30 Jun

Healing yourself and others part 3

Another good well written article I am sharing. Why rewrite the stuff when someone already wrote it with style 🙂 (below is her blog post link, and copy and pasted article. In the copy and pasted part, I have removed the last part of her article because I have a different perspective about the “cannabis” issue, but it is all good in the end).


Source: The Sounding Off of an Unsound Mind


Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine: part 2 -The Good

This may be the most important blog I ever write.

For those that have just tuned in, there is a part 1 to this tale. It is bursting at the seams with information that simply points to a much bigger, hairier ordeal. We must take responsibility for our own bodies and learn to take care of ourselves. It is important that you understand where we are as a society, so that we can collectively move forward. I will attempt to address the good that is happening, and what you can do.

For those that don’t know me personally, my father passed away one year ago from aggressive prostate cancer. To say that it sucked is an understatement of gargantuan proportions, but it caused me to delve deep into the medicine surrounding cancer treatments and what progress is being made. My father refused to do chemotherapy. I don’t blame him. The cure rate for chemo is around 3%. (The odds are better if you are young…It also depends on the cancer itself.)

In my studies, I think I stumbled upon a secret that most do not understand…and I need to share with you….and you need to share it with everyone you know…

Are you ready?!
You ARE what you EAT!

You mean you’ve heard that before?! You should have. That was originally said by Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in ancient Greece. He realized ALL the way back then that eating a certain way seems to ward off pretty much Every. Single. Disease.

The idea is simple really. You body is an interconnected set of systems that run on a specific fuel source…like a car. If you were to put marine fuel into your car, It would not run well. (For those who are unaware, boats run on a slightly different fuel than cars.) It is the same with our bodies.

A moment about cancer:

Cancer naturally pops up in our bodies, but is wiped out by our own immune system before it can become a real problem. It is only when that cancer can get a steady supply of blood and nutrients that it actually takes hold and becomes an issue.

Dr. William Li with the Mayo Clinic has done a lot of research about angiogenesis. (AN-G-O-JEN-E-SIS) It’s a big word that means blood vessels in your body can OVER grow. What he found first was that when we eat the typical western diet (aka–junk and bread and junk…and then maybe a vegetable…deep fried), we cause our blood vessels to grow so much that they can feed blood and nutrients to other things…and if a cancer can get hold of some of that….you get the idea….

Here’s the good news: Dr. Li believes that 2 out of 3 cancers are caused by diet…and can potentially can be cured by diet! You can watch his TED  Talk here!


Cancer is nowhere near the only illness that food can fix! Diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure… Google how to naturally prevent these things from happening, and you will always get the same answer… Lots of organic veggies, lean organic meat, and less  (or less traditional) carbs.

Now, organic can be expensive, but it is worth it to keep chemical pesticides and GMOs out of your body. I’m notoriously cheap…I recite this mantra while grocery shopping: I can pay more money for the food now or more money for the doctor later.

HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: Organic food is becoming less expensive and more available all the time! In fact, the struggle of farmers to hang on to GMO corn is FAILING SO MISERABLY, we actually had to import over 40,000 lbs. of organic corn to meet the demand. Companies like Hershey’s are promising to be GMO free by the end of the year! Farmer’s markets are more popular than ever…The food revolution is upon us! I know that my state recently legalized raw milk sales… (I’m very excited!)

***I may try to write a blog on how to shop for healthy food amid all the fake healthy food soon.***

With regards to vaccines, the good news is that a revolution is occurring all around you…and it has recently caught fire with a little film called Vaxxed. Vaxxed: From Cover up to Catastrophe is a documentary produced by a well respected film producer who worked many years on the show The Doctors. He joined forces with Dr. Andrew Wakefield (Yes…THAT Andrew Wakefield…who incidentally was vindicated by the whistleblower from the CDC) to expose the world to the CDC’s fraudulent actions concerning the 2004 autism-mercury study.

It is changing lives. If you believe in transparent medical practices like I do, then support this film as it reaches your area, and get everyone you know to see it. The evidence is irrefutable. If you are particularly froggy and want to help more, try and join the support groups pressing to bring the movie to YOUR area.

Also, a local school in our area recently sent home flyers to every student giving some false information and scare tactics pushing the vaccine agenda. There are medical exemptions for vaccines in every state, and most also have philosophical and/or religious exemptions from vaccines. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VACCINATE! Turn to social media…Look for local groups. Someone will help you.

Doctors are sold out to medicine, that’s true. However, more and more doctors are coming to realize it, and many are switching over to a more naturopathic style of healing. Also, more people are opening natural offices of medicine. BE ADVISED: These people went to school and trained just as hard as a traditional M.D. You are NOT crawling into the hands of an amateur as some would have you believe. As with any doctor, check their background, but they put in the same 8 years as your doctor.

The herbs and minerals prescribed by these doctors are generally safer than pharmaceutical drugs, and they tend to treat the cause instead of the symptoms… (Big shock: They almost always start with your diet.)

The dental industry is waking up, too! You can now find natural dentists that will remove amalgam (mercury) fillings and replace them with safer materials. They also forego use of sodium fluoride. (which isn’t the kind that helps teeth) (neither is what’s in the water system…but that’s a different blog.)

Everywhere you see corruption in the world, there is some sort of coup bubbling under the surface. If Batman were real, he would be preparing his vigilante bat-gadgets onto his utility belt because the whole thing is close to blowing like Mount St. Helens. There is a Chinese curse that says,”May you live in interesting times…” Well, I think it’s safe to say we’ve been cursed, but it is also exciting. We all have a choice to become a part of the change that will be in history books 100 years from now. It is our time to make a difference…not by rioting or being violent or ostracizing like so many other groups for revolution, but through simple actions. Carving a different path by simply buying organic, buying local, growing a garden, choosing a natural doctor, refusing a flu shot, or voting…These small acts of defiance are the key. Not all superheroes wear capes. You can’t change the world, but you can make a dent. Take the bull by the horns.(…and any other cliches you can come up with.)

Until my next rambling, I bid you adieu. Peace.



29 Jun

Healing yourself and others part 2

this was a well-written article from a friend and I wanted to share it in here, instead of writing the same sort of things myself 🙂

ENJOY every bit of it. READ every bit of it slowly and well. IT is well worth your time.

Source: The Sounding Off of an Unsound Mind

It all started when my son was 6 months old. I was in the clinic awaiting the call back for his 6 month vaccines, and I picked up a Rolling Stones magazine. In it was an article discussing a possible link between vaccines and autism conducted by a Dr. Andrew Wakefield. As any parent who had never considered negative repercussions of vaccines, I was shocked and wanted more information before proceeding. I got up, took my child, and walked out. I spent the next few days wondering where to proceed. I attempted to obtain an insert from the vaccine box which supposedly would give me a list of ingredients. First, I was lied to.

Then I was simply told no. When I demanded to see the box the vial comes in, they escorted me out of the building. I knew at that point they were hiding things from the public. So I became a temporary anti-vaxxer…just until I could ascertain the details surrounding the doctors’ dirty little secrets…

I researched for over 3 years…reading every study. listening to every news report. I spent time getting my hands on vaccine inserts to read.  The more I studied, the more disturbing evidence I found.
Within a few months of that article being printed, I could no longer find it online. The CDC came out with a blanket statement that there was NO link between vaccines and autism because they did a SINGLE study, and the matter was CLOSED! (Capital letter closed because it was covered on every media outlet that this ONE study was enough to debunk any and all other work on the topic.) (Where was responsible journalism?! Where was responsible science?! Anyone in the science field knows you need years of studies to “prove” anything.) Only recently, Dr.William Thompson, a top CDC scientist who worked on the very study that “proved” vaccines and autism weren’t linked came forward as a whistleblower with documentation proving the CDC committed fraud by removing half the children from the study to alter results.

Since that time, every study that has shown no link to autism was skewed with the same bad science based on the 2004 study. Britain had ruined Wakefield’s career for even suggesting a possible link.
Well, I had been looking into this…I wasn’t so convinced.

There were loads of studies from around the world that were linking vaccines to possible problems with allergies, ADD, ADHD, autism, SIDS,  and even the spreading of the diseases that they were trying to prevent!

( side note: Herd immunity is a myth because in order to have herd immunity, you need 90-95% of the population fully immune to a disease…We don’t have that. THAT is why most outbreaks of measles and chicken pox happen in “fully” vaccinated communities…Without constant boosters every few years, your body is NOT fully immune. Also, it usually begins because a recently vaccinated person shed the disease. I had a grown friend contract the chicken pox because his daughter had recently received the vaccine.)

Here is a link to just 30 studies that suggest a connection between vaccines and autism. https://healthimpactnews.com/2013/30-scientific-studies-showing-the-link-between-vaccines-and-autism/
Oh…and Here is 125 MORE! https://www.scribd.com/doc/220807175/125-Research-Papers-Supporting-the-Vaccine-Autism-Link

The truth is, most (if not all) of the studies dismissing a link have some form of tie to the money.
These INDEPENDENT scientists had nothing to gain from these findings, and after seeing what happened to Wakefield, they had something to lose…like their career.

So, I did what my father taught me, and I followed the money.

Let’s talk about what you..the American citizen…don’t know.

I personally do not believe that organizations that control the healthcare and welfare of our country should be able to receive “donations” …huge sums of money … from the people who profit from us being sick. let’s take the American Academy of Pediatrics. Their number one sponsor is Merck Pharmaceuticals… The parent company for many of the vaccines your child receives.

Oh! If your child suffers a serious reaction or death from a vaccine, you can’t sue the company…Our government has created a fail-safe that bypasses due process. Instead, you must apply for an opportunity to be heard by a judge in a special vaccine court. You will wait years, you cannot appeal, and there will be no jury.

Following Merck are several other pharmaceutical companies making “donations”…and then formula companies (which recently came down and said in a medical journal that doctors should no longer call breastfeeding natural….They are losing too much money.)

Medical schools are no better.

(taken from http://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/how-medical-school-funding-from-big-pharma-impacts-your-health/)

“Did you know that, up until recently, U.S. pharmaceutical companies funded the majority of U.S. medical schools with very little regulation?
It’s nothing new to point out how flawed modern U.S. healthcare is in its treatment-based philosophies over preventative measures. This idea (and our doctors poor grasp on sound nutrition), however, seems to make a lot more sense when we realize just how far the Big Pharm arm reaches.
In 2008, AMSA (American Medical Student Association), in collaboration with The Pew Charitable Trusts, uncovered just how extensively pharmaceutical companies influenced medical institutions in the U.S. AMSA created a conflict-of-interests scorecard to show just how ethically academia was interacting with the pharmaceutical business:
  • 40 out 150 schools received an “F”, including Harvard, which had no conflict-of-interests policies in place. (Note: Harvard received an “A” on the next survey.)
  • Less than 15 percent of medical schools scored an “A” or “B,” insinuating the overwhelming majority of doctors have received a severely skewed education.  “
AS you can see, it is highly likely that most of what we know about modern medicine has had the opportunity to be seriously misled. If pharmaceutical companies write the paychecks, they control what is and isn’t studied, what is and isn’t learned in school. Is it so unlikely that they demanded the altering of results?! I mean, they are in the business of profiting only if they keep people sick.It is the same way with the food we eat. Do YOU think that the people in charge of our food safety should have monetary links to the companies that profit if we are sick?! I pulled this directly from the Monsanto website,”Prior to Sept. 1, 1997, a corporation that was then known as Monsanto Company (Former Monsanto) operated an agricultural products business (the Ag Business), a pharmaceuticals and nutrition business (the Pharmaceuticals Business) and a chemical products business (the Chemicals Business). Former Monsanto is today known as Pharmacia LLC. Pharmacia is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., which operates the Pharmaceuticals Business.”

It gets worse. 
The USDA is indirectly controlled by Monsanto…the people who brought us agent orange.
According to http://www.nationofchange.org
 “Monsanto’s growth hormones for cows have been approved by Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto lobbyist turned USDA administrator and FDA deputy commissioner.  This was after Margaret Miller, a former Monsanto employee, oversaw a report on the hormones’ safety and then took a job at the FDA where she approved her own report.
Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist, wrote the USDA’s food standards, allowing corporations to label irradiated and genetically engineered foods as “organic.”
The recently passed and signed law nicknamed the Monsanto Protection Act strips federal courts of the power to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during a legal appeals process.  The origin of this act can be found in the USDA’s deregulation of Roundup Ready sugar beets in violation of a court order.  The USDA argued that any delay would have caused a sugar shortage, since Monsanto holds 95% of the market.
The revolving door keeps revolving.  Monsanto’s board members have worked for the EPA, advised the USDA, and served on President Obama’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations.”
These people are the best in the world at covering up corruption.
As you can see (unless you simply choose to be ignorant to your own detriment), there are some serious conflicts of interest lurking in the very organizations that control our health and food. The food we buy at the store is mostly highly processed. Most of that food is filled with known possible carcinogens, preservatives, artificial color, and GMOs. In the part 2 of this series, I will talk about the good news…what we can do for ourselves…and what is changing for the better.



29 Jun

Healing yourself and those around you part 1

FOOD IS BEING THROWN AWAY more than ever. We CAN, when people know what they are doing, plant and raise real food and keep the soil healthy! Even the organic stuff is being affected, but that can change.  We have guts that do not absorb well from the compromised, poor food we have been inflicted with. WE WANT TO BE ALIVE BUT WE EAT DEAD, TOXIC FOOD!


I have lived a life of know only natural health and healing with food and with other modes of holistic healing and wellness.

I would like to encourage you to keep up with my web page here, my blogs, my Facebook page blogs, and also utilize other web pages and information such as listed below.  I have a lifetime of research I plan to put onto my web page, use in my live classes, and use in my daily client coaching and massage.  I would like you to encourage the youth to come into this world and learn all they can while they are young to avoid and prevent the things that can come up in later years.  I am an advocate for the youth being taught as I was and grow up with an approach to living that most have forgotten or know little about in this country of ours.

Again, below are just a few of the places you can grow and learn without being overwhelmed.  My sight will stay simple also, and link you to many connections to fit your own individual needs.

Let’s get healthy together!!  Let’s combat the growing number of mainstream health issues the pharmaceutical industry is not doing much for, except causing the populations to grow sicker.














31 May


Below are just couple of examples of how we can do things within ourselves. It is created in us to do so. Use it! I can help direct you to many ways to find the way for you, and your loved ones.

“My wife told me that she has a cyst on her right ovary and “it does not look good”. During her routine ultrasound it was discovered that she had a dermoid cyst. The doctor suggested surgery to remove the whole right ovary. He warned us that solid cysts do not go away and that my wife would need surgery. My wife saw an advanced John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release therapist the following day and subsequently completed 10 Myofascial Release sessions. When my wife had her second ultrasound performed, the cyst was completely gone! “No surgery” the doctor said. What a relief! Thank you John for bringing Myofascial Release to our lives!”

Then a friend told me about Cheryl. I had realized by then that the allopathic doctors I had been dealing with knew nothing about the healing of cancer. Wasting no time indulging in self-pity, I phoned Cheryl and after talking with her realised that I would have to do this myself. Cheryl immediately got me started on the Budwig protocol.

At first I never thought I would be able to do this protocol… but by October I could feel life returning to my body. I was able to walk normally again, most of the pain was gone and in November I went back to work. My oncologist reckons that I am a miracle – imagine that!! It was in fact simple work and dedication – I had to learn how to eat properly etc., but Cheryl trained my wife and myself and made it all easy and simple. We had to learn how to make sauerkraut, kefir, our own bread and sprout our own seeds [see Explanatory notes re kefir and sprouting], not to mention the juicing, correct foods and of course the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese mix and sunlight(which I took in the nude to the extent possible) on a daily basis. I used the Eldi oil rubs we purchase from Germany as well as body brushing and a mini trampoline(rebounder) [to activate the lymphatic circulation] every day.

Source: Healing Cancer Naturally


I met Bailey O’Brien at a conference in Phoenix, AZ. She told me her remarkable story of how she healed stage 4 melanoma and then we shot this short interview for you. It was definitely one of the highlights of my weekend. you’re gonna love her!

Source: Chris Beat Cancer

27 May

Not about you anymore…..

When your career, or other aspect of life, is helping others, it is not about you anymore. Where is the CENTER, the grounding, the source? WE have to achieve center. When we are thinking centered, we are thinking from the core instead of the head.

Wisdom is just that. Awareness is heart-minded guidance. Our energy needs to be about manifestation of the two. Center. Balance.

Believe. Be present.  The healing power of Jesus may have just simply been presence.

Your body is your business. No one, not doctors or family or friends, knows the body better than you. We have been trained to give our power over... question that! Question and listen to your gut, your intuition.

Physically diagnose with the stress responses in your life.  What was the response to a situation before sickness occurred to make us susceptible to the illness?

Write your own prescription.

Surrender. Desire. Turn it over. Illness and issues can be the turning point to spiritual awakening.

Keep hope alive. You are not alone.

(contact me for more information about the many services offered with Natural Helping Hands)

26 May


I AM TRAINING in this specialty, specifically pediatric.


The John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach® is considered to be the ultimate therapy that is safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last. John F. Barnes, PT has trained over 100,000 therapists and physicians, is an international lecturer, author and authority on Myofascial Release. He is a physical therapist and is considered to be a visionary and teacher of the highest caliber.

Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)

The medical approach is to drug patients so they temporarily are free from pain, but does nothing about the “straight-jacket” of pressure that is causing the pain. Traditional physical, occupational and massage therapy treats the symptoms caused by the pressure of the “straightjacket” of the Myofascial system, but does nothing about the “straightjacket” of pressure that causes and perpetuates the symptoms. This is why so many patients only have temporary results never seeming to get better with traditional therapy. Only Myofascial Release treats the entire Myofascial mind/body complex eliminating the pressure of the restricted Myofascial system (the straightjacket) that causes the symptoms.

Patients are sent to us from around the world for Myofascial Release when medicine, surgery or traditional therapy or massage did not produce the desired results. Myofascial Release will safely and gently release the entire Myofascial complex for lasting and comprehensive results and authentic healing.

Our Goal is to Help you Return to a Pain Free, Active Lifestyle!

  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Whiplash
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Sports Injuries
  • Chronic Pain
  • Disc Problems
  • Migraines
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Neurological Dysfunction
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Adhesions
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Jaw Pain (TMJ)
  • Painful Scars
  • Scoliosis
  • Infants/Children
  • Sciatica
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Women’s Health Issues

Women’s Health Problems:

  • Vulvodynia
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Mastectomy Pain
  • Menstrual Problems
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Urinary Frequency
  • Problematic Breast Implant/Reduction Scars
  • Coccydynia
  • Endometriosis
  • Infertility Problems
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Lymphedema
  • Urinary Urgency
  • Episiotomy Scars
  • Pelvic Floor Pain
  • Pudendal Nerve Entrapment






06 May

Great Site to Visit

The Hippy Homemaker is a great blog full of helpful and down to earth articles covering green and eco-friendly living, natural health, aromatherapy, herbalism, and more.

After years of pain and poor health, Christina realized that poor diet and toxic chemicals were causing her a LOT of problems.  She made changes to her diet and lifestyle, and she credits those changes with saving her life.  Christina invites us to join her on the journey to a healthier and hippier lifestyle.