I have a workshop for you! READ about what I have to offer. Contact me to set up to learn.
What is health to you?
what is healing to you?
What is your definition of the health condition and healing action?
Have you thought of “well-being”? This is a term not considered much.
Do you know what true joy is? Is your finances, career, social life, physical fitness, cooking, home environment, and relationships accounted for in your health and well-being?
The subjects no so common in a health course are: Creation, Before the womb, in the womb, primary food, secondary food, core gut physical health, core gut spiritual health. I have a course for this. The healing is amazing when we put all this together and know we have the power created within us, the knowledge created within us, and the empowerment to see it one on one. You can take this journey. You know more than you think you do.
Goals include: walking away with confidence, authority, and will to mend, heal, prevent, prepare, treat, research and utilize all options. You will question and prove all things. You will understand what medicine is.
Bring a someone to learn some basic massage techniques and feel empowered to heal together. Contact me to set up a learning session.
Are you long distance from my local area? Lets chat to find a way to set up a group long distance learning session.
10 Reasons to Massage Your Baby
Would You Like To ?
To do something warm, loving and special with your baby
To help your baby have regular bowel movements and relieve tension from daily stress (teething, gas, emotions..)
To reduce crying, and ease transitions to sleep or to alert states
To build your baby’s sense of security
To learn how to communicate better with your baby
To help you and your baby relax (a lifelong skill!)
To help your baby have a lifelong appreciation of touch and warm relationships
To help relieve constipation and help your baby have regular bowel movements
To help your baby’s brain development
To help you and your baby fall in love with each other
The excerpt below is part of a long article explaining the connection between cervical instability and symptoms as described in my title. I have clients who fall into this category, as well as myself over the years. I have researched and learned the therapies that can change the trajectory of the condition. I am seeing amazing results with the combination of chiropractic and the specified therapies I use, along with diet, mineral testing and balancing, biofeedback, and hormone/thyroid testing and balancing.
Take the time to read below, learn more and heal your body naturally. Jeana, Natural Helping Hands, LLC.
A story: “I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder with psychotic features, chronic fatigue, anxiety, PTSD, sinusitis, fibromyalgia, seizures, to name a few. I have tried multiple medications but nothing seems to work or they work for a very small period of time. I have no energy, my mood is in anger all the time, I have no rest from pain ever (even with Vicodin or anesthesia injections), my head pounds ALL THE TIME like if my sinuses were stuffed with mucus, my vision gets blurry, brain fogginess, my heart muscle aches, my whole left arm is always in pain or numbed, as too is my left leg all the way to the tiny toe. So, I googled exactly what I felt: what runs from the brain stem (right from where the neck starts), comes down towards my left arm, circles around the heart, pinches the lower back, and goes down the left leg ending with numbness of the toes? And that is when I discovered it was the vagus nerve. And of course after that, I googled how do I get treated? I am taking Lyrica 200 mg twice a day, cymbalta 60 mg, tizanidine 4 mg as needed, Vicodin 10/325 mg every eight hours, clonazepam 1 mg as needed once a day, and an abilify shot every month for depression, and levetiracetam for seizures. However, nothing seems to help or get anywhere near my healing. It’s been seven years now trying different antidepressants, all sorts of medication, spiritual journeys, different diagnosis, chiropractors, massages, ECT in my brain (seizure induction therapy with electricity), MRI’s, EEG’s, sleep studies, etc. and am here on this day defenseless asking for another opinion or a new hope towards recovery.”
Personality changes and emotional health problems often seen in patients with cervical dysstructure
Ross Hauser, MD discusses emotional symptoms and personality changes that may have a structural link to the neck in some cases.
This video is on one of the most important topics we see in patients. How ligamentous cervical instability, that is how weak and damaged neck ligaments are not able to support and hold the neck and head in place, allowing the neck bones to compress on the neurologic (nerve) processes that run trough the neck and cervical spine.
This affects a person’s emotional stability and personality. Many patients have shared with us how psychological diagnosis such as bipolar disorders or personality disorders have been radically changed for the better once their neck and cervical spine instability or “dysstructure” a broken down neck structure, has been treated and natural structure, curvature, and stability has been restored.
Anyone who’s had a change in emotional status or change in personality, that in some cases seems to have happened overnight, has to wonder why did this happen? What can happen is that a person’s brain pressure can reach certain levels where certain parts of the brain will no longer function correctly or the brain’s nerve impulses and messages are not reaching other parts of the body, or when those messages do arrive, they are jumbled and distorted and nothing makes sense. They will have a sudden change in emotional stability, for instance they could have new onset of anxiety. If know somebody whose personality is absolutely changed, almost overnight, more irritability or lack of interest in things, they don’t care about the future, all of a sudden they’re very depressed or all of a sudden they have bipolar disorder, you have to think, this is night right? What is going on? It could be cervical spine instability.
This is the background slide in the introduction of the video. A brief summary is given below.
Negative changes in personality and psychological status could be due to ligamentous cervical instability or cervical dysstructure
Negative changes in personality and psychological status could be due to ligamentous cervical instability or cervical dysstructure.
Definite change in personality or emotional stability.
increase stress – Emotional stress: Anxiety, Depression and Panic Attacks: A neurologic and psychiatric like condition caused by cervical spine instability.
emotional lability – offered described as an “emotional roller coaster.”
A Health Journey of Struggle, Discovery, and Healing with the Master Gardener
One who tends the fig tree will eat its fruit, And one who cares for his master will be honored. As in water a face reflects the face, So the heart of a person reflects the person. Proverbs 27:18–19
Our culture would have you believe you are defined by your looks, weight, bank accounts or by what you do. That’s not what God says defines you.
Sign up for this FREE series. Become GROUNDED in your God given identity.
I have personally had to ground myself many times in my life. I have written a book to show a time of my greatest grounding experience. I believe it is a constant process to reset, reprogram, and reboot. The Word of the bible had 66 books to give us guidance and instruction on in this important task. Let the Spirit lead you to the best awakening in your life. Let your mind, body and soul become peaceful and live with true joy knowing you have taken steps toward being able to tethered to the presence of the Father Almighty God, aligned with the Creator’s purpose, and connected with Grace.
I’ve been talking the last few weeks about our Healthy Back Challenge and today I am so excited to kick this off with you. Over the next 5 days I will be sharing valuable information with you through a daily email. Each day we will provide some tips and exercises to help you live a life free from back aches and pains. For Day #1 let’s talk about how miraculous the human spine is. God designed an elegantly balanced system and foundational support of the entire body. The spine balances our neck, chest, lower back and pelvis to keep our neck, body and legs in alignment. Every move we make engages the spine. So What Causes Back Pain? The spine is a stack of 33 vertebrae connected and cushioned by cartilage and connective tissue and like other joints in the body, they can experience inflammation and pain. Pain in the back can be caused by long-term impact of injury, poor posture, inactivity, too much sitting or certain diseases. 80% of the population suffers from some type of chronic back pain. Two-thirds of adults age 40+ show disc deterioration and by age 60, 90 percent are affected. Back aches and pain can result from muscle strain, weakness, lack of exercise, injury or straining the back from too much of the wrong kind of activities. The good news is with proper care, toning and conditioning improving back aches and pain is possible! As we go through this Challenge, I would love for you to think about why you decided to join. How would less back pain affect your quality of life? What activities do you love to do or would love to get back to doing? Knowing our “why” is what motivates us to stay committed and consistent. I’m sharing common every day causes of back pain in today’s video.
These genes multiply to trillions upon trillions as organs grow and humans develop.
Genes: 65% are the same as a banana, 75% are the same as a fruit fly, 80% are the same as a mouse, 99% are the same as a chimpanzee. We are human, not animal. We have a percent that is only human, setting us apart from all life forms.
96% of all elements in the body are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. 4 % are all the other elements. All are important blocks to our body.
What does this have to do with stress and anxiety? Before our birth (constitution), our conception day, while we are in the womb, our birth, place of birth, and after birth (condition) play a part in our daily lives. Stress and anxiety can be from imbalances of elements, trauma, circumstances, food, environment, and more.
Everything that occurs in our lives is embedded in our fascia; imprints of trauma in life never go away, but it can be turned around/changed.
Join us as we take on this huge subject, break it down into intricate parts, and tune into bio individuality.
Live Stream, Rumble, each Thursday at 10 am. It will be recorded as well. WE will be in the series of stress and anxiety for the next 6 weeks or more. Series episodes will include: nutritional influences in connection to emotional eating, dehydration, maternal caregivers and general caregivers, navigating relationships, and physical manifestations such as allergic reactions, panic attacks, and mood disorders.
WE go live at NOON CST to introduce our new wellness series. Jacalyn Poyner. These are recorded. Watch for the each week, maybe twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Did you also know that dancing is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s?! Dancing requires your brain to work harder to master the steps, it also involves cross body movements and elevates your heart rate so not only are you giving your body a great workout but your brain too! If you want to keep your brain sharp you should PAZAZ regularly.
If you are new to Faithful Workouts, PAZAZ may be a new term for you. It’s a fun name for our cardio/dance style workouts. This style of workout is such a fun way to exercise, plus they help women improve their heart health, reduce anxiety and depression while promoting better sleep. Here’s another fun fact for you: PAZAZ comes from the Hebrew word David used in the Bible to describe dancing with joy for all that the Lord had done as he was leading the ark into Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:16). We offer a variety of styles of cardio so if you haven’t tried PAZAZ you are in for a real treat! You will love this workout filmed in Costa Rica.
You can find all the resources and info we are sharing this month by clicking the button below!
Effective massage from the comfort of your home or office. Knowing how you can help those around you is empowering.
While taking time out of your busy schedule to book a massage with a massage therapist may be nice, sometimes it just doesn’t fit in with the busyness of life (or wallet!). Rather than suffering in pain, come learn and feel empowered. Self-Care Techniques will include head, neck, shoulders, low back, pecs, IT/thigh, feet, buttocks/hip, and hands.