12 Oct

You are in front of “it”…

Conviction = spirit resolving

Condemnation = emotion, shame, Satan led

Romans 8:1 — Talk to your issue, respond to it, convict yourself in the spirit of the Father, and run to the Father, instantly, before the condemnation sets in.

Nothing we do or say is a shock to the Almighty.  One issue may be the 100th time to you (because we go over and over it), but it is not to Yahweh; it is only one, and it is forgiven one, and it is done and gone.

Disappointments and setbacks are NOT the wrong path. Set forth to read the examples of those lives written in the Word. Sit with those who have been where you are, taken hold, and moved forward. These paths are all patterns to follow, for they all were pursuing something set before them, keeping their eyes on the vision and purpose they were to fulfill.  Someone is always behind you. You are a pattern those behind you are following. At the same time, “Pharaoh” (fear, shame, condemnation) is pursuing you. Keep him behind you. David not a man after God’s own heart; David was a man “AFTER” God’s own heart. We read about David incorrectly. David was daily striving with self and others, daily sinning, daily in war, yet He “PURSUED” the word of the Lord. He was pursuing (after), following, moving forward, and constantly becoming the man Yahweh wanted him to be.  We are not to be like David, the man, but to be pursuing after the Father as David did.

Running while looking backward is dangerous; you will fall. The setbacks and disappointments are behind you. the issue is behind you.  When you have said something or done something, or someone has caused chaos in your life, it is done. YOU ARE IN FRONT OF IT!  Look forward, move forward, run toward the Father, and pursue the resolution.

We can go into the world as missionaries, or we can become the mission field.

Our life should be always about the Father’s business, to be seeking his leading, and to know that He took us into His bosom and will keep us there. Our goal is not to look upon the Messiah as our great example; this is a burden. He is the one who took all of our sins. He is the one who erases those sins.  He tears down fear, shame, and condemnation, so that He may build up in us the spirit of power, might and sound mind we were created with.

You are in front of it.

Image may contain: 1 person



08 Oct

I am ready

I am ready.

Ready for what you ask?

I am ready to sit next to you rather than across from you. I am willing to put the issue in front of us. I am ready to listen, ask questions, and accept that I may not fully understand the issue. I am ready to acknowledge what you do well.  I am ready to empower you.  I am ready to recognize your strengths and how you can use them to address your challenges.  I am ready to genuinely thank you for your efforts.  I am ready to talk to you about how resolving will lead you to your growth and opportunity.

I am ready to model the vulnerability and openness that I will see from you.

Are you ready?


09 Jul

Planting Hope

By Jean Giono

For a human character to reveal truly exceptional qualities, one must have the good fortune to be able to observe its performance over many years. If this performance is devoid of all egoism, if its guiding move is unparalleled generosity, if it is absolutely certain that there is no thought of recompense and that, in addition, it has left its visible mark upon the earth, then there can be no mistake.

About forty years ago I was taking a long trip on foot over mountain heights quite unknown to tourists in that ancient region where the Alps thrust down into Provence. All this, at the time I embarked upon my long walk through these deserted regions, was barren and colorless land. Nothing grew there but wild lavender.

I was crossing the area at its wildest point, and after three days walking found myself in the midst of unparalleled desolation. I camped near the vestiges of an abandoned village. I had run out of water the day before, and had to find some. These clustered houses, although in ruins, like an old wasp’s nest, suggested that there must once have been a spring, but it was dry. The five or six houses, roofless, gnawed by wind and rain, the tiny chapel with its crumbling steeple, stood about like the houses and chapels in living villages, but all life had vanished.

It was a fine June day, brilliant with sunlight, but over this unsheltered land, high in the sky, the wind blew with unendurable ferocity. It growled over the carcasses of the houses like a lion disturbed at its meal. I had to move my camp.

After five hours walking I had still not found water, and there was nothing to give me any hope of finding any. All about me was the same dryness, the same coarse grasses. I thought I glimpsed in the distance a small black silhouette, upright, and took it for the trunk of a solitary tree. In any case I started towards it. It was a shepherd. Thirty sheep were lying about him on the baking earth. He gave me a drink from his watergourd and, a little later, took me to his cottage in a fold of the plain. He drew his water excellently from a very deep natural well above which he had constructed a primitive winch.

The man spoke little. This is the way of those who live alone, but one felt that he was sure of himself, and confident in his assurance. That was unexpected in this barren country. He lived, not in a cabin, but in a real house built of stone that bore plain evidence of how his own efforts had reclaimed the ruin he had found there on his arrival. His roof was strong and sound. The wind on its tiles made the sound of the sea upon its shores.

The place was in order, the dishes washed, the floor swept, his rifle oiled; his soup was boiling over the fret I noticed then that he was cleanly shaved, that all his buttons were firmly sewed on, that his clothing had been mended with the meticulous care that makes the mending invisible. He shared his soup with me and afterwards, when I offered my tobacco pouch, he told me that he did not smoke. His dog, as silent as himself, was friendly without being servile.

It was understood from the first that I should spend the night there; the nearest village was still more than a day and a half away. And besides I was perfectly familiar with the nature of the rare villages in that region. There were four or five of them scattered well apart from each other on these mountain slopes, along white oak thickets, at the extreme end of the wagon roads. They were inhabited by charcoal-burners, and the living was bad. Families, crowded together in a climate that is excessively harsh both in winter and in summer found no escape from the unceasing conflict of personalities. Irrational ambition reached inordinate proportions in the continual desire for escape, The men took their wagon loads of charcoal to the town, then returned. The soundest characters broke under the perpetual grind. The women nursed their grievances. There was rivalry in everything, over the price of charcoal as over a pew in the church. And over all there was the wind, also ceaseless to rasp upon the nerves. There were epidemics of suicide and frequent cases of insanity, usually homicidal.

The shepherd went to fetch a small sack and poured out a heap of acorns on the table. He began to inspect them, one by one, with great concentration, separating the good from the bad. I smoked my pipe. I did offer to help him. He told me that it was his job. And in fact, seeing the care he devoted to the task, I did not insist. That was the whole of our conversation. When he had set aside a large enough pile of good acorns he counted them out by tens, meanwhile eliminating the small ones or those which were slightly cracked, for now he examined them more closely. When he had thus selected one hundred perfect acorns he stopped and he went to bed.

There was peace in being with this man. The next day I asked if I might rest here for a day. He found it quite natural or, to be more exact, he gave me the impression that nothing could startle him. The rest was not absolutely necessary, but I was interested and wished to know more about him. He opened the pen and led his flocks to pasture. Before leaving, he plunged his sack of carefully selected and counted acorns into a pail of water. I noticed that he carried for a stick an iron rod as thick as my thumb and about a yard and a half long. Resting myself by walking, I followed a path parallel to his. His pasture was in a valley. He left the little flock in charge of the dog and climbed towards where I stood. I was afraid that he was about to rebuke me for my indiscretion, but it was not that at all; this was the way he was going, and he invited me to go along if I had nothing better to do. He climbed to the top of the ridge about a hundred yards away.

There he began thrusting his iron rod into the earth, making a hole in which he planted an acorn; then he refilled the hole. He was planting oak trees. I asked him if the land belonged to him. He answered no. Did he know whose it was? He did not. He supposed it was community property, or perhaps belonged to people who cared nothing about it. He was not interested in finding out whose it was. He planted his hundred acorns with the greatest care. After the midday meal he resumed his planting. I suppose I must have been fairly insistent in my questioning, for he answered me. For three years he had been planting trees in this wilderness. He had planted 100,000. Of these, 20,000 had sprouted. Of the 20,000 he still expected to lose about half to rodents or to the unpredictable designs of Providence. There remained 10,000 oak trees to grow where nothing had grown before.

That was when I began to wonder about the age of this man. He was obviously over fifty. Fifty-five, he told me. His name was Elzeard Bouffier. He had once had a farm in the lowlands. There he had his life. He had lost his only son, then his wife. He had withdrawn into this solitude, where his pleasure was to live leisurely with his lambs and his dog. It was his opinion that this land was dying for want of trees. He added that, having no very pressing business of his own, he had resolved to remedy this state of affairs.

Since I was at that time, in spite of my youth, leading a solitary life, I understood how to deal gently with solitary spirits. But my very youth forced me to consider the future in relation to myself and to a certain quest for happiness. I told him that in thirty years his 10,000 oaks would be magnificent. He answered quite simply that if God granted him life, in thirty years he would have planted so many more that these 10,000 would be like a drop of water in the ocean.

Besides, he was now studying the reproduction of beech trees and had a nursery of seedlings grown from beechnuts near his cottage. The seedlings, which he protected from his sheep with a wire fence, were very beautiful. He was also considering birches for the valleys where, he told me, there was a certain amount of moisture a few yards below the surface of the soil.

The next day we parted.

The following year came the War of 1914, in which I was involved for the next five years. An infantryman hardly had time for reflecting upon trees. To tell the truth, the thing itself had made no impression upon me; I had considered it as a hobby, a stamp collection, and forgotten it.

The war over, I found myself possessed of a tiny demobilization bonus and a huge desire to breathe fresh air for a while. It was with no other objective that I again took the road to the barren lands.

The countryside had not changed. However, beyond the deserted village I glimpsed in the distance a sort of grayish mist that covered the mountaintops like a carpet. Since the day before, I had begun to think again of the shepherd treeplanter. “Ten thousand oaks”, I reflected, “really take up quite a bit of space.” I had seen too many men die during those five years not to imagine easily that Elzeard Bouffier was dead, especially since, at twenty, one regards men of fifty as old men with nothing left to do but die. He was not dead. As a matter of fact he was extremely spry. He had changed jobs. Now he had only four sheep but, a hundred beehives. He had got rid of the sheep because they threatened his young trees. For, he told me (and I saw for myself), the war had disturbed him not at all. He had imperturbably continued to plant.

The oaks of 1910 were then 10 years old and taller than either of us. It was an impressive spectacle. I was literally speechless and, as he did not talk, we spent the whole day walking in silence through his forest. In three sections, it measured eleven kilometers in length and three kilometers at its greatest width. When you remembered that all this had sprung from the hands and the soul of this one man, without technical resources, you understand that men could be as effectual as God in realms other than that of destruction.

He had pursued his plan, and beech trees as high as my shoulder, spreading out as far as the eye could reach, confirmed it. He showed me handsome clumps of birch planted five years before that is, in 1915, when I had been fighting at Verdun. He had set them out in all the valleys where he had guessed and rightly that there was moisture almost at the surface of the ground. They were as delicate as young girls, and very well established.

Creation seemed to come about in a sort of chain reaction. He did not worry about it; he was determinedly pursuing his task in all its simplicity; but as we went back towards the village I saw water flowing in brooks that had been dry since the memory of man. This was the most impressive result of chain reaction that I had seen. These dry streams had once, long ago, run with water. Some of the dreary villages I mentioned before had been built on the sites of ancient Roman settlements, traces of which still remained; and archaeologists, exploring there, had found fishhooks where, in the twentieth century, cisterns were needed to assure a small supply of water.

The wind, too, scattered seeds. As the water reappeared, so there reappeared willows! rushes, meadows, gardens, flowers, and a certain purpose in being alive. But the transformation took place so gradually that it became part of the pattern without causing any astonishment. Hunters, climbing into the wilderness in pursuit of hares or wild boar, had of course noticed the sudden growth of little trees, but had attributed it to some caprice of the earth. That is why no one meddled with Elzeard Bouffier’s work. If he had been detected he would have had opposition. He was undetectable. Who in the villages or in the administration could have dreamed of such perseverance in a magnificent generosity?

To have anything like a precise idea of this exceptional character one must not forget that he worked in total solitude; so total that, towards the end of his life, he lost the habit of speech. Or perhaps it was that he saw no need for it.

In 1933 he received a visit from a forest ranger who notified him of an order against lighting fires out of doors for fear of endangering the growth of this natural forest. It was the first time, the man told him naively, that he had ever heard of forest growing of its own accord. At that time Bouffier was about to plant beeches at a spot some twelve kilometers from his cottage. In order to avoid travelling back and forth for he was then seventy-five he planned to build a stone cabin right at the plantation. The next year he did so.

In 1935 a whole delegation came from the Government to examine the “natural forest.” There was a high official from the forest Service, a Deputy, technicians. There was a great deal of ineffectual talk. It was decided that something must be done and, fortunately, nothing was done except the only helpful thing: the whole forest was place under the protection of the State, and charcoal burning prohibited. for it was impossible not to be captivated by the beauty of those young trees in the fullness of health, and they cast their spell over the Deputy himself.

A friend of mine was among the forestry officers of the delegation. To him I explained the mystery. One day the following week we went together to see Elzeard Bouffier We found him hard at work, some ten kilometers from the spot where the inspection had taken place.

This forester was not my friend for nothing. He knew how to keep silent. I delivered the eggs I had brought as a present. We shared our lunch among the three of us and spent several hours in wordless contemplation of the countryside.

In the direction from which we had come the slopes were covered with trees twenty to twenty-five feet tall. I remembered how the land had looked in 1913: a desert…Peaceful, regular toil, the vigorous mountain air, frugality and, above all, serenity in the spirit had endowed this old man with awe-inspiring health. He was one of God’s athletes. I wondered how many more acres he was going to cover with trees.

Before leaving, my friend simply made a brief suggestion about certain species of trees that the soil here seemed particularly suited for. He did not force the point. “For the very good reason,”he told me later,” that Bouffier knows more about it than I do.” At the end of an hour’s walking having turned it over in his mind he added,”He knows a lot more about it than anybody. He’s discovered a wonderful way to be happy.”

It was thanks to this officer that not only the forest but also the happiness of the man was protected. He delegated three rangers to the task, and so terrorized them that they remained proof against all the bottles of wine the charcoal burners could offer.

The only serious danger to the work occurred during the War of 1939. As cars were being run on gazogenes (woodburning generators), there was never enough wood. Cutting was started among the oaks of 1910, but the area was so far from any railway that the enterprise turned out to be financially unsound. It was abandoned. The shepherd had seen nothing of it. He was thirty kilometers away, peacefully continuing his work, ignoring the war of 1939 as he had ignored that of 1914.

I saw Elzeard Bouffier for the last time in June of 1945. He was then eighty-seven. I had started back along the rough through the wastelands; but now, in spite of the disorder in which the war had left the country, there was a bus running between the Furance Valley and the mountain. I attributed the fact that I no longer recognized the scenes of my earlier journeys to this relatively speedy transportation. It took the name of a village to convince me that I was actually in that region that had been all ruins and desolation.

The bus put me down at Vergons. In 1913 this hamlet of ten or twelve houses had three inhabitants. They had been savage creatures, hating one another, living by trapping game, little removed, physically and morally, from the conditions of prehistoric man. All about them nettles were feeding upon the remains of abandoned houses. Their condition had been beyond help. For them, nothing but to await death a situation which rarely predisposes to virtue.

Everything was changed. Even the air. Instead of the harsh dry winds that used to attack me, a gentle breeze was blowing, laden with scents. A sound like water came from the mountains; it was the wind in the forest; most amazing of all, I heard the actual sound of water falling into a pool. I saw that a fountain had been built, that it flowed freely and what touched me most that someone had planted a linden beside it, a linden that must have been four years old, already in full leaf, the incontestable symbol of resurrection.

Besides, Vergons bore evidence of labor at the sort of undertaking for which hope is required. Hope, then, had returned. Ruins had been cleared away, dilapidated walls torn down and five houses restored. Now there were twenty-eight inhabitants, four of them young married couples. The new houses, freshly plastered, were surrounded by gardens where vegetables and flowers grew in orderly confusion, cabbages and roses, leeks and snapdragons, celery and anemones. It was now a village where one would like to live.

From that point I went on foot. The war just finished had not allowed the full blooming of life, but Lazarus was out of the tomb. On the lower slopes of the mountain I saw little fields of barley and rye; deep in that narrow valley the meadows were turning green.

It has taken only the eight years since then for the whole countryside to glow with health and prosperity. On the site of the ruins I had seen in 1913 now stand neat farms, cleanly plastered, testifying to a happy and comfortable life. The old streams, fed by the rains and snows that the forest conserves, are flowing again. Their waters have been channeled. On each farm, in groves of maples, fountain pools overflow on to carpets of fresh mint. Little by little the villages have been rebuilt. People from the plains, where land is costly, have settled here, bringing youth, motion, the spirit of adventure. Along the roads you meet hearty men and women, boys and girls who understand laughter and have recovered a taste for picnics. Counting the former population, unrecognizable now that they live in comfort, more than 10,000 people owe their happiness to Elzeard Bouffier.

When I reflect that one man, armed only with his own physical and moral resources, was able to cause this land of Canaan to spring from the wasteland, I am convinced that, in spite of everything, humanity is admirable. But when I compute the unfailing greatness of spirit and the tenacity of benevolence that it must have taken to achieve this result, I am taken with an immense respect for that old and unlearned peasant who was able to complete a work worthy of God.

– Elzeard Bouffier died peacefully in 1947 at the hospice in Banon.


Map from Vergons, 04170, France to Banon, 04150, France

15 Jun

Smoke and other summer obstacles

Hello everyone.

I intended to have a video blog, but I am not going to have one of those today. I am going to write a few things concerning the obstacles I, and many like me, have to deal with this time of year.  SMOKE. It is the time of year grills are fired up, and smokers are going daily.  This is not good for me. I am allergic to smoke from these devices because of a mammal allergy (AG). If you have followed my blogs, you know a lot about Alpha Gal (AG) mammal allergy. If this is the first time reading anything about such an allergy, then please visit my web page to learn more.  This is a crazy allergy. It is not just ingesting internal mammal foods that affects me, it is fumes also, and some times skin contact (which is why I wash a lot with vegan soap, and carry vegan Seventh Gen sanitizing wipes with me everywhere).  It is difficult to avoid the smoke this time of year. I am an outdoor person. I love to camp, hike, and go to the lakes and parks. This has been a tough week for me emotionally and physically, from allergic reactions just by doing what I love to do and go where I love to go.  I attended a family, outdoor, military retirement party, at a lake, and had a little ingestion of some grilling smoke from nearby campsites. We stayed at at a family member’s home and I had allergic reactions from the fumes of cooking beef at breakfast time.  We attended a ball game of a family member spontaneously, and that particular field had someone grilling (no other field had grilling, just this one where the food vendors were); I had to stay away and never watched the game, which was depressing.  We smoked turkeys all day for a camp event, and I had a minor reaction to the fumes of those, because of other things that had been cooked in the smoker/grill on other occasions. I stopped in to my local grocery to pick up a quick item, and got into smoke from the store grilling in front of the doorway, and it blowing across the parking lot.  It is everywhere, the fumes. I am not as bad as many who have AG, and do not go into anaphylactic shock, but I do react and it is scary no matter.  It is a delayed reaction, making it even more difficult to take care of.  I have my reactions 11:30-2 at night every time, no matter when the contact with mammal sources. I believe I am on track using natural means to rid this AG from my body, but it takes time, and until then, this is my life.

This allergy is just a life game changer.  I intend to keep on fully living, but all I do and every where I go is high risk.  I guess this is life for all humans depending upon the perspective.  We all live in certain risk at all times. An allergy just adds to the risk that much more vulnerability.  This is life for me for a while. This is life for many of my friends with food allergies, asthma, and other similar things that just take a bit of life out of our summer outdoor fun.  Let us be aware of these things and these people around us.

Become advocates to everyone you come in contact with; talk to managers of stores, restaurants, and parks when something can be improved.  It takes little effort to make a big difference . Keep living and doing the fun things you love to do.  Keep on figuring out ways to rid the nasty stuff our of our bodies. Keep on striving for healing. Be careful, but do not allow fear to rule.  Be prepared, but  not paranoid.

see my web page, www.naturalhelpinghands.com, for information on classes for this subject, or if you would like me to come speak to your group about allergies, awareness, or or other similar subject.  check me out on Facebook 

18 May

TICKNOLOGY – Educate Yourself


I have had a tick-borne mammal allergy, Alpha-Gal (AG) for a year now. I am constantly aware, read all ingredients on everything, let everyone know wherever I go, including restaurants, and take more care outdoors (I am an outdoor gal and gardener).  I was bitten by a tick yesterday (May 16) in the late afternoon. I found it right away and it never got to be there long. I have to now be aware of anything that may change on the bite site, and send the tick in for evaluation. After having a tick bite and acquiring a tick-borne allergy/lyme, I can react to all other insect bites more than I did before, and I can have higher reactions each time I have a new tick bite.  It is crazy.  I cannot take any chances. I have been anointed and take great peace that I will not have any reactions from this bite. I did have a minor reaction last night about 11:30 p.m. for about 15 minutes with a high pulse and shaking as I usually do if I come in contact with anything mammal. I take large doses of charcoal and an herbal allergy tincture mix for reactions and do not have breathing issues or other bad issues associated with the common allergy to food.

I want everyone to be aware that this is a growing issue in our nation, and all over the world.  I believe it is worse because of gut health and bad genetics in our DNA, and each generation seems to be getting worse, even healthy people like me.  Our world is polluted and corrupted. We have not taken care of this land as we were told to do by the Creator.  But, I digress.  I have a website to share that will help you visualize the vastness of this tick-borne stuff – https://www.ticknology.org/.   Please educate yourselves and others.

Please watch for and share my upcoming classes on food allergies and sensitivities, and others, covering the sources such as ticks and more.  This information can be found on my class information page.

If you’ve benefited from the information I share, would you please take a moment to leave feedback for my page, and on my google

04 May

Allergy sensitivities? Read more

Has your world been rocked with allergy sensitivities? I have a couple of articles from recent magazines I subscribe to, but before I pin those, I have a few things to say.

It has been two years since acquiring my alpha-gal allergy, a mammal product allergy, although I never had official diagnosis until a year ago April 2017.  It has changed so much in my life. I have had to read everything I pick up to check ingredients, ask everyone what is in their dishes at pot lucks and social events, and make sure I spray every time I leave the house with my natural tic/insect bug spray as it warms up. I have had a few episodes from cross contamination eating out or the air borne meat cooking, but mostly reaction free.  I have found so many products being put into the market now for food sensitivities, vegan, and wheat issues, that it is not hard to find alternatives. The alternatives are not the same however, and I miss dairy and other thing very much.  It will not every be easy. I feel that this is just a rising epidemic, and I believe I know why. Our foods and world is so corrupted and messed up that our human body guts are becoming weaker; our immune system weaken when the lower intestine, gut, and gall bladder weaken. Our bodies are not warding off the things that they have before.  Our population is so filled with chemical, antibiotic and pharma pollution; this pollution is why the body is overwhelmed. Note that this has occurred over generations of time. It is the building up in the genetics that causes junk like these allergies to take hold. I still believe there is a way to turn this trend in the individual body around and I am continuing to do so. Until then, I am going to help everyone I can to live with and through these allergies and sensitivities with the leading of the Father to give me the motivation and inspirations to do so.  I will have classes beginning soon, so watch for registration to begin within the next week. I will, with interest, try to do some online classes also.  I want to gather people together, because together we can teach each other and together we can  empower each other, and together we can create a new story individually to pass on.

The following article is excellent, not long, and worth the time to read. I hope it helps you in your path of understanding what is going on in your body and why.  Keep on keeping on.


23 Jan


As Bill Nelson said, “the Germ theory proposes we get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them.”

12 Jan

Update On Me, and Amazing People Out There

Alpha-Gal allergy people have side effects, and it seems that gluten is a big one. I believe that it is due to the effects of the allergy in the blood and lower intestines that cause weakening of the lining and other issues, and then these side effect allergies occur.

I believe that this is all conquerable.  I had a side effect of egg and almond allergies but not anymore that I can tell.  I am able to eat gluten some again, but I am still careful because it causes my sleep to be affected some.  I plan to add a page very soon, for my local River Valley area and surrounding areas, to show the places where it is safe to eat with this mammal allergy.  I will have categories for places safe, places not safe, foods brands safe, links to the lists of ingredients to be aware of, lists of ingredients that can be both vegan and animal-based, companies that have been contacted to change their product and links for people to write in to ask them to have options for us (such as vegetable capsules, and plant glycerin and Vitamin D). The page will be free to start, and will eventually become a paid subscription service.

Be watching my Facebook page and my web page for updates and new blog posts as I am beginning to put stuff up again (I kind of got out of sync with the blogging and updating).  My book has taken a little delay also, so keep watching for it to be published by February. Be encouraged.   That is my update for now.

Carry on and keep healthy!

I leave you with some info I copied from the site for gluten-free info and help. It is the best I have seen, and I love the “watch” section.  I plan to have a section like this called “the alpha-gal watch” to keep updated like she does this gluten free site.

The Gluten-Free Dietitian web site was started to help you or someone you love successfully follow a safe and nutritious gluten-free diet. I am a nutrition consultant who has specialized in celiac disease and the gluten-free diet since 1996.

If you are new to the diet, the Gluten-Free Diet Basics and Resources pages will help you get started.

Timely information on the gluten-free diet can be found in the Gluten-Free and Nutritious Too! newsletter.

If you are looking for books written by me on the gluten-free diet visit the Books page.

Finally, if you have any questions about the gluten-free diet, please visit the Contact page.

If you are interested in learning whether the foods you eat truly are gluten-free foods, please visit our sister site Gluten Free Watchdog


04 Jan



A food allergy, cancer, lymes, or any other mycroplasma parsite prion blood issue, needs a plan to destroy and heal. I have combine several plans to come up with one that I believe, with time, will destroy the thing causing the mammalian allergy within me from a tic (called alpha gal).  I plan to keep at it until it is gone. I will not live this way. I confirm from the Almighty himself that my energy and my gusto with his healing plan will succeed.

Whole food supplements
 Amla Powder
 Apricot Kernals or powder (and other fruit seeds)
 Minerals and vitamins:** The best way to know what your body needs is through hair analysis and saliva testing, not blood work tests; the invader in the body will absorb the vitamins and minerals from your body, so a consistent daily dose of supplementation is necessary to combat nutrition deficiency (causing hormone and other imbalances and issues). (I am certified Health Coach and do the hair analysis and consultation). FIND a good nutritionist or Health Coach who can help you create the supplement plan your body needs. It will change every 6 months to 9 months as your body’s needs change.
Plant extracts
 Beta Glucan (I get this from the Amla powder)
 Colloidal silver (dark, high silver: I purchase from Herbal Healer Academy Dr. McCain)
 Turmeric/Cur cumin
 Boswella/Frankincense (I use the oil on head and feet)
 D3 from the sun, lots of sun (if you take a supplement, use a plant based, not Lanolin)
 Vitamin C, highest amount you can tolerate (usually up to 5,000 mg a day; if you have loose stool, you have met your max amt.) (if you take Amla, no need for extra C because it has the 2nd highest concentration of vitamin C in all foods)
 Probiotics (make your own, or find high quality)
 Oil of oregano
 Quercetin (in food or supplement)
 Proteolytic enzymes (pineapple, papaya, etc…or the supplements for these)
 Enzyme therapy
 Dandelion Root (powder or tea)
 Essiac Tea (I order the mix from The Bulk Herb Store, and make this myself, OR order the Essiac tincture from Herbal healer Academy)
 Jason Winter’s Tea
 Other Detox teas from Yogi and Bulk Herb Store
 HMD Herbal Drainage formula
 Dr. Clarks Parsite Cleanse OR
 (I use) Intestinal Freedom and Wormwood Plus Tincture

Cancer, Parasites, Mycroplasma (Lyme, Alpha Gal, etc.), ETC. IS A DEVINE CALL TO ACTION!
• Everything (issue good or bad) in our life is because of us, the choices we make.
• These are natural and normal, but the immune system is the difference for what becomes a tumor, chronic, or enhanced in other ways.
• By the time diagnosis , it is too late for prevention.
• The body created it and the body can heal it.

Make life goals, make future plans, Live for these goals, enjoy life as you have it, do not fear, focus on the positive, focus on the things that bring joy, live as if you had not issue; The mind can do great things.

Vegetables: garlic, onion, cauliflower, broccoli, dark greens
Fruits: cranberries, lemons (highest cancer fruits by dose): tart/sour is the key

Organic cran powder

Green Lemonade: 1 lemon, 4 granny smith apples (with seeds and peals)

Eat berries all year long, every day.

Oats with fruit
 With cinnamon—cinnamon amps the antioxidants,
 With seeds—seeds add nutrition needed
 With blackstrap molasses—huge nutrition

Amla berry—highest concentration of antioxidant on Earth, known, and 2nd highest in vitamin; this berry is anti-everything bad.

16-24 oz of water in the morning, some of that with lemon, and total of 64-90 ounces by end of day.

30 minutes or more of exercise, with cardio

64 ounces of juice daily, especially in morning for cleansing

Salads (meaning more than two kinds of vegetables not counting lettuce) daily

Fruit, lots of it

Need to have a mostly raw diet (90 %), but some cooked foods ok: rice, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, lentils, fish, and biblically clean meats (in moderation); some dairy is ok also, especially yogurt.

The things in this Massive Action resource are from a lot of research. I use essential oils and biofeedback and massage in combination of these nutrition things. I believe meditation, prayer, and action are all part of the process of elimination of the invaders (I call them weeds). We have to use a whole body/mind/spirit approach to healing for all things.
This is the protocol I am using, and yes, I do it all, and never let up. I will eliminate the alpha gal and other weeds in my body. I have combated many things in my lifetime, and this is no exception.

Jeana Anderson
Natural Helping Hands

18 Sep

Bartonella and Other tick-borne Transmitted “Weeds”

I recently shared some information from Dr. Bill Rawls about the stealth microbe Borrelia. Hopefully you’ll find his information on Understanding Bartonella (last updated 3/1/17) just as useful.

Bartonella is typically spread by biting insects (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, sandflies, lice, chiggers, biting flies, scabies, mites, and even louse-eating spiders), but can also be transmitted by contaminated bites (of animals), scratch (cat scratch), and ingestion.

Infection by any bartonella species is called Bartonellosis.

There is a lot of information in the article – what Bartonella is, how it can be spread, typical symptoms, and information on typical and natural solutions.

Dr. Rawls is a physician who overcame Lyme disease through natural herbal therapy. You can learn more about bartonella in Dr. Rawls’ new best selling book, Unlocking Lyme. Also be sure to check out Vital Plan, Dr. Rawls’ naturally powerful immune support protocol and get your free personalized supplement recommendation.