04 Mar

thoughts on the trail

Appearances are not always what they seem.

You have probably seen the picture of the small iceberg that appears to be harmless. Yet, underneath is a much larger picture of the iceberg’s true size. This picture is used a lot in self help arenas.

I have another picture for you. I was walking along and kicked a small rock. It did not move. I decided to reach down and pull it up to move it. It did not budge.

I kicked and pushed and pulled for many minutes. Finally I took hold of it, pulled in several directions, and managed to get it out. It was a large rock, not a small rock as it appeared from the surface. And, to top that off, it had an L shape in in.

The hole was deep. I stepped back and just marveled at this for a few moments, thinking about how we kick and tear at issues, people or situations in our life; most often than not, they are rooted bigger than we expect them to be. If we stay at it and finally get the entire thing worked out, the hole is usually deep.

The relief is revealing, calming, closing, refreshing, anguishing, exasperating, penetrating, unyielding, struggling, and trying. We then work on mending the hole. I will leave this with you to ponder. I am pondering it, reading scriptures to understand it, and keeping it as a reminder of our human intricacies.

I am here to help you through these times of kicking, tearing and figuring things out.

19 Apr

Need vegan supplements?

I have some great ones that have worked for me since having a mammal allergy and needing to stay on certain things that my body needed for thyroid. I had superb results with Trace Elements for years, the lab I use for Hair Mineral Analysis, but I had to switch because many of them were not vegan (no animal products). Hope this helps you all in need of good things with not huge amounts of cost (if ordered online). I have each thing linked to Amazon because it seems to be comparable and quick to receive the stuff, even in this time of craziness.

these can be ordered through a family professional herbalist at https://www.facebook.com/VAofCC/ or from the maker herself 🙂 denmarkdiana@hotmail.com
Christopher’s Thyroid Maintenance, Christopher’s Adrenal Formula, Grapefruit Seed Extract (the only company that has this product), Holy Basil Extract
Vitamin E Deva,…Vege Life Iron plus C,Vitamin A 25,000 iu
L-Lysine, for anyone with Lyme, or other autoimmune, and cold sores or Herpes, this is superb
Solaray Licorice, Curamin Tumeric, White Willow, Oregacillin (this stuff is amazing in the virus arena and and bacteria
Charcoal. most companies have animal products but this one is safe and the most potent I have ever used. I have always had this in my survival bag and natural medicine drawer, for its power on any allergic reaction immediately. I have given this to young children in honey (we call it fun black honey) and it reversed the reaction of a wasp swelling in 10-15 minutes! I take it for all stomach or contamination issues. I take it with every reaction i have ever had along with Chlorophyll and Lobelia, to stop an allergic reaction to my mammal allergy, never taking Benedryl or other stuff.
Trace Minerals Power Pak, this has no added sugar like EmergenC does. It is more powerful in the Electrolytes also.
GSE, this is the only company that sells this product, making it far surpassed for quality. I have used this for over 30 years for all sickness and virus related issues, scratchy throats, etc.
Young Living Cough Drops, these are amazing.
this is my go bag, taking it everywhere I go. I have more than this but these are my use often ones. Tyme is superb on the current virus, surpassing most other remedies, and is one of the top oils for cleaners and sanitizer. I put it in my soaps, cleaner, and more.

check out how to become more in tune to health and wellness in our own life and help others along the way
28 Jun

Who am I? I care about you!

Who am I? What do I do? How can I help you? What is health to you? How do you visualize your health? How much would you like to reduce your pain and stress? Please share my new premiere video. Like it on my Facebook page. See it on Instagram and Linked-in. Watch for my blogs and Facebook posts throughout each week.

Have a great weekend.

19 May

OPEN HOUSE (cancelled–see below)

JOIN US (due to flooding road issues, will reschedule at a later date. Stay well. I am safe by the way)


#naturalhelp #naturalhelpinghands #naturalhelpopenhouse

Join the Jeana and Jaci at Natural Helping Hands for a celebration of better health through a holistic approach! This year, we open our doors and invite our clients and community to come learn more about what we do here at Natural Helping Hands. This is a non-ticketed event and is open to the public!

  • Meet with Jeana and Jaci. 
  • Learn more about Medical Massage Therapy.
  • Learn about Infant Massage Instruction.
  • Learn what Health Coaching and Holistic Nutrition is all about. 
  • See a sample Hair Mineral Analysis and how it can help you.
  • See what a test result looks like from the Biofeedback, stress reduction device.
  • Put your name in a drawing for a chance to win a free Medical Massage session and Health Coaching Session. 

2621 West Main Street, Suite 7, Russellville, AR 72025



#medicalmassage #infantmassage #naturalhealth #crazyallergies #alphagal #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #russellvillelocal #russellvillear #healthcoaching #healthlivegive #holisticmud

05 Apr

healing scriptures

AFTER you watch the five-minute video, begin to read the healing scriptures. There are a lot of them! If you find more, please share them with me, so that I may add them to the list 🙂

Luke 17:12-14, 18:27

II Kings 10:5

Exodus 15:26, 23:35

Luke 13:10-13

Acts 3:2-8, 9:32-34

Matthew 20

Psalm 29:11

Acts 14:18—

Matthew 8:5-10, 13, 14-16

John 5:2-9

Isaiah 53:5

Proverbs 3:5-8

Matthew 14:35-36

Romans 8:11

Psalm 103

Luke 4:18-19

Isaiah 58:6

III John 1-2

I Peter 3:10

Matthew 9:27-30, 16:19

Proverbs 12:18, 13:3, 16:24, 18:21

Proverbs 9

Ephesians 6:11—

Luke 8:41-55, 10:19

Mark 16

James 5:14-15, 4:7

Deuteronomy 30:19

Psalms 18:30, 23:4, 25:3, 30:5, 34:17, 37:3, 55:22, 57:1, 86:7, 91:3,11-16, 5-8, 107:20, 112:7, 116:8-9, 118:6-8,17, 119: 17, 50,91–, 141:3

Matthew 21:22

Romans 8:15

I John 4:4

Hebrews 11:1

Mark 9:23

Matthew 15

Luke 1:38

Acts 10:34

Ephesians 3:20

John 10:10, John 17:17

Luke 11:9-13

Mark 11:22-34

Proverbs 3:1-2, 4:10

Psalms 145

I John 5:4, 14, 18

I John 3:8

Romans 2:11

Hebrews 10:23

Isaiah 43:1-5, 7:9, 49:23-25, 41:11-14, 46:4, 55:10-11

II Corinthians 10  

26 Mar

Teaching/Sharing/Passing on/Empowering

I love teaching. Teaching runs in my blood. I love to empower people. I love teaching most because I learn.

Would you like to make sense of the food allergies and sensitivities, and find holistic options within your budget? Food allergies rock your world! They rocked mine. In this class I will help you take an active and empowering role in your daily struggle with this “sensitive” topic (pun intended). 

Would you like to turn around a picky eater, know where to save money for healthy snacks, how to minimize junk and create whole food eaters, be prepared on the go without stress, learn how to travel with food, and create habits to last? This is not just for the now, but for the future.  ALL HEALTH now will reap good or disaster in the future. I have a class for that!
Learn why making even simple menu adjustments can lead to kids who feel calmer, sleep better, wake up easier, weigh less, have tantrums less, and study more.

Do you have a love/hate relationship with cooking and finding creative ways to make a meal? Do you want to have meals ready for on the go? Do you want to learn how to pack and cook on a trip?  The crock pot can become your best pal in the kitchen. I will also show some things for travel with a crock or an insta-pot or aroma steamer (the fast crock pot) —traveling with these is the best thing I have done for saving time and money on a trip and eating healthier.

Do you want to learn about desserts without sugar, honey, molasses, or artificial sweeteners…YES! they can still be sweet and delicious. (Tasting some goodies will be part of the class) Cure your sugar craving and need. Create new habits. Learn the empowerment you have inside you.

Would you like to learn massage techniques for calming, healing, bonding, making stronger and smarter babies.  Gather some friends and set a plan to take a 4 week course

DO YOU ALL GET THE IDEA? I have a class for many things. These are just a few of what I can do. If you have an idea for a class you would like me to put together, please contact me to ask. I CAN BRING THESE classes to your group, in your location (in my local area). I can do many of these classes, even the baby massage classes, online for those long distance.

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., C.H.N.P., LMT, CEIM, CBS

Natural Helping Hands, LLC



501-690-3306 (I-phone)

13 Dec

Wrestling and Revealing (continuing the study of Job and life)

The Bible after Google: Evangelicals consider impact of technology on Bible readingOK, here we are again. I have some new thoughts as I have been through more of Job. (for my thoughts on the first part of Job see Truth Gets Real)

Job’s friends get very argumentative and aggressive toward the end of the conversation. They seemed right on in the beginning, and seemed like they are sent to reveal to Job something he never saw in his life, YET,  their conversations between each other and with Job are strikingly changing as one reads on and on into the book.

I feel like Job at this time in my life. I feel like all the work I have done to be healthy, eat healthy, think healthy, has been for naught. I then think of Job. He reveals what I feel – well, not quite as dramatic and not quite the loss – but, not eating mammal meat and dairy and nuts is life changing and harsh in my mind, and knowing that I can come in contact with something unknowingly every time I am out and about has set in me a fear I cannot seem to quench.  I am unsettled with what the purpose is in all of this mess of mineral depletion and deleted foods from my diet from a tiny tick carrying a mammal protein my body will not accept.   I cannot blame the Creator of all things. I cannot blame my lifestyle. I cannot blame anything really.

This is one of those “there are no answers” situations.  I have to be OK with the not knowing, move on to the healing, and know I can now be a light to others with it. None of this makes things any easier for the mind, heart, and soul.

One of the best renditions of Job comes out of a book called Inspired by Rachel Held Evens, where she screen writes Job, the friends, and Yahweh into a cafeteria scene in our modern times.  Job is a revealing that life is a way and the way has ups, downs, deserts and promised lands, and the way is not unscathed.


Click the image above to learn more!

04 Dec

Truth Gets Real

The time to read Job is not when you are well, and all seems good in life. The time to read Job is when you are in a deep trial and loss in life.

Last night, as I read, I asked the Almighty to help me understand I John 1-5. I am stumped to some things in there. This morning I had a deep need to read Job instead, a book I have not read in quite some time, or just the ending.  I have read the first 10 chapters.   His friends came and sat with him, said nothing, to comfort him, which is what they needed to keep on doing and say little. They had messages and opinions, but they knew the temperament of Job, and they knew that he was upright in all his ways and wise.  When they spoke, the Bible translations want to belittle them and say that they were not helping, because Job was anguished by their words and became worse each time they spoke. YET, there is purpose in all they said and did. I am hearing and seeing the faith of Job, who is struggling and wrestling with Yahweh in his innocent anguish; he admits they are telling some truth but he knows he does not fit into it and will not give in to it, but he cannot figure out just why he is not giving in and why he does not fit in to the common mold of what his friends say–what he knows most fall into.  He is in pain, angry,  humiliated, brought down, removed from normal life as it was, and feeling tortured.  He is asking for revealing; this revealing is coming forth by a cause which Job will never know .   His friends are doing what Job had done with them so many times before.  The tables are being turned.  But, Job was a good, righteous man, not perfect, but not deserving of anything he is going through.  Job is a fault in the bible to us, right in the middle, to show us that life is not all cut and stacked with answers to everything.

I will continue to read Job this week.  I believe I will see truth in it I never saw before, only because I am in the middle of a physical and spiritual battle of my own.  I believe I have something still to see in order to fully heal from this AG and other allergy weeds that have developed in my healthy body and rocked my world.  I am anguished by the constant foods and products I cannot use or eat or even be around.  I am puzzled by the healing I thought I had, and now feel I never really had, or have I lost it somehow. I have lived a healthy lifestyle, and yet I find myself with a body that shows deterioration that does not fit into the “healthy” lifestyle results I had in mind.

OH, about John, I have not been back to John yet, but maybe I needed to wrestle with it also for a while; this is not a bad thing but what we are meant to do with the Word.

Rejoice in affliction, and allow revealing. It is real. It does prick the deepest part of the soul.

08 Oct

I am ready

I am ready.

Ready for what you ask?

I am ready to sit next to you rather than across from you. I am willing to put the issue in front of us. I am ready to listen, ask questions, and accept that I may not fully understand the issue. I am ready to acknowledge what you do well.  I am ready to empower you.  I am ready to recognize your strengths and how you can use them to address your challenges.  I am ready to genuinely thank you for your efforts.  I am ready to talk to you about how resolving will lead you to your growth and opportunity.

I am ready to model the vulnerability and openness that I will see from you.

Are you ready?


16 Sep

Oxygen – Where Did It Go?

Oxygen, a key element to our life on this planet

I have walked through this year with one of the most complex allergies I have ever heard of (Alpha-Gal, see previous posts for more info on this allergy).  I have bombed it with herbal therapy, nutritional/mineral medicine, natural cellular therapies, massage therapy, chiropractic, and biofeedback.  Being a health coach and wellness therapist, I was not going to allow this “weed” to own my system.  I began to consider oxygen because of the research into nutritional anemia. I noticed that when I took chlorophyll I felt better. I added it to the Breathe herbal tincture mix I used when I had an allergic reaction to a mammal product ( I also took charcoal).  The chlorophyll helped the side effects from the immune response, hormonal response and adrenal responses the Alpha-gal caused.

One day, I was at the chiropractor with a major migraine. We had discussed many times how this allergy had caused old injuries and nerve damage issues to reappear, and worse than before.  They also had a way of causing great trouble during certain times in my monthly cycle.  He suggested I try a new therapy, Hyperbaric because it was very successful in killing Lyme.  I decided that was an answer to prayer and began the therapy the following week. I have gone every day for almost 40 sessions (5 days a week).  I have had some amazing, noticeable changes in my body, sleep, energy, and hormones.  I believe the old injury issues have been released and are in the process of being completely healed.  I have not had a migraine once during these weeks. I believe it has killed the Alpha-gal and any Lyme I may have had. I will be testing the allergy in the coming two weeks for confirmation (self-diagnosis trials with food, and follow up allergy testing at the clinic). Along with all of that, I have mentally and emotionally been uplifted through this process. Anxiety is gone.

Oxygen,  a basic building block, in food, earth, air, blood, and water

We are supposed to be taking it in. In outdoor activity and in eating. Any and all issues will benefit and heal with enough oxygen in our blood cells, or cellular level of our systems. We begin with it (embryo oxygen tank) and we end with it (last breath).  Further back, Man was created with the “breath of life” – oxygen.  Our future with the Creator is made up of the Breath of Life, Oxygen –  for eternity.

I began with the title, Oxygen – Where Did It Go? It is on the decrease in this world. Our land, water, and air are depleted of this essential element.  There is proof all over the planet where lakes have dying fish from lack of oxygen, and farmland has to be supplemented constantly to make it produce.  Humans have weakened and reduced the living things of this earth, and we are now living with the consequences of it all.  Our only option is to supplement because even if things turned around right now, and everyone began to do right with the earth, it would take generations before the oxygen would come back to what it once was.

I believe the Earth does have a time of healing and renewing in the future. For now, however, I hope to give you some hope that there still are some amazing ways to retain that oxygen level in your bodies. Hyperbaric is one. Herbs are another (because they have not been overproduced like much of our food has). Watch for my blog to come on that subject later.

I’ve included several pictures of me in the Hyperbaric Chamber in this post so you can see what I’ve been doing.

Oxygen therapy