A food allergy, cancer, lymes, or any other mycroplasma parsite prion blood issue, needs a plan to destroy and heal. I have combine several plans to come up with one that I believe, with time, will destroy the thing causing the mammalian allergy within me from a tic (called alpha gal). I plan to keep at it until it is gone. I will not live this way. I confirm from the Almighty himself that my energy and my gusto with his healing plan will succeed.
Whole food supplements
Amla Powder
Apricot Kernals or powder (and other fruit seeds)
Minerals and vitamins:** The best way to know what your body needs is through hair analysis and saliva testing, not blood work tests; the invader in the body will absorb the vitamins and minerals from your body, so a consistent daily dose of supplementation is necessary to combat nutrition deficiency (causing hormone and other imbalances and issues). (I am certified Health Coach and do the hair analysis and consultation). FIND a good nutritionist or Health Coach who can help you create the supplement plan your body needs. It will change every 6 months to 9 months as your body’s needs change.
Plant extracts
Beta Glucan (I get this from the Amla powder)
Colloidal silver (dark, high silver: I purchase from Herbal Healer Academy Dr. McCain)
Turmeric/Cur cumin
Boswella/Frankincense (I use the oil on head and feet)
D3 from the sun, lots of sun (if you take a supplement, use a plant based, not Lanolin)
Vitamin C, highest amount you can tolerate (usually up to 5,000 mg a day; if you have loose stool, you have met your max amt.) (if you take Amla, no need for extra C because it has the 2nd highest concentration of vitamin C in all foods)
Probiotics (make your own, or find high quality)
Oil of oregano
Quercetin (in food or supplement)
Proteolytic enzymes (pineapple, papaya, etc…or the supplements for these)
Enzyme therapy
Dandelion Root (powder or tea)
Essiac Tea (I order the mix from The Bulk Herb Store, and make this myself, OR order the Essiac tincture from Herbal healer Academy)
Jason Winter’s Tea
Other Detox teas from Yogi and Bulk Herb Store
HMD Herbal Drainage formula
Dr. Clarks Parsite Cleanse OR
(I use) Intestinal Freedom and Wormwood Plus Tincture
Cancer, Parasites, Mycroplasma (Lyme, Alpha Gal, etc.), ETC. IS A DEVINE CALL TO ACTION!
• Everything (issue good or bad) in our life is because of us, the choices we make.
• These are natural and normal, but the immune system is the difference for what becomes a tumor, chronic, or enhanced in other ways.
• By the time diagnosis , it is too late for prevention.
• The body created it and the body can heal it.
Make life goals, make future plans, Live for these goals, enjoy life as you have it, do not fear, focus on the positive, focus on the things that bring joy, live as if you had not issue; The mind can do great things.
Vegetables: garlic, onion, cauliflower, broccoli, dark greens
Fruits: cranberries, lemons (highest cancer fruits by dose): tart/sour is the key
Organic cran powder
Green Lemonade: 1 lemon, 4 granny smith apples (with seeds and peals)
Eat berries all year long, every day.
Oats with fruit
With cinnamon—cinnamon amps the antioxidants,
With seeds—seeds add nutrition needed
With blackstrap molasses—huge nutrition
Amla berry—highest concentration of antioxidant on Earth, known, and 2nd highest in vitamin; this berry is anti-everything bad.
16-24 oz of water in the morning, some of that with lemon, and total of 64-90 ounces by end of day.
30 minutes or more of exercise, with cardio
64 ounces of juice daily, especially in morning for cleansing
Salads (meaning more than two kinds of vegetables not counting lettuce) daily
Fruit, lots of it
Need to have a mostly raw diet (90 %), but some cooked foods ok: rice, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, lentils, fish, and biblically clean meats (in moderation); some dairy is ok also, especially yogurt.
The things in this Massive Action resource are from a lot of research. I use essential oils and biofeedback and massage in combination of these nutrition things. I believe meditation, prayer, and action are all part of the process of elimination of the invaders (I call them weeds). We have to use a whole body/mind/spirit approach to healing for all things.
This is the protocol I am using, and yes, I do it all, and never let up. I will eliminate the alpha gal and other weeds in my body. I have combated many things in my lifetime, and this is no exception.
Jeana Anderson
Natural Helping Hands