12 Mar

Clinical Herbalist Immune Support for COVID-19

As referenced in Guido’s Week 6 class, here are the recommendations he discussed concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Immune Support NOTES:

We know very little about this virus, its seasonality, and its transmission. It does seem to be more contagious than the flu, and does affect those over age 60 with heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes more significantly. There is no evidence that any of the classic herbs we use for cold and flu “treat” the virus. Instead of treatment, we have been focusing on good hygiene and prevention by strengthening immune function.

PLEASE take care of yourself: good food, good hydration, and most importantly GOOD sleep. If stress around all of this is an issue, consider adaptogens like American ginseng (if available organic) or Eleuthero (“Siberian” ginseng). IF you suspect infection (dry cough and fever are the most common symptoms, with little nasal congestion), CALL your doctor/Emergency room and ask for directions on how to proceed.

  1. Astragalus and medicinal mushrooms, esp. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum/tsugae/oregonensis). Relatively high amounts: 1 tsp. Astragalus tincture 2x/d, 7-12 g Astragalus total in caps/powder/decoction daily. 2 mL mushroom extract and/or blends, or 3-4 g mushroom extract powder, or 4-5 g mushrooms decocted daily.

2. Lung support herbs include Pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa), Licorice root (caution w/ high blood pressure), Mullein leaf, Elecampane root, Balloon Flower root (Platycodon grandiflorum), Usnea spp.

3. Warming aromatic diaphoretics are theoretically a good idea: Ginger, Angelica, Lomatium, Ligusticum (Osha – caution – endangered)

4. CONSIDER AVOIDING Elderberry for those at greater risk to reduce the risk of over-stimulation of an immune reaction. Elderberry lectins, not present in other berries, ramp up immune function and inflammatory cytokine production, which is THEORETICALLY a concern as the cause of death is connected to sepsis and cytokine storm in vulnerable folks (See this paper from China as reference).

Treatment NOTE: Needs to be in consultation / coordination with the healthcare establishment. DO NOT “go it alone” on this one, especially with higher-risk populations. The virus can cause symptoms to progress into a danger zone quickly. Don’t delay asking for support. Key Symptoms are dry cough and fever, though this can vary. CALL your healthcare provider(s). FOLLOW their directions.

1. One formula (Shuang Huang Lian) is receiving attention for herbal TREATMENT of the virus, but keep in mind it is often used as an injection. It is Baikal Skullcap root (Scutellaria baikalensis), Forsythia fruit, and Honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japonica). We know nothing about other herbs for treatment. Get help, and once you have a plan, consider options

2, 3 and 4 listed above if practical and safe to do so.

Hand & Surface Sanitizer (2 options)

NOTE: Hand washing with regular soap and water for 20-30 seconds is BEST. Sanitizers are an OK alternative, and also a way to clean doorknobs, surfaces, etc.

Option #1 – Alcohol-based (basic recipe) • 2 parts Alcohol (*see below) • 1 part Aloe Vera gel • 5-10 drops your choice of essential oil per ounce of sanitizer (optional, to improve odor). Dispense into squirt bottles. Squirt a pea-sized amount on your hands, rub in, and allow to dry. *Key consideration: The alcohol you use can be rubbing (isopropyl) or “regular” (ethyl, or ethanol), but must be at least 90% (180 proof). Concentrations are listed on the bottle (eg. at the drugstore, rubbing alcohol should say “91% isopropyl alcohol”). Don’t use 60% isopropyl or anything lower than 90%. Alcohol-based sanitizers need to be at least 60-70% alcohol.

Option #2 – Alcohol-free (Thymox) FDA/EPA have approved “Thymox” (a solution of 0.25% thymol) as a coronaviruseffective disinfectant. We can recreate a 0.25% thymol solution using these ingredients: • Water, 29 mL (about 1 fluid ounce). Using distilled water is best, but any clean, fresh water will do. • Gum Arabic, a dispersant, 300 mg • Benchmark Thyme essential oil, 0.8 mL (Consistently high thymol concentration, which is assayed. See this link for more information and additional distributors.) Add the essential oil to the Gum Arabic and mix thoroughly. Add the paste to the water and shake well. Pour into a spray bottle and dispense by spraying. Rub into the hands and allow to dry.

27 Jan

New Deadly Virus is Here! What to do to Protect Yourself…

Hi Jeana,​​​

The Coronavirus is making headlines as it sweeps across China and has entered other countries as well.

Similar to a cold or Flu, the virus attacks the respiratory system. “A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses are not dangerous. Some types of them are serious, though.”

The most serious coronaviruses, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) were considered dangerous.

The latest strain of coronavirus (Wuhan) is new, and it’s a bit of a numbers game right now. How many people contract it, and how many people die from it are the numbers that the CDC and WHO look at.

“It’s still early on, but Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, estimates that about 4% of people who contract the Wuhan coronavirus die from it. The mortality rate for SARS was closer to 9 or 10%, and, for MERs, about 30 to 35%, he said.”

The likelihood of contracting coronavirus increases among the elderly and people that have pre-existing conditions (poor immunity, autoimmune conditions, respiratory ailments, asthma, etc.).

The CDC says there is nothing available to protect you against a human coronavirus infection, but you may be able to reduce your risk by doing the following:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

That’s good advice, but let’s kick it up a notch, shall we?

One of the best proactive things you can do right now before the virus potentially spreads further into the world is to boost your immune system and support your respiratory system.

Here’s how: 

1. Support Immunity Naturally
The immune system is the body’s protector; it creates B lymphocytes (that attack invaders outside the cells), T lymphocytes (that attack invaders inside the cells) and NK cells (killer cells that drop little bombs to destroy infected cells and cause apoptosis or death of the cell). The lymphatic system, loaded with lymphocytes, plus macrophages, monitors and filters out foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. The lymphatic system is kinda like a vacuum cleaner for the body. Your lymphatic system and immune system are intricately entwined and cannot function healthfully without each other. Read on for my 3 easy tips to support your lymphatic system and boost immunity naturally.

2.  Immune Boosting Vegetable Congee
Congee is a type of rice porridge or gruel that has been eaten for centuries to promote wellness. I love this recipe and use it all fall and winter long to keep my immune system up, and my risk of cold and flu down. And, when my clients are suffering from poor immunity this is numero uno on my list of recommendations for them. It’s got shiitake mushrooms that nourish the immune system, bok choy to support the liver and lungs, ginger to promote circulation, ginseng to strengthen the body, and astragalus root as a supreme immune enhancer. But, besides all of that healthy blaghetty blah blah blah… it’s pretty darn delicious!

3Respiratory Support Infusion
If your lungs have a tendency to get compromised easily, or if you are prone to every cold and flu in town, start sipping on these amazing herbs to support your body more deeply. This delicious herbal infusion contains: Mullein leaf – a classic lung nourisher and asthma remedy. It contains a healthy dose of mucilage that soothes and supports the mucous membranes. Schisandra berries – is an adaptogenic herb that has been used for thousands of years in the east. It’s called the five flavored berry and supports all of the organs. Modern studies have shown Schisandra berries to play a beneficial role in respiratory disorders like asthma. Licorice root is soothing to the respiratory tract and digestive system (where a large majority of your immune system lives), plus it’s anti-viral, and it eases congestion from colds and flu. Here’s the easy and delicious recipe for you: Lung and Respiratory Support Infusion

4. Kitchen Remedies for Respiratory Health
At the first sign of a tickle in your throat, or a sniffle, or a sneeze, increase your intake of these three foods that I’ll be you have in your kitchen right now! They will help to ward off bugs and viruses, and potentially bigger threats. Garlic (Allium sativum) is both antimicrobial and antiviral. At the onset of respiratory invaders, it can work like magic to keep them at bay! Oregano (Origanum vulgare) contains thymol and carvacrol, that have powerful antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) contains volatile oils that are strongly antiseptic and promote expectoration (help you cough out mucus and unsavory invaders). Thyme is an excellent remedy for respiratory infections and coughs. Here are some delicious recipes that contain the above ingredients to get you started: Kitchen Remedies for Respiratory health

Always remember, that besides washing your hands and avoiding people that are sick, there is a multitude of immune-boosting and respiratory remedies you can access right now to keep your body healthy and happy, and able to make it through this coronavirus outbreak.

Wishing you vibrant health,

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Andrea Beaman, HHC, AADP, Chef, Herbalist

Note: Shared from www.AndreaBeaman.com 

17 Jul

Integrative Health Care + Parkinson’s

what can I do for you? This is the third in a series this week.

Affecting nearly 200,000 Americans every year, Parkinson’s disease is another special condition that significantly interferes with a person’s daily living activities. Traditional treatments include dopamine boosters, antidepressants and antitremor medications. However, some new findings are showing that integrating massage therapy with some of the more traditional pharmacological approaches can be beneficial to people with Parkinson’s.

The Chulalongkorn Center of Excellence for Parkinson’s Disease & Related Disorders has reaffirmed the value of integrative medicine with a 2018 study on therapeutic Thai massage (TTM). Splitting a total of 60 Parkinson’s patients, 30 who received six sessions of TTM in three weeks and 30 who received standard care, the study compared the muscle strength of the two groups. The findings were encouraging. “Our findings provide objective evidence that TTM used in combination with standard medical therapies is effective in improving upper limb muscle strength in patients with PD,” researchers explain.11

A survey done by the Department of Neurology at the University Medical Center Hamburg- Eppendorf furthered the claim that anti-parkinsonian drugs are incomplete without integrative therapies like massage. Of the 181 outpatients with Parkinson’s surveyed, only 33.6 percent found anti-parkinsonian drugs alone helpful. In contrast, 96.3 percent and 89.5 percent of participants found rehabilitative therapy and physiotherapy, both of which involve massage therapy, most effective.12 Once again, this suggests that massage can serve as an essential factor in the health care formula when practiced alongside other integrative approaches.

Additionally, a study done by Glasgow Caledonian in 2016 suggests abdominal massage can help with troublesome symptoms of Parkinson’s, like constipation.13

Research continues to show that an integrative approach to many chronic health conditions is not only effective, but resonates with the patients who are looking for ways to relieve some troublesome symptoms. For massage therapists, that is a big opportunity. “Simply put, traditional medicine can only do so much,” Tatninov believes. “It can only do so much for the pain that accompanies these diseases, such as the imbalances that come with scoliosis. Massage has a direct, immediate effect and can help fill in the holes in care.”

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., LMT, CEIM, CBS

Natural Helping Hands, LLC



501-690-3306 (I-phone)

16 Jul

Integrative Health Care + Arthritis

what can I do for you and your loved ones? This is the second in this week’s series. Watch for more each day.

Arthritis is one of the most common conditions in America, as well as one of the most painful. With symptoms that range from pain and swelling to reduced range of motion and stiffness, arthritis can seriously inhibit a person’s ability to maintain a normal or active lifestyle. Pain medications are often prescribed or purchased over-the-counter, but can have some side effects, like stomach upset, that can further impact daily living. New research, however, is showing that massage therapy may be the ideal nonpharmacological substitute.

The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment conducted a systematic review of treatments for chronic pain, one of the key symptoms of arthritis. Their research indicates there is “strong scientific evidence” that massage reduces chronic pain by 20 to 30 percent more than treatment that does not involve physical movements.4

In 2018, a study by the Health Qualitative Research Center of Birjand University looked at the effects of aromatherapy massage with lavender essential oil on osteoarthritis, one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders. Results showed that after one week of treatment, the quality of daily life was increased significantly.Tatninov also sees success with aromatherapy, finding that for her clients with chronic pain conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia, lavender and other oil blends can help with relaxation.

Additionally, numerous studies on osteoarthritis suggest that massage therapy can help with the pain involved in joint degeneration, as well as stiffness and function.6,7 One randomized controlled study found that participants who received an eight-week massage therapy intervention for symptoms associated with osteoarthritis of the knee had significant improvement when compared to those who received usual care.8 A similar study of 125 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee showed that a one-hour course of massage given for eight weeks provided better pain relief than usual medical care.9 Even when compared to just exercise, researchers found that patients with knee arthritis pain who received massage therapy with exercise showed significant improvement on the pain scale, get-up-and-go test and the WOMAC index.10

Working with clients with chronic pain conditions, however, does require massage therapists to make some adjustments. According to Tatninov, some of her clients who have been receiving massage therapy for a time can handle and request deeper pressure, while others who are new to the practice may need a lighter touch. “I will check in more than I would with an average client to make sure the pressure I am using is comfortable,” she adds. 

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., LMT, CEIM, CBS

Natural Helping Hands, LLC



501-690-3306 (I-phone)

15 Jul

Integrative Health Care + Scoliosis

What can I do for you and your loved ones? The following article is just one. See my series this week for more.

Most commonly forming in adolescent years, scoliosis causes nagging back pain and fatigue. While these symptoms may sound minor, back pain and fatigue can mean that people are sometimes forced to miss opportunities for personal growth, like athletics or performing arts, as well as potentially having to give up some of their favorite hobbies. If not treated, scoliosis can persist for years, and in some cases, a lifetime.

In a study done by the Good Posture Association, the effect of consistent massage on Cobb angle, or the curve in the spine caused by idiopathic scoliosis, was analyzed. Thirtyminute treatment sessions, which involved soft tissue massage, were administered three times a week for eight weeks. “It was established that the Cobb angle was noticeably decreased after four weeks of the intervention,” researchers concluded.3

Cynthia Oberdier, a massage therapist from Columbus, Ohio, has significant experience treating clients with scoliosis. For Oberdier, focusing on the muscles around the spine is essential. “In my experience, massage for scoliosis is to encourage strengthening of the open side and lengthening of the shortened side,” explains Oberdier. “Massage strokes are then lengthwise to the short side with stretching to encourage opening of the curve. Myofascial release to the opposite side, encouraging myofascial unwinding and taking the tension off of the shortened side.”

Sonia D. Tatninov, a massage therapist from Tulena Wellness in Brooklyn, New York, says massage therapists working with clients with scoliosis should be prepared to do a lot of their work in side-lying position, and that many clients with scoliosis are going to need their neck worked. “I pay a lot of attention to the lamina groove,” she adds, “since I find that those with scoliosis tend to have a lot of holding at the attachments here.”

For clients with scoliosis, Tatninov also cautions massage therapists to talk with clients who have fusion and rods about how they affect their dayto- day life and range of motion. “These clients are often fine in supine positions, but I am always sure to have a sheet or towel handy to bolster their head,” she explains. “A client who has a rod may need to have their head bolstered to a very specific height.”

Similar to dementia, some of the biggest benefits of massage therapy surround its being able to be customized to individual needs. Tatninov emphasizes that clear communication is vital to providing proper treatment. “Those with severe scoliosis are often acutely aware of what’s going on in their bodies,” she says. “They are more than happy to give you a rundown of everything new going on in their body since they last saw you and to tell you specifically what they want the focus of the session to be that day. The best thing I can do for them is to listen to them and then plan that day’s session in response to the information they’ve given me on that day.”

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., LMT, CEIM, CBS

Natural Helping Hands, LLC



501-690-3306 (I-phone)

28 Jun

Who am I? I care about you!

Who am I? What do I do? How can I help you? What is health to you? How do you visualize your health? How much would you like to reduce your pain and stress? Please share my new premiere video. Like it on my Facebook page. See it on Instagram and Linked-in. Watch for my blogs and Facebook posts throughout each week.

Have a great weekend.

02 Jun

Be who you are

This is not your typical encouragement write-up on being the person you were meant to be. I will give you some food for thought that is not main stream, and is very out of the box, but should be the normal thinking.

We were created, man was created, out of the dust of the Earth and given life and breath from the very mouth of the Creator. It was good. Did you get that? When the tree of knowledge of good and evil entered the picture, so did the lies that we are no longer good. Fear entered first and foremost. Fear and shame are the foundation to all that is not good, all that is not of the creation in the beginning. We were given a choice. That is all. It was a choice. Man did not become evil. The flesh did not become evil. The mind did not become evil. The man allowed the fear and shame to take over his very own body, mind and soul. Yahweh constantly showed that there is a way to stay within what we are create to be. The stuff that was breathed into us at creation was not taken out of us when the other tree was eaten. This is a key point.

We are made in HIS very image. WE are sons and daughters of the Most High. We are good. Sin can take over but it is not who we are.

We are meant for so much more. We have been given the promise of Eternal Life. We must live that kingdom here on Earth. We have the breathe of the Father in us and through us. We can get the fear and shame out. All sin and all evil can be overcome. All of our impurities, all of our transgressions, all of our health issues, all of our Earth’s pollution, is from fear and shame. We are not evil first. Evil takes over us when we allow it in. Evil is the result of not being what we are meant to be.

Be what you are meant to be. Be who you are. Live the life you have been given to live in Messiah. Use the breath of the Almighty that was breathed into you and never taken out.

I could make this longer, but I want you to digest the truth you have just read. Let’s have a conversation.

BE well. Be healthy. Be YOU.

#healthlivegive #holisticmud #natuaralhelpinghands #naturalhelp

19 May

OPEN HOUSE (cancelled–see below)

JOIN US (due to flooding road issues, will reschedule at a later date. Stay well. I am safe by the way)


#naturalhelp #naturalhelpinghands #naturalhelpopenhouse

Join the Jeana and Jaci at Natural Helping Hands for a celebration of better health through a holistic approach! This year, we open our doors and invite our clients and community to come learn more about what we do here at Natural Helping Hands. This is a non-ticketed event and is open to the public!

  • Meet with Jeana and Jaci. 
  • Learn more about Medical Massage Therapy.
  • Learn about Infant Massage Instruction.
  • Learn what Health Coaching and Holistic Nutrition is all about. 
  • See a sample Hair Mineral Analysis and how it can help you.
  • See what a test result looks like from the Biofeedback, stress reduction device.
  • Put your name in a drawing for a chance to win a free Medical Massage session and Health Coaching Session. 

2621 West Main Street, Suite 7, Russellville, AR 72025



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17 Apr

new year, throw out old, cleanse

It is the first of the year, a new year on the calendar that the Creator crafted from the beginning. Man has destroyed the calendar and taken Yahweh/God out of it. Anyway, we are in the first month of the year, and it is time to cleanse. This time of year has cleansing rains, new beginnings, fresh starts in all aspects of creation. The Messiah purposely died at this time of year because we need cleansing, and this time of year is the best time of year to do so. Every edible plant (and most of them out there this time of year are edible) is a cleansing plant, and should be taken into our bodies. The energy of the Earth is even being renewed this time of year, and our bodies are directly connected and affected by it.

I want to bring out one thing about this time of year that is vital. I personally keep an entire week of Passover/Unleavened Bread. I do this because it is commanded, and because it is very refreshing to the mind, body, and soul. In this process, I clean out my house. I take out the leaven, clean every nook and cranny, and air out the place. Have you ever wondered where “spring cleaning” comes from? Despite what most historians and scholars want to say, it is built into us to do this, at this time of year, from the beginning of mankind, for cleansing purpose. It is what we are supposed to do. The thing I want to bring out is this: when you put out sugar, or throw out all of that junk food from your house, to cleanse your body, do you give it away to someone else, or do you actually throw it out? Ask yourself: does it make sense to throw something you know is bad for you onto someone else?

When I clean out, and throw out the leavened things during Passover week, I throw them out and burn them, or let the chickens eat them. The leaven represents my sin, or the things in my life I need to clean out, the “weeds” that have gotten out of hand. This cleansing also pictures getting your health back into shape, getting rid of the things that are negative, in mind, body, and spirit. It is all about acting on the solution and not looking back. I absolutely never give my “throw out” stuff to someone else to eat while I am not eating it, just as I would not give away the junk foods harming me if I were changing my health habits.

THE POINT: It is difficult to throw out, especially when you know your hard earned money bought it. It is difficult to go through the process of ridding the mind of negative fears and emotion. It is a process and nothing more. It is a practice, and we have to make it a “custom” for it to make an impact. I assure you, it is all worth it, and the things you THROW OUT will be replaced with twice the good. Throwing out (not giving away), is just the right thing to do.

The scripture below can be a starting point to a great study on this subject, giving you motivation and confidence.

1 Corinthians 5:7 
Strong’s LexiconGet rid of 
ἐκκαθάρατε (ekkatharate)
Verb – Aorist Imperative Active – 2nd Person Plural
Strong’s Greek 1571: To clean (cleanse) out, clean thoroughly. From ek and kathairo; to cleanse thoroughly.

τὴν (tēn)
Article – Accusative Feminine Singular
Strong’s Greek 3588: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

παλαιὰν (palaian)
Adjective – Accusative Feminine Singular
Strong’s Greek 3820: Old, ancient, not new or recent. From palai; antique, i.e. Not recent, worn out.

ζύμην (zymēn)
Noun – Accusative Feminine Singular
Strong’s Greek 2219: Leaven, ferment, both lit. and met. Probably from zeo; ferment.

ἵνα (hina)
Strong’s Greek 2443: In order that, so that. Probably from the same as the former part of heautou; in order that.

you may be 
ἦτε (ēte)
Verb – Present Subjunctive Active – 2nd Person Plural
Strong’s Greek 1510: I am, exist. The first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist.

a new 
νέον (neon)
Adjective – Nominative Neuter Singular
Strong’s Greek 3501: (a) young, youthful, (b) new, fresh. 

ἄζυμοι (azymoi)
Adjective – Nominative Masculine Plural
Strong’s Greek 106: (in the neutral plural) specially (by implication) the Passover week.

φύραμα (phyrama)
Noun – Nominative Neuter Singular
Strong’s Greek 5445: A mass or lump, as of bread dough. From a prolonged form of phuro, mean to knead; a mass of dough.

καθώς (kathōs)
Strong’s Greek 2531: According to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as. From kata and hos; just as, that.

you really are. 
ἐστε (este)
Verb – Present Indicative Active – 2nd Person Plural
Strong’s Greek 1510: I am, exist. The first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist.

γὰρ (gar)
Strong’s Greek 1063: For. A primary particle; properly, assigning a reason.

Χριστός (Christos)
Noun – Nominative Masculine Singular
Strong’s Greek 5547: Anointed One; the Messiah, the Christ. From chrio; Anointed One, i.e. The Messiah, an epithet of Jesus.

ἡμῶν (hēmōn)
Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Genitive 1st Person Plural
Strong’s Greek 1473: I, the first-person pronoun. A primary pronoun of the first person I.

Passover lamb, 
πάσχα (pascha)
Noun – Nominative Neuter Singular
Strong’s Greek 3957: The feast of Passover, the Passover lamb. Of Chaldee origin; the Passover.

has been sacrificed. 
ἐτύθη (etythē)
Verb – Aorist Indicative Passive – 3rd Person Singular
Strong’s Greek 2380: A primary verb; properly, to rush, i.e. to sacrifice; by extension to immolate.
10 Apr

“they” DON’T know you are a no one…

…and who is “they” anyway. We are constantly making up a they, them, everyone, group in our heads, and making “them” as if “they” are “everyone”, when in fact they are just a few, sometimes even just one or two! Let’s stop that right now.

“They” do not know you are a no one (well known all over the world), and “they” are in the same category no matter who they are. By the way, you are a someone and a good one at that. What is your definition of a “someone”? We all have this message that we are a “no one” because we think we are just moving through life in a common way. But what is common anyway? Common to one person is different to another. Someone in a movie is just as common and can walk the streets without being noticed, or go into a store and buy shoes without even being recognized (yes, this has happened to most movie stars). Not everyone knows everyone, and everyone can be “no one” or someone; both are the same person! THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. There is custom and tradition and other such things. In reality, everyone is common and uncommon at the same time, depending upon where “they” are and who they are hanging out with.

Do it anyway! That is in a popular country song, and in many poems, and in books and in sports ads, and so the list goes. It is something we all have to keep at the front of our minds at all times. It is biblical! Do it, whatever it is you are led to do (good, that is). Life is often about trying to, and wanting to, and dreaming of. Life is also about trying things and realizing what you do not want to do, or say, or be. Do it all anyway!

It is OK if you do not have it all together, all figured out. I have never had it figured out, and it has all worked out somehow. Yahweh our God has it all figured out. KEEP doing it all anyway.

Life has comforts and discomforts, times of certainty and uncertainty. In the uncomfortable, uncertain times, tackle it like you are wearing a hero suit; turn it upside down and inside out. The work will pay off, and surprise you at times, better than you could ever have planned it to be. Just do it anyway. On the note of tackling, Quit procrastinating! Pursue with every minute you have the whatever it is you are continually researching about and painting a picture of. Procrastination is a big thing, especially nowadays with all our technology and social media. I am going to post an article of great resources I found at the bottom of this blog post. There will be some repeats of information, but that is just because one person does not have all the answers and there are many who have figured this out and want to help others do the same.

Now put that phone or computer down (unless it is doing what you NEED to do, to pursue what you NEED to, to get where you NEED to be).

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Jeana Anderson


Natural Helping Hands, LLC

Contact Me:

  • email: jeana@besmiley.com
  • phone: 501-690-3306