I’ve been talking the last few weeks about our Healthy Back Challenge and today I am so excited to kick this off with you. Over the next 5 days I will be sharing valuable information with you through a daily email. Each day we will provide some tips and exercises to help you live a life free from back aches and pains. For Day #1 let’s talk about how miraculous the human spine is. God designed an elegantly balanced system and foundational support of the entire body. The spine balances our neck, chest, lower back and pelvis to keep our neck, body and legs in alignment. Every move we make engages the spine. So What Causes Back Pain? The spine is a stack of 33 vertebrae connected and cushioned by cartilage and connective tissue and like other joints in the body, they can experience inflammation and pain. Pain in the back can be caused by long-term impact of injury, poor posture, inactivity, too much sitting or certain diseases. 80% of the population suffers from some type of chronic back pain. Two-thirds of adults age 40+ show disc deterioration and by age 60, 90 percent are affected. Back aches and pain can result from muscle strain, weakness, lack of exercise, injury or straining the back from too much of the wrong kind of activities. The good news is with proper care, toning and conditioning improving back aches and pain is possible! As we go through this Challenge, I would love for you to think about why you decided to join. How would less back pain affect your quality of life? What activities do you love to do or would love to get back to doing? Knowing our “why” is what motivates us to stay committed and consistent. I’m sharing common every day causes of back pain in today’s video.
These genes multiply to trillions upon trillions as organs grow and humans develop.
Genes: 65% are the same as a banana, 75% are the same as a fruit fly, 80% are the same as a mouse, 99% are the same as a chimpanzee. We are human, not animal. We have a percent that is only human, setting us apart from all life forms.
96% of all elements in the body are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. 4 % are all the other elements. All are important blocks to our body.
What does this have to do with stress and anxiety? Before our birth (constitution), our conception day, while we are in the womb, our birth, place of birth, and after birth (condition) play a part in our daily lives. Stress and anxiety can be from imbalances of elements, trauma, circumstances, food, environment, and more.
Everything that occurs in our lives is embedded in our fascia; imprints of trauma in life never go away, but it can be turned around/changed.
Join us as we take on this huge subject, break it down into intricate parts, and tune into bio individuality.
Live Stream, Rumble, each Thursday at 10 am. It will be recorded as well. WE will be in the series of stress and anxiety for the next 6 weeks or more. Series episodes will include: nutritional influences in connection to emotional eating, dehydration, maternal caregivers and general caregivers, navigating relationships, and physical manifestations such as allergic reactions, panic attacks, and mood disorders.
WE go live at NOON CST to introduce our new wellness series. Jacalyn Poyner. These are recorded. Watch for the each week, maybe twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Did you also know that dancing is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s?! Dancing requires your brain to work harder to master the steps, it also involves cross body movements and elevates your heart rate so not only are you giving your body a great workout but your brain too! If you want to keep your brain sharp you should PAZAZ regularly.
If you are new to Faithful Workouts, PAZAZ may be a new term for you. It’s a fun name for our cardio/dance style workouts. This style of workout is such a fun way to exercise, plus they help women improve their heart health, reduce anxiety and depression while promoting better sleep. Here’s another fun fact for you: PAZAZ comes from the Hebrew word David used in the Bible to describe dancing with joy for all that the Lord had done as he was leading the ark into Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:16). We offer a variety of styles of cardio so if you haven’t tried PAZAZ you are in for a real treat! You will love this workout filmed in Costa Rica.
You can find all the resources and info we are sharing this month by clicking the button below!
“What if, instead of spending our energy trying to fix the symptoms, we went to the root of the problem? The reality is that our emotions are a byproduct of the way we think. What’s good about this news is that we can change our thinking.”
As I read that quote from a bible devotional, and thought of what that means, I began to get back to the meaning of my callings in Life. I had lost a little bit of the passion that grew this business this past year. I had been so busy taking care of the business as it has blossomed, that I lost a tiny portion of the initial seed that sprouted. (I am a gardener and I cannot help but speak in gardening terms).
Scripture is bringing me back to that seed core. This statement is bringing me back to that intention for each and every interaction, from clients to marketing, that I have invested into this amazing work: “God, help me break the cycle of my out-of-control thoughts. I want Your truths to invade every decision, every emotion, every thought I have. Amen.”
You have probably seen the picture of the small iceberg that appears to be harmless. Yet, underneath is a much larger picture of the iceberg’s true size. This picture is used a lot in self help arenas.
I have another picture for you. I was walking along and kicked a small rock. It did not move. I decided to reach down and pull it up to move it. It did not budge.
I kicked and pushed and pulled for many minutes. Finally I took hold of it, pulled in several directions, and managed to get it out. It was a large rock, not a small rock as it appeared from the surface. And, to top that off, it had an L shape in in.
The hole was deep. I stepped back and just marveled at this for a few moments, thinking about how we kick and tear at issues, people or situations in our life; most often than not, they are rooted bigger than we expect them to be. If we stay at it and finally get the entire thing worked out, the hole is usually deep.
The relief is revealing, calming, closing, refreshing, anguishing, exasperating, penetrating, unyielding, struggling, and trying. We then work on mending the hole. I will leave this with you to ponder. I am pondering it, reading scriptures to understand it, and keeping it as a reminder of our human intricacies.
I am here to help you through these times of kicking, tearing and figuring things out.
How to Make Herbal Liniment by Jethro Kloss July 1, 2010/
Click here the image above to learn more
in Remedies & Recipes /by Kimberly Gallagher
Rosemary Gladstar’s book the Family Herbal: A Guide to Living Life with Energy, Health, and Vitality
this recipe is one of our family favorites and we are very excited to have this opportunity to talk with her and share her herbal wisdom with all of you. She describes this remedy, Jethro Kloss’s Liniment, as “a very old, very strong recipe & useful for reducing inflammation of the muscles, cleansing wounds, and soothing insect bites.” This liniment was first concocted by a famous old herbalist named Dr. Jethro Kloss, hence its name. The herbs in this liniment by Jethro Kloss have antiseptic, warming, stimulating, and anti-inflammatory properties. They will also help increase circulation in areas where muscles are sore. We haven’t made a liniment in a while, and wanted to update our supply, since we definitely find that it is a great addition to our herbal family medicine chest. I used our liniment a lot for sore back muscles during my first pregnancy and found this one by Jethro Kloss to be very effective, and it is very simple to make. Herbal Liniment by Jethro Kloss What you’ll need… 1 ounce echinacea powder 1 ounce organically grown goldenseal powder (I do want to emphasize the organically grown part of this description. This plant is endangered in the wild from over-harvesting, so be sure and get it from a healthy, cultivated source. If you can ‘t find that, Rosemary suggests substituting chaparral or Oregon grape root) 1 ounce myrrh powder 1/4 ounce cayenne powder 1 pint rubbing alcohol Need organic herbs or supplies? Get them here! Ok, start by weighing out the powders and putting them in a pint jar. Pour the rubbing alcohol over the powders, leaving a good 2-inch margin above the herbs. Stir and put a lid on the jar. Place the mixture in a warm location and let it sit for 4 weeks. (2 weeks is also fine). Strain and rebottle.
Label the bottle clearly FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY (rubbing alcohol should not be taken internally). We’ve found that bottling our liniments in a spray bottle is very handy. It’s easy to spray it onto areas with sore muscles or onto wounds that need cleaning.
Enjoy this wonderful addition to your family medicine chest from Jethro Kloss. About the Author – Kimberly Gallagher Kimberly Gallagher, M.Ed., CCH is author of the Herb Fairies book series and creator of the Wildcraft! board game. She is also co-founder of LearningHerbs. Kimberly is passionate about sustainable living, cultural transformation, healthy cooking, parenting, and storytelling. Read more about Kimberly »
This is not your typical encouragement write-up on being the person you were meant to be. I will give you some food for thought that is not main stream, and is very out of the box, but should be the normal thinking.
We were created, man was created, out of the dust of the Earth and given life and breath from the very mouth of the Creator. It was good. Did you get that? When the tree of knowledge of good and evil entered the picture, so did the lies that we are no longer good. Fear entered first and foremost. Fear and shame are the foundation to all that is not good, all that is not of the creation in the beginning. We were given a choice. That is all. It was a choice. Man did not become evil. The flesh did not become evil. The mind did not become evil. The man allowed the fear and shame to take over his very own body, mind and soul. Yahweh constantly showed that there is a way to stay within what we are create to be. The stuff that was breathed into us at creation was not taken out of us when the other tree was eaten. This is a key point.
We are made in HIS very image. WE are sons and daughters of the Most High. We are good. Sin can take over but it is not who we are.
We are meant for so much more. We have been given the promise of Eternal Life. We must live that kingdom here on Earth. We have the breathe of the Father in us and through us. We can get the fear and shame out. All sin and all evil can be overcome. All of our impurities, all of our transgressions, all of our health issues, all of our Earth’s pollution, is from fear and shame. We are not evil first. Evil takes over us when we allow it in. Evil is the result of not being what we are meant to be.
Be what you are meant to be. Be who you are. Live the life you have been given to live in Messiah. Use the breath of the Almighty that was breathed into you and never taken out.
I could make this longer, but I want you to digest the truth you have just read. Let’s have a conversation.