22 Feb

baby time

Certified with IAIM, International Association for Infant Massage, as an Infant Massage Instructor. I set up classes to train parents/caregivers infant/baby/child massage. Classes are for babies from birth to 10 months of age. Pregnant moms can be a part of the classes to learn before baby arrives. Dads are encouraged to take the courses also. Classes are built around the baby. The baby has priority in the class. Environment is relaxed, with breaks when needed for changing, feeding, and taking care of baby’s needs. This is a class where baby and parent can just be themselves. Massaging babies provides an important source of tactile stimulation. Benefits of massage for the baby include: emotional nourishment, loving communication between a parent or caregiver and the baby, regulation of the baby’s primary systems (i.e. respiratory, circulatory, nervous musculature and gastrointestinal reduction of gas and colic allowing the baby to sleep better and help the baby relax and release the tensions of daily stimuli.

Please Contact Me if you have any questions about the classes. IF you would like to set up a presentation with your group, please contact me so I can sign up at your next meeting.
I CAN bring these classes to you! please contact me if you would like me to bring these classes to your area (within 90 miles of Morrilton, AR because they would be once a week for 4 weeks).

The Infant Massage teaching program is a place where parents can share the experience of nurturing touch with their babies, learning to massage them with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM)

Touch stimulates brain activity, leading to increased attentiveness and stimulating intelligence. It also increases oxygen and nutrient flow to cells, increasing your baby’s ability to learn.

14 Dec


Jeana Thompson Anderson is feeling determined.

https://faithfulworkoutsplan.com/ SUPERB WORKOUT

Try it. It is FREE. Sign up. Work out to inspiring music and daily variety workouts with encouragement. All levels are included (even chair).

I have been doing these for a couple years.

CLASSES IN MY LOCATION BEGINNING, with interest, FOR SENIORS, and other ages if interested, including chair options.  We will use these workouts from faithful workouts.

I can come to your location if you have a group. We can discuss options. Let’s get moving together.

04 Dec

Truth Gets Real

The time to read Job is not when you are well, and all seems good in life. The time to read Job is when you are in a deep trial and loss in life.

Last night, as I read, I asked the Almighty to help me understand I John 1-5. I am stumped to some things in there. This morning I had a deep need to read Job instead, a book I have not read in quite some time, or just the ending.  I have read the first 10 chapters.   His friends came and sat with him, said nothing, to comfort him, which is what they needed to keep on doing and say little. They had messages and opinions, but they knew the temperament of Job, and they knew that he was upright in all his ways and wise.  When they spoke, the Bible translations want to belittle them and say that they were not helping, because Job was anguished by their words and became worse each time they spoke. YET, there is purpose in all they said and did. I am hearing and seeing the faith of Job, who is struggling and wrestling with Yahweh in his innocent anguish; he admits they are telling some truth but he knows he does not fit into it and will not give in to it, but he cannot figure out just why he is not giving in and why he does not fit in to the common mold of what his friends say–what he knows most fall into.  He is in pain, angry,  humiliated, brought down, removed from normal life as it was, and feeling tortured.  He is asking for revealing; this revealing is coming forth by a cause which Job will never know .   His friends are doing what Job had done with them so many times before.  The tables are being turned.  But, Job was a good, righteous man, not perfect, but not deserving of anything he is going through.  Job is a fault in the bible to us, right in the middle, to show us that life is not all cut and stacked with answers to everything.

I will continue to read Job this week.  I believe I will see truth in it I never saw before, only because I am in the middle of a physical and spiritual battle of my own.  I believe I have something still to see in order to fully heal from this AG and other allergy weeds that have developed in my healthy body and rocked my world.  I am anguished by the constant foods and products I cannot use or eat or even be around.  I am puzzled by the healing I thought I had, and now feel I never really had, or have I lost it somehow. I have lived a healthy lifestyle, and yet I find myself with a body that shows deterioration that does not fit into the “healthy” lifestyle results I had in mind.

OH, about John, I have not been back to John yet, but maybe I needed to wrestle with it also for a while; this is not a bad thing but what we are meant to do with the Word.

Rejoice in affliction, and allow revealing. It is real. It does prick the deepest part of the soul.

08 Oct

I am ready

I am ready.

Ready for what you ask?

I am ready to sit next to you rather than across from you. I am willing to put the issue in front of us. I am ready to listen, ask questions, and accept that I may not fully understand the issue. I am ready to acknowledge what you do well.  I am ready to empower you.  I am ready to recognize your strengths and how you can use them to address your challenges.  I am ready to genuinely thank you for your efforts.  I am ready to talk to you about how resolving will lead you to your growth and opportunity.

I am ready to model the vulnerability and openness that I will see from you.

Are you ready?


21 Jun

Workout with purpose and friends

THIS was a great stretch. Good way to end or begin a workout. The message is very encouraging. My take: concentration on breathing starts the day well, fills the brain with energy (better than caffeine), and YOU will never know who you are until you know Him (Messiah/Elohim) first; seek HIM FIRST, find yourself.

CLASSES: I would love to begin this in our area. I am posting some class registrations for morning workouts with Faithful workouts. These workouts will have many levels to follow, and many options from chair (sitting) to challenging, all in the same workout session. To exercise together brings accountability and support. I will have classes in Russellville to begin, but will also have them in Perryville at a later date. www.naturalhelpinghands.com https://www.naturalhelp.net/services/ for info on the upcoming classes.#naturalhelpinghands #exercise

Daily Stretch: Broken Vessels (Breaking Free)
I hope this video helps you to see how much God loves you are, just as you are! www.faithfulwork…

12 Jan

Update On Me, and Amazing People Out There

Alpha-Gal allergy people have side effects, and it seems that gluten is a big one. I believe that it is due to the effects of the allergy in the blood and lower intestines that cause weakening of the lining and other issues, and then these side effect allergies occur.

I believe that this is all conquerable.  I had a side effect of egg and almond allergies but not anymore that I can tell.  I am able to eat gluten some again, but I am still careful because it causes my sleep to be affected some.  I plan to add a page very soon, for my local River Valley area and surrounding areas, to show the places where it is safe to eat with this mammal allergy.  I will have categories for places safe, places not safe, foods brands safe, links to the lists of ingredients to be aware of, lists of ingredients that can be both vegan and animal-based, companies that have been contacted to change their product and links for people to write in to ask them to have options for us (such as vegetable capsules, and plant glycerin and Vitamin D). The page will be free to start, and will eventually become a paid subscription service.

Be watching my Facebook page and my web page for updates and new blog posts as I am beginning to put stuff up again (I kind of got out of sync with the blogging and updating).  My book has taken a little delay also, so keep watching for it to be published by February. Be encouraged.   That is my update for now.

Carry on and keep healthy!

I leave you with some info I copied from the site for gluten-free info and help. It is the best I have seen, and I love the “watch” section.  I plan to have a section like this called “the alpha-gal watch” to keep updated like she does this gluten free site.

The Gluten-Free Dietitian web site was started to help you or someone you love successfully follow a safe and nutritious gluten-free diet. I am a nutrition consultant who has specialized in celiac disease and the gluten-free diet since 1996.

If you are new to the diet, the Gluten-Free Diet Basics and Resources pages will help you get started.

Timely information on the gluten-free diet can be found in the Gluten-Free and Nutritious Too! newsletter.

If you are looking for books written by me on the gluten-free diet visit the Books page.

Finally, if you have any questions about the gluten-free diet, please visit the Contact page.

If you are interested in learning whether the foods you eat truly are gluten-free foods, please visit our sister site Gluten Free Watchdog


29 Aug

Philippians 4:6-7 –

Philippians 4:6-7 – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Be anxious for nothing. What if we really tried to live like that today??