and, in its capacity as a diuretic, carries them out of the body. It can bind any toxin, even the toxins produced by incomplete digestion of food, which would otherwise cause gas. So the higher the level of toxin load, the more C will be needed. It cannot be stored in the body, so the really heavy doses will be needed later when the pollens begin to be a problem.

Additionally, vitamin C is necessary for the production of cortisone and histaminase, as well as for cell membrane permeability. It stimulates the growth of the benign bacteria which produce B vitamins in the intestines. Any kind of bleeding, including bruising or bleeding gums, is usually the first sign of vitamin C deficiency. Excessive urination is the first sign of tissue saturation, but this excretion of C can be avoided if a small dose of calcium-magnesium (preferably amino acid chelate) is taken with the vitamin C. Take as much C as you can without excreting it; if you ignore the first sign, excessive urination, it will be followed by diarrhea, which will cause the loss of many more nutrients, so beware. Excessive urination will also cause your B vitamins to be excreted. Take at least 2,000 ma. (2 grams) of C every day with bioflavanoids, and more during hay fever season. When under any stress, increase the number of doses during the day.

There are many herbs which can help to tonify the mucous membranes and thus help you to avoid hay fever. Mullein leaf and flower are especially useful, even more so if they grow around you. The minerals potassium, sulphur and calcium phosphate are all contained in mullein, and can all be used against hay fever. Mullein has been used to strengthen mucous membranes, glands, bowels and inflamed nerves. It is very good combined with comfrey root.

Many people have found that eating one fresh raw comfrey leaf every day is sufficient to keep them from ever having hay fever again. Comfrey is a very powerful herb, and is high in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C and many trace minerals. It is healing to almost any part of the body if taken regularly, but seems most effective against hay fever if eaten raw.

Calendula (marigold) is a good herb to build up the mucous membranes, as is slippery elm. Golden seal is used to balance mucous secretions and ginger is added to other herbs to aid in eliminating excess mucous e,g., plantain for the head and sanicle for the throat.

information in this article is taken from my lessons with Rosemary Gladstar

21 Apr


Use this time to get your immune up in as many ways as possible. Create new and better habits, learn to garden, learn survival skills, get your apothecary up to par with creations remedies, eat better, exercise, and exercise breathing.
Find a way to keep the stress and fear off as much as possible; stress alone puts one in a 20 percent or more drop in immune system. You can do this!
If you would like to set a Zoom meeting or Facetime for me to show you self-techniques for massage, please do. I have figured out many for myself, and I have done this for other clients as well; although it is not as effective as full therapy, it is better than nothing. I am here for you.
• Let me know how I can help you, even if it is a phone call each week just so you can TALK 😊 to someone. You are all why I do what I do. Here are some other options:
online stress management with the biofeedback device subspace (yes, it works 😊), online or phone consultation sessions for wellness coaching. So many options without being in office! Let’s still meet.

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19 Apr

Need vegan supplements?

I have some great ones that have worked for me since having a mammal allergy and needing to stay on certain things that my body needed for thyroid. I had superb results with Trace Elements for years, the lab I use for Hair Mineral Analysis, but I had to switch because many of them were not vegan (no animal products). Hope this helps you all in need of good things with not huge amounts of cost (if ordered online). I have each thing linked to Amazon because it seems to be comparable and quick to receive the stuff, even in this time of craziness.

these can be ordered through a family professional herbalist at https://www.facebook.com/VAofCC/ or from the maker herself 🙂 denmarkdiana@hotmail.com
Christopher’s Thyroid Maintenance, Christopher’s Adrenal Formula, Grapefruit Seed Extract (the only company that has this product), Holy Basil Extract
Vitamin E Deva,…Vege Life Iron plus C,Vitamin A 25,000 iu
L-Lysine, for anyone with Lyme, or other autoimmune, and cold sores or Herpes, this is superb
Solaray Licorice, Curamin Tumeric, White Willow, Oregacillin (this stuff is amazing in the virus arena and and bacteria
Charcoal. most companies have animal products but this one is safe and the most potent I have ever used. I have always had this in my survival bag and natural medicine drawer, for its power on any allergic reaction immediately. I have given this to young children in honey (we call it fun black honey) and it reversed the reaction of a wasp swelling in 10-15 minutes! I take it for all stomach or contamination issues. I take it with every reaction i have ever had along with Chlorophyll and Lobelia, to stop an allergic reaction to my mammal allergy, never taking Benedryl or other stuff.
Trace Minerals Power Pak, this has no added sugar like EmergenC does. It is more powerful in the Electrolytes also.
GSE, this is the only company that sells this product, making it far surpassed for quality. I have used this for over 30 years for all sickness and virus related issues, scratchy throats, etc.
Young Living Cough Drops, these are amazing.
this is my go bag, taking it everywhere I go. I have more than this but these are my use often ones. Tyme is superb on the current virus, surpassing most other remedies, and is one of the top oils for cleaners and sanitizer. I put it in my soaps, cleaner, and more.

check out how to become more in tune to health and wellness in our own life and help others along the way