19 Feb

Get out of your head

“What if, instead of spending our energy trying to fix the symptoms, we went to the root of the problem? The reality is that our emotions are a byproduct of the way we think. What’s good about this news is that we can change our thinking.”

As I read that quote from a bible devotional, and thought of what that means, I began to get back to the meaning of my callings in Life. I had lost a little bit of the passion that grew this business this past year. I had been so busy taking care of the business as it has blossomed, that I lost a tiny portion of the initial seed that sprouted. (I am a gardener and I cannot help but speak in gardening terms).

Scripture is bringing me back to that seed core. This statement is bringing me back to that intention for each and every interaction, from clients to marketing, that I have invested into this amazing work: “God, help me break the cycle of my out-of-control thoughts. I want Your truths to invade every decision, every emotion, every thought I have. Amen.

I truly care about you.

15 Feb


Self-Care Bodywork Therapy

February 23 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm


Effective massage from the comfort of your home or office. Knowing how you can help those around you is empowering.

While taking time out of your busy schedule to book a massage with a massage therapist may be nice, sometimes it just doesn’t fit in with the busyness of life (or wallet!). Rather than suffering in pain, come learn and feel empowered. Self-Care Techniques will include head, neck, shoulders, low back, pecs, IT/thigh, feet, buttocks/hip, and hands.

sign up now 🙂

30 Jan

Home Bodywork Therapy

Self massage techniques give you an effective massage from the comfort of your home or office. Knowing how you can help those around you is empowering.

While taking time out of your busy schedule to book a massage with a massage therapist may be nice, sometimes it just doesn’t fit in with the busyness of life (or wallet!). Rather than suffering in pain, come learn and feel empowered. Techniques will include head, neck, shoulders, low back, pecs, IT/thigh, feet, buttocks/hip, and hands.


14 Jun

Self-control and biofeedback

Self-control and biofeedback

Some people with epilepsy try to control their brain activity to reduce the rate of seizures. The theory is that if you can detect symptoms of an impending seizure, you may be able to stop it.

Many people with epilepsy experience aura symptoms about 20 minutes before a seizure occurs. You may notice unusual smells, see strange lights, or have blurry vision.

You may feel symptoms for several days leading up to the event. These symptoms include:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • fatigue
  • bad headaches

Self-control methods are used to prevent or decrease the intensity of the seizure once it arrives. There are several techniques, all of which require good concentration and focus.

Examples are:

  • meditation
  • walking
  • immersing yourself in a task
  • sniffing a strong odor
  • literally telling the seizure “no”

The problem with these methods is that there isn’t a single technique to stop a seizure. And there isn’t a guarantee that any of them will work every time.

Another approach involves biofeedback. Like self-control measures, the purpose of the process is to take control of your brain activity.

Biofeedback utilizes electrical sensors to alter brain waves. At least one studyTrusted Source found that biofeedback significantly reduced seizures in people with epilepsy who couldn’t manage their symptoms with conventional drugs.

Physical therapists commonly use biofeedback. If you’re interested in this procedure, seek a professional with credentials.

It may be difficult to manage your condition with self-control and biofeedback alone. Both procedures require time, persistence, and consistency to master. If you decide to go this route, be patient. Don’t reduce or stop taking any prescribed medications without your doctor’s approval.

5. Acupuncture and chiropractic care

Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments are sometimes considered alternatives to conventional epilepsy treatment.

The exact way acupuncture helps isn’t understood, but the ancient Chinese practice is used to help ease chronic pain and other medical issues. It’s thought that by placing fine needles in specific parts of the body, practitioners help the body heal itself.

Acupuncture may change brain activity to reduce seizures. One hypothesis is that acupuncture may keep epilepsy in check by increasing parasympathetic tone and changing autonomic dysfunction.

The practice sounds good in theory. But there isn’t scientific evidence to prove that acupuncture is an effective epilepsy treatment.

Spinal manipulations in chiropractic care may also help the body heal itself. Some chiropractors use specific manipulations to help control seizures on a regular basis. Like acupuncture, chiropractic care isn’t widely viewed as an effective form of epilepsy treatment.

The bottom line

For the most part, evidence supporting natural treatments for epilepsy is anecdotal. There isn’t the research to support safe use.

There also isn’t a single treatment or alternative remedy that will work for everyone. Your neurologist is your best source of epilepsy information and care. Your brain is a complex network. Each case is different, and seizures vary in severity and frequency.

Different kinds of epilepsy also respond to different herbs and different medications. Herbs or other natural treatments may interfere with medications and seizures might result.

Many people try varying treatment methods until they find one that works best for them. Epilepsy is a serious disease, and it’s important to prevent seizures. Natural treatments may complement your medical treatment. In some cases, these therapies may even improve your treatment.

Despite their potential, natural treatments still pose significant risks. This is especially the case with herbs and vitamins, as they can interact with some medications.

Some supplements can even be as powerful as conventional drugs. Be sure to consult your doctor before adding any herbs or supplements to your regimen.

You shouldn’t discount natural treatments for epilepsy, but treat them as separate options for epilepsy care. Take note of which methods interest you and discuss them with your doctor before you try them.

The safest way to treat epilepsy is in full consultation with your neurologist. Adding herbs or other treatments without consulting them may interfere with your medication’s effectiveness and might risk more seizures.

Healthline article. https://www.healthline.com/health/natural-treatments-epilepsy#overview



14 May


The Liver and Kidneys regulate every function of the human body. Without these two vital organs, the body would perish.

EVERY malady of the entire body…head to toe…can be traced back to one of these two major organs!! It is imperative to keep these two organs running and clean.

Liver -The Liver regulates the skin of every organ of our body including the skin itself. To your Liver there is no difference between the skin of your Spleen or the skin of your leg. To the body, anything that coats anything is skin and is under the watchful eye of the Liver.

Liver-The Liver regulates ALL HOLLOW organs of the body

•Lungs•Colon•Intestines•Stomach•Vagina•Uterus•Skin•Arteries•Veins•Capillaries•Nerves•Throat /Esophagus•Mouth•Sinuses•Nasal Cavities• Kidneys

Kidneys -The Kidneys regulate ALL SOLID organs of the body.

•Brain•Muscles•Heart•Pancreas•Tendon•Cartilage•Ligaments• Liver Kidneys

The Kidneys regulate Blood Pressure, are solely responsible for all Fluids of the body

.•Eye•Blood•Saliva•Sweat•Tears•Urine•Semen•Bile Kidneys –

The Kidneys process Uric Acid and Lactic Acid and regulate body Equilibrium.

ALWAYS work on BOTH of these organs anytime you are working with and on the human body. You will NEVER make a mistake by working to support them both.

Contact me to set up a reset plan for your body, including hair mineral analysis, reflexology, massage and biofeedback.

23 Apr

Put your best foot forward

what is reflexology?

I utilize reflexology in my practice. The following article will explain what this is and how it can benefit you. I have worked with this modality for over 20 years. I have seen many wonderful results from reflexology alone. Jeana Natural Helping Hands

Some say that the best part of getting a pedicure is the foot massage.

Yet it pales in comparison to a reflexology session, where a reflexologist applies specific techniques to the feet, hands, face and ears to optimize your health and well-being.

Reflexology boasts an array of health benefits. “Reflexology is beneficial for so many conditions,” says Laura Norman, founder of Laura Norman Holistic Reflexology and a leading international expert on reflexology, practicing in Delray Beach and New York City. 

“Due to the concentration of thousands of nerves in the feet, hands, face and ears, reflexology is an effective way to induce relaxation in one’s body, mind and spirit. When you’re relaxed, your body can find its natural balance. Circulation improves, the immune system gets stronger and aches and pains throughout the body melt away.”

Reflexologists also address concerns unique to women like PMS, fertility, pregnancy and menopause. “People tell me they sleep better since their mind is at peace,” says Norman. “They wake up restored, refreshed and full of energy, which sharpens their focus and helps them get more done in a day.”  

What to Expect

During your visit, your reflexologist will ask about your health history and goals to understand how they can best support you. Fully dressed, you’ll remove your shoes and socks and lie on a table in a dimly lit room. “The ambiance is cozy and the reflexology is deeply soothing,” says Norman. “People often fall asleep while we work on them.”

Your reflexologist will apply moderate pressure to reflex areas on your feet, hands, face and ears, which correspond to different parts of your body. The frequency of your visits depends on what issues you’re addressing. “Results are cumulative. The more regularly you go, the better the impact,” says Norman. “Consistency brings optimum results.”

Reflexology is safe and effective. “If you have any serious medical conditions, check with your physician before your session,” says Norman. Reflexology is complementary to traditional medical care and also helpful for preventative care. Rather than treating specific illnesses, reflexologists supercharge your body’s natural healing abilities.

Bottom line, reflexology’s benefits are immense. “It helps my clients and myself relax so much,” says Norman. “You’ll feel wonderful all over and your whole being will thank you.”

thank you for taking the time to read the article and learn more about how to help your body and mind. contact me at Natural Helping Hands to set up an apt. Jeana Anderson

04 Mar

thoughts on the trail

Appearances are not always what they seem.

You have probably seen the picture of the small iceberg that appears to be harmless. Yet, underneath is a much larger picture of the iceberg’s true size. This picture is used a lot in self help arenas.

I have another picture for you. I was walking along and kicked a small rock. It did not move. I decided to reach down and pull it up to move it. It did not budge.

I kicked and pushed and pulled for many minutes. Finally I took hold of it, pulled in several directions, and managed to get it out. It was a large rock, not a small rock as it appeared from the surface. And, to top that off, it had an L shape in in.

The hole was deep. I stepped back and just marveled at this for a few moments, thinking about how we kick and tear at issues, people or situations in our life; most often than not, they are rooted bigger than we expect them to be. If we stay at it and finally get the entire thing worked out, the hole is usually deep.

The relief is revealing, calming, closing, refreshing, anguishing, exasperating, penetrating, unyielding, struggling, and trying. We then work on mending the hole. I will leave this with you to ponder. I am pondering it, reading scriptures to understand it, and keeping it as a reminder of our human intricacies.

I am here to help you through these times of kicking, tearing and figuring things out.

11 Feb


Oxygen. I have written how oxygen is key to keeping our immune system in order and our blood cells healthy. As ordinary as breathing may seem, the intake of oxygen sustains human life at its most fundamental level. This can be seen in the very first book of the Bible in Genesis 2:7: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul.” The body has an immediate, moment-by-moment need for oxygen; not water, not food … oxygen. Not surprisingly, God has supplied us with more than a few foods that promote oxygen-rich blood to nourish this vital life requirement. Oxygen supports the body’s health, along with foods that build oxygen-rich blood to include in your daily diet (deep greens, kelp, blueberries, lemons, etc.). I like the article above, but I will not say you have to be a vegetarian to attain this kind of health, because each person’s needs are very different; i advocate finding what that is in yourself, but that the diet needs to be mostly raw is definite truth and fact.


oxygen kills viruses and bacteria and other foreign bodies. It helps to maintain healthy histamine levels. We must keep our oxygen in our bodies high. I take kelp powder and eat loads of raw foods.


Oxygen travels from the lungs to the bloodstream, with the bloodstream delivering oxygen to every cell of the body. In turn, each cell in the body uses oxygen to carry out a process known as cellular respiration. It’s through this process that cells generate energy. From there, the health benefits of oxygen-rich blood run the gamut, a few of which are:

  • Healthy digestion
  • Strong muscles
  • Mental clarity and ability to focus
  • Strong immune system
  • Strong heart
  • Healthy nervous system


  1. When the weather allows, open your windows. Access to fresh air is essential for breathing more easily. However, remember it’s important to monitor your local air quality. If you live in an urban area and can’t open the place up because of smog, consider investing in an indoor air filtration system, or items which purify air at home naturally. But Choose electronic air purifiers carefully—many of them produce lung-irritating ozone.
  2. Grow green things. Introducing live plants into your home will increase available indoor oxygen. Ferns are a great option for extra oxygen production in the home. They are relatively easy to keep alive and don’t require a lot of sunshine.
  3. Exercise. Check with your doctor about the type and amount of exercise you should be doing each day. As your breathing rate and depth increases, your lungs absorb more oxygen, and that means you’ll feel better.
  4. Practice mindfulness. Begin a daily meditation or prayer routine that emphasizes deep breathing. Five to ten minutes per day of relaxed and focused breathing can improve your oxygen intake and reduce stress.
  5. Eat fresh, iron-rich foods. Your diet can, to some extent, influence your blood’s ability to absorb oxygen. Certain foods can help improve your oxygen levels in the blood. Focus on iron-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, legumes and green leafy vegetables. These dietary choices can correct an iron deficiency, which could increase your body’s ability to process oxygen and make you feel more energetic. Stock up on green vegetables like kale, broccoli and celery.

The next article goes a bit deeper in the core of our many issues. Enjoy!

Jeana Anderson


Natural Helping Hands, LLC


22 Jun

Empower yourself with information about your health PART 2

Nutritional Consultation and Holistic Health

Nutrition is more than what you eat, but how you nourish and care for your whole self. During a consultation, all aspects of your health will be taken into account.

The consultation consists of a comprehensive personal interview which evaluates diet, health history, current health concerns, supplements, and medications, along with lifestyle, constitution (immediate family history), and daily workload. You will gain a better understanding of what your body needs and what steps you must take to be healthy.

An estimated 50% Americans take nutritional supplements. You can eliminate a lot of guesswork, while working with a trained professional who can assist you in developing a nutritional program that is tailored to you as an individual.

Holistic healthcare is the use of therapies that are designed to enhance well-being by promoting health for the whole person, rather than a specific symptom or disease only. It promotes health by assisting balance of mind, body and spirit. Scientific studies indicate the mind-body connection is an important aspect of health and wellness. the concept can be summed up in this biblical proverb, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

I believe that health is an ongoing process involving the whole individual who can become empowered through education and knowledge. My goal is to teach others the best possible ways to improve the quality of their lives. I practice a client centered approach to wellness enabling the individual to make choices that best fit their lifestyle, budget and mind. I endeavor to restore wholeness to each individual by helping them maintain control over their healthcare choices.

The following are services that can be used in consultations and coaching sessions. I will indicate the services off site and on site. I can interpret all results from the tests listed.

Hair mineral analysis: in office sample/off site lab: See part one of this blog to learn more about Mineral analysis.

Biofeedback: in office: Stress can become habitual and you can even forget how to relax sometimes; however, biofeedback can teach you how to get back to a more relaxed state. Although biofeedback is helpful to treat stress, it can also help a number of other conditions listed on my web page.

Saliva testing: off site sample and lab: thyroid panel, gastro-intestinal health panel using saliva and bowel, adrenal stress index, female and male hormone panels, post menopause hormone panel. Saliva testing is non-invasive and can be performed wherever you are. There are no stressful blood draws or bio hazards. With blood tests, a number of borderline conditions may be missed. Hormones can either be free, as in saliva, or bound to protein, as in blood. Research has determined that the free hormone fractions found in saliva most significantly influence living cells. Saliva tests help minimize using too much or too little natural hormone replacement and supplementation, insuring proper hormones in the appropriate amounts.

Other tests that can be used are: Amino acid profile (a urine test) and Bone Marker Test (a urine test). I can discuss these if you feel you would want to look into these tests.


21 Jun

Empower yourself with information about your heatlh

(The following services are not intended for diognostic purposes but to enable the client to determine the best possible state of their nutrition. )


Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure. A 1980 report from the E.P.A. stated that human hair can be effectively used for biological monitoring of the highest priority toxic metals. This report confirmed the findings of other studies in the U.S. and abroad, which concluded that human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying community exposure to some trace elements


Hair is ideal tissue for sampling and testing. First, it can be cut easily and painlessly and can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. Second, clinical results have shown that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long term or even acute exposure.

A HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development.


Trace minerals are essential in countless metabolic functions in all phases of the life process.

  • Zinc is involved in the production, storage and secretion of insulin and is necessary for growth hormones.
  • Magnesium is required for normal muscular function, especially the heart. A deficiency has been associated with an increased incidence of abnormal heart conditions, anxiety and nervousness.
  • Potassium is critical for normal nutrient transport into the cell. A deficiency can result in muscular weakness, mild depression and lethargy.
  • Excess sodium is associated with hypertension, but adequate amounts are required for normal health.

In the words of the late author and noted researcher, Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are “…more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid of many possible excesses.”


There are many factors to take into consideration, such as:
Diet – Improper diet through high intake of refined and processed foods, alcohol and fad diets can all lead to a chemical imbalance. Even the nutrient content of a “healthy” diet can be inadequate, depending upon the soil in which the food was grown or the method in which it was prepared.
Stress – Physical or emotional stress can deplete the body of many nutrients while also reducing the capability to absorb and utilize many nutrients.
Medications – Both prescription and over-the-counter medications can deplete the body stores of nutrient minerals and/or increase the levels of toxic metals. These medications include diuretics, antacids, aspirin and oral contraceptives.
Pollution – From adolescence through adulthood the average person is continually exposed to a variety of toxic metal sources such as cigarette smoke (cadmium), hair dyes (lead), hydrogenated oils (nickel), anti-perspirants (aluminum), dental amalgams (mercury and cadmium), copper and aluminum cookware and lead-based cosmetics. These are just a few of the hundreds of sources which can contribute to nutrient imbalances and adverse metabolic effects.
Nutritional Supplements – Taking incorrect supplements or improper amounts of supplements can produce many vitamin and mineral excesses and/or deficiencies, contributing to an overall biochemical imbalance.
Inherited Patterns – A predisposition toward certain mineral imbalances, deficiencies and excesses can be inherited from parents.


Minerals interact not only with each other but also with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Minerals influence each of these factors, and they, in turn, influence mineral status. Minerals act as enzyme activators, and vitamins are synergistic to minerals as coenzymes. It is extremely rare that a mineral disturbance develops without a corresponding disturbance in the synergistic vitamin(s). It is also rare for a disturbance in the utilization or activity of a vitamin to occur without affecting a synergistic mineral(s). For example, vitamin C affects iron absorption and reduces copper retention. Boron and iron influence the status of vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 affects the relationship between calcium and magnesium. Vitamin B1 enhances sodium retention, B12 enhances iron and cobalt absorption, and vitamin A enhances the utilization of zinc, while antagonizing vitamins D and E. Protein intake will affect zinc status, etc. Therefore, evaluating mineral status provides good clues of vitamin status and requirements. Continuing research at Trace Elements involves the recognition of many synergistic and antagonistic interrelationships between minerals and vitamins.


Hair tissue mineral analysis is supported by an impressive body of literature in a variety of respected national and international scientific publications. Over the past twenty-five years hair mineral testing has been extensive. Each year in the United States alone, federally licensed clinical laboratories perform over 150,000 hair mineral assays for health care professionals interested in an additional screening aid for a comprehensive patient evaluation. This does not take into consideration the thousands of subjects used in numerous continuing research studies conducted by private and government research agencies.