26 Jun

Life changing bread

I have recently started a sour dough starter, and keep it alive by feeding it daily or every other day. I make bread with it once a week. I am astounded with the time and scheduling it takes. I have had many learning moments while keeping the starter, starting a fresh starter, and making the bread. The entire process takes patience. I have been humbled by the details that go into each step. When I have decided to do my own thing, outside the process, or shorten the process, the bread is a fail. I have learned something with each loaf.

I found the following article interesting. Though it is not sour dough or yeast bread, it falls into the category of life lessons just the same, and has meaning in the title “life changing bread”. Enjoy the article.

20 Dec


You have done all you think you can do do get the mess cleaned up in your life and body. What is next? A quote from my book.

“I will not take a back seat to this crazy dis-ease . . . I
will not live with it. I will not agree it is with me
forever . . . I will not believe it is not curable. I will
find the way to get rid of it . . . I have a characteristic
about me that bombs an illness with everything in
my capacity. I stick to a program until it is
completed in healing. My daughter said to me,
“Maybe God allowed you to have this so you can
find the cure.” I believed this, and I will put that
thought into action as the Father gives me the path. I
will not allow fear, lack of personal confidence, or
lack of intimacy with the Creator to cause weeds to
grow in my brain..”

I describe and define moments in the following excerpt, also from my book.

“Moments define us. A defining moment is when you exper ‐
ience something that fundamentally changes you. These
particular moments cause you to tap into your internal
knowledge. Weeds must be dealt with in the moment, before
they have a chance to utilize the nutrients.
Weeds are simply plants growing in the wrong place, where
we do not want them or are not valued where they are growing.
Weeds are commonly called invasive and problematic and have
always existed in our world. Hosea 9:6 says, “Weeds will take
over their treasures of silver; thorns will be in their tents.””

I have written a book to help you through this. Take on the challenge to weed one plot at a time. You will learn so much about yourself, and the way your body heals through your own process.



22 Nov

Now is the best time to learn

I have a workshop for you! READ about what I have to offer. Contact me to set up to learn.


What is health to you?

what is healing to you?

What is your definition of the health condition and healing action?

Have you thought of “well-being”? This is a term not considered much.

Do you know what true joy is? Is your finances, career, social life, physical fitness, cooking, home environment, and relationships accounted for in your health and well-being?

The subjects no so common in a health course are: Creation, Before the womb, in the womb, primary food, secondary food, core gut physical health, core gut spiritual health. I have a course for this. The healing is amazing when we put all this together and know we have the power created within us, the knowledge created within us, and the empowerment to see it one on one. You can take this journey. You know more than you think you do.

Goals include: walking away with confidence, authority, and will to mend, heal, prevent, prepare, treat, research and utilize all options. You will question and prove all things. You will understand what medicine is.


Bring a someone to learn some basic massage techniques and feel empowered to heal together. Contact me to set up a learning session.

Are you long distance from my local area? Lets chat to find a way to set up a group long distance learning session.


10 Reasons to Massage Your Baby

Would You Like To ?


To do something warm, loving and special with your baby


To help your baby have regular bowel movements and relieve tension from daily stress (teething, gas, emotions..)


To reduce crying, and ease transitions to sleep or to alert states


To build your baby’s sense of security


To learn how to communicate better with your baby


To help you and your baby relax (a lifelong skill!)


To help your baby have a lifelong appreciation of touch and warm relationships


To help relieve constipation and help your baby have regular bowel movements


To help your baby’s brain development


To help you and your baby fall in love with each other

03 Nov


A Health Journey of Struggle,
Discovery, and Healing with the
Master Gardener

One who tends the fig tree will eat its fruit,
And one who cares for his master will be honored.
As in water a face reflects the face,
So the heart of a person reflects the person.
Proverbs 27:18–19


For autographed copies of the book, send a request to me.

16 May

Weeds: A Health Journey of Struggle, Discovery, and Healing with the Master Gardener

“Each page of my life seems to be a different life
altogether. Each day seems to be as if I am beginning
again; and, yet, it all seems to overlap and piece
together at the same time.”

Ebook ready for purchase 🙂

Print books will be ready for purchase soon.

Share this post.

09 Mar

Stress and Anxiety

25,000 genes at conception

These genes multiply to trillions upon trillions as organs grow and humans develop.

Genes: 65% are the same as a banana, 75% are the same as a fruit fly, 80% are the same as a mouse, 99% are the same as a chimpanzee. We are human, not animal. We have a percent that is only human, setting us apart from all life forms.

96% of all elements in the body are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. 4 % are all the other elements. All are important blocks to our body.

What does this have to do with stress and anxiety? Before our birth (constitution), our conception day, while we are in the womb, our birth, place of birth, and after birth (condition) play a part in our daily lives. Stress and anxiety can be from imbalances of elements, trauma, circumstances, food, environment, and more.

Everything that occurs in our lives is embedded in our fascia; imprints of trauma in life never go away, but it can be turned around/changed.

Join us as we take on this huge subject, break it down into intricate parts, and tune into bio individuality.

Live Stream, Rumble, each Thursday at 10 am. It will be recorded as well. WE will be in the series of stress and anxiety for the next 6 weeks or more. Series episodes will include: nutritional influences in connection to emotional eating, dehydration, maternal caregivers and general caregivers, navigating relationships, and physical manifestations such as allergic reactions, panic attacks, and mood disorders.

14 Feb

Journey to Wellness

WE go live at NOON CST to introduce our new wellness series. Jacalyn Poyner. These are recorded. Watch for the each week, maybe twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


19 Apr

Need vegan supplements?

I have some great ones that have worked for me since having a mammal allergy and needing to stay on certain things that my body needed for thyroid. I had superb results with Trace Elements for years, the lab I use for Hair Mineral Analysis, but I had to switch because many of them were not vegan (no animal products). Hope this helps you all in need of good things with not huge amounts of cost (if ordered online). I have each thing linked to Amazon because it seems to be comparable and quick to receive the stuff, even in this time of craziness.

these can be ordered through a family professional herbalist at https://www.facebook.com/VAofCC/ or from the maker herself 🙂 denmarkdiana@hotmail.com
Christopher’s Thyroid Maintenance, Christopher’s Adrenal Formula, Grapefruit Seed Extract (the only company that has this product), Holy Basil Extract
Vitamin E Deva,…Vege Life Iron plus C,Vitamin A 25,000 iu
L-Lysine, for anyone with Lyme, or other autoimmune, and cold sores or Herpes, this is superb
Solaray Licorice, Curamin Tumeric, White Willow, Oregacillin (this stuff is amazing in the virus arena and and bacteria
Charcoal. most companies have animal products but this one is safe and the most potent I have ever used. I have always had this in my survival bag and natural medicine drawer, for its power on any allergic reaction immediately. I have given this to young children in honey (we call it fun black honey) and it reversed the reaction of a wasp swelling in 10-15 minutes! I take it for all stomach or contamination issues. I take it with every reaction i have ever had along with Chlorophyll and Lobelia, to stop an allergic reaction to my mammal allergy, never taking Benedryl or other stuff.
Trace Minerals Power Pak, this has no added sugar like EmergenC does. It is more powerful in the Electrolytes also.
GSE, this is the only company that sells this product, making it far surpassed for quality. I have used this for over 30 years for all sickness and virus related issues, scratchy throats, etc.
Young Living Cough Drops, these are amazing.
this is my go bag, taking it everywhere I go. I have more than this but these are my use often ones. Tyme is superb on the current virus, surpassing most other remedies, and is one of the top oils for cleaners and sanitizer. I put it in my soaps, cleaner, and more.

check out how to become more in tune to health and wellness in our own life and help others along the way
30 Mar

Virus Flu Pnemonia Anthrax

Nothing New Under the Sun

Does this sound familiar? past? current? all of the above? 


Anthrax is caused by bacteria Bacillus anthracis and is one of the oldest and deadliest diseases known.  There are three predominant types: the external form acquired from contact with infected animal carcasses, and internal form contracted by eating meat from an infected animal, and the deadly type which comes from breathing airborne anthrax spores.  One fatal internal version is battlefield anthrax, which is most lethal variety.  It has been bioengineered as a biological weapon. When airborne anthrax bacteria invade the lungs, it is 90 percent fatal unless antibiotics are administered at the very beginning of the infection.  Often anthrax goes undiagnosed until it is too late for antibiotics. External varieties of anthrax may be contracted by exposure to animal hides and wool.  While vaccination and antibiotics have stemmed anthrax infection in recent years, new strains have developed that are resistant to all counter measures.  According to Dr. Jean Valnet, MD, thyme oil is extremely effective in killing the anthrax bacillus.  Two highly antimicrobial phenols in thyme essential oil, carvacrol and thymol, are responsible for this action. Clinical herbalists all around the world back up this information also.  DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR?  CURRENT? YES!

Anti-microbial, Anti-viral, blends of Essential OILS: the glands of plants

The following blends have been known and used for very long time and work affirmative!

Anti-Microbial Blend (this one is superb for the current Covid virus)

30 drops rosemary

25 drops lemongrass

10 drops thyme

3 drops cinnamon bark oil

Topical usage:

Dilute 20 (blend) -80 (olive, coconut, or other oil or aloe vera), on hands and exposed skin areas.


Diffuser 5 minutes, 4-5 times per day to purify air


Pneumonia Blend

10 drops rosemary

8 drops Ravensara

8 drops frankincense

2 drops oregano

2 drops peppermint

Anti-viral blend

20 drops sandalwood

12 drops peppermint

8 drops tsuga

8 drops thyme

8 drops Ravensara

8 drops tea tree (Melaleuca)

4 drops clove

Other Single oils useful: golden rod, Ledum, Tea Tree, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Savory, Clove, Anise, Fennel, Wintergreen, Hyssop, Spearmint

Viruses and Bacteria

There are a number of growing concern about the threat of chemical warfare. Also there is an increasing number of drugs on the market with side effects that cause other health challenges.  Build your immune system and learn alternative healing modalities that will aid in strengthening you!  Cleanse your liver.  

Anthrax blend (and any current Virus)

1 drop oregano

1 drop savory

2 drops thyme

Pneumonia blend Open lungs:

1 drop oregano

2-3 drops Eucalyptus

1 tsp base oil (olive, coconut, other)

Put in a syringe and use as a rectal implant or put on rectum directly.

Pneumonia blend

1 drop myrtle

1 drop pine

1 drop Eucalyptus

1 drop Ravensara

Put on feet or chest or both

Pneumonia (infection in lungs)

2 drops Sage

4 drops Myrrh

5 drops Clove

6 drops Ravensara

15 drops Frankincense

Apply over lungs

Ebola (or similar virus)

10 drops rosemary CT cineol

10 drops geranium

10 drops lemon

½ raw lemon juice

2 tsp- 1 Tbs Agave syrup

Mix in 8 oz warm water. Drink every 2 hrs. Every hour take a dose of herbal liver cleanse capsules, Drink a mixture of ½ c sauerkraut juice, ½ c tomato juice, and 2 Tbs olive oil.

Radiation Damage



Dilute with base oil. Place on location of radiation, along with Vitamin A, E, D oils.

Use Vitamin C powder, Omegas and Vitamin A, E, and D internally also


10 drops Oregano

10 drops Lemon

5 drops Savory


8 drops Melissa

8 drops (one drop each of olive, calamus, cinnamon, myrrh, black spruce, hyssop, Frankincense, vetiver) 

30 May

Rising Tick illnesses and diseases and allergies

Hello world.

TICK BORN DISEASES, ILLNESSES AND ALLERGIES IS ON THE RISE. There are many ways to learn more about these. I want to encourage you to look into this issue. See my links on my web page blogs to learn more, “the web of Alpha gal”.

Note: watch my web page blogs; I will be having an an awareness and classes in this subject of food sensitivity, allergy and intolerance, coming up soon. www.naturalhelpinghands.com

IF YOU CAN ATTEND, please do. This is what I have and many I know. I know with team putting the symposium on, friends and research partners. If you do not have it, you will benefit understanding because you will know someone eventually with it, or will need to help a family member with it. It is challenging.