20 Mar

What NOW?

You have support from my fellow COMMUNITY OF HEALTH EXPERTS

I want you to have all you can have to get through this time of uncertainty, gain strength, and become empowered. The following article is from my fellow experts. YES, we are all experts when we share what we know and serve a need.

March 19, 2020

During times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to understand how to take care of ourselves on every level: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These aspects of primary food – all that nourishes you off your plate – become crucial elements of day to day life when navigating the unknown.

There’s so much we don’t know right now, and that’s enough to keep us living in fear. But we do know some things, such as how important it is to be feeding our bodies well; getting adequate sleep; practicing breathwork; and keeping our social connections (even if they’re virtual). All of these things keep us grounded in the present, give us opportunities to think on our greater purpose and learn from what it means to take a step back from normal life.

Knowing and practicing what will keep us feel safe, contained, and as anxiety-free as possible, is bio-individual. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to coping through times of extreme stress, so we’ve gathered free resources from some incredible experts in the IIN community, including Visiting Teachers, conference speakers, and more, to help you in whatever way you need right now. 

How to support yourself physically 

Eating nourishing, immune-supporting foods is important no matter what you may be going through. The obesity epidemic and lifestyle-related diseases are still contributing to hundreds of thousands of deaths every year.

David L. Katz, MD, MPH, board-certified specialist in preventive medicine and public health, speaks on The Upgrade podcast with Mark Bittman, New York Times bestselling author, about food science and the diets that can actually contribute to greater health. Dr. David Katz is also a guest on the Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg podcast, discussing why being healthy isn’t a fad, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frank Lipman, MD, integrative and functional medicine pioneer, founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City and Chief Medical Officer of The Well, has always approached food as medicine and considers the refrigerator your “edible medicine cabinet.” Check out his article on 30 ways to boost immunity right now, which includes way more than just food to support your health and immune system. 

Moving in a way that’s right for you and your body is key, especially during times of stress. When your body is in a constant state of stress, your cortisol levels are going to be higher. High intensity exercise can certainly have a cathartic and endorphin-producing effect, but sometimes it can have a compounding effect on stress, keeping your cortisol high. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine what movement feels right and how it makes you feel, which should be calmer and more focused.

Patricia Moreno, the trailblazing founder of spiritual fitness and a speaker at our most recent IIN Live, is hosting free virtual workouts in addition to free conversations to connect with people all over the world.  

Melissa Wood, founder of Melissa Wood Health and recent IINConversation guest, is hosting daily live workouts and partnering with others in the wellness space for free live meditations on Instagram. 

Sleep is crucial for your immune system to function properly. It’s when your body can properly assimilate and detox what you’ve consumed during the day and re-charge for the next. Lack of sleep impacts your hormones, your gut, your brain – there’s literally no system in the body that goes unharmed. If you could call this a silver lining, being forced to slow down and stay inside can do wonders for your sleep and your health. Frank Lipman, MD, offers lots of content around sleep, as does Mark Hyman, MD

How to support yourself emotionally

As humans, we crave physical contact and a sense of closeness. “Social distancing,” while very important to implement for the health and safety of the greater public, is already proving detrimental to our emotional health. It’s imperative that we find ways to satisfy these cravings for connection while also adhering to guidelines that keep us physically healthy.

The Well, the New York City-based wellness club founded by IIN grad Sarrah Hollock, wrote this powerful piece about normalizing our feelings of loneliness, nervousness, and fear, and how to maximize feelings of connectedness during this difficult time. 

Lissa Rankin, MD, physician, speaker, and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, has been sharing her thoughts on her blog and on her Facebook about how she’s working through these difficult times. 

How to support yourself mentally
Learning how to manage stress will be a challenge for us all right now, but it’s doable if we take each day as it comes.

Andrew Weil, MD, integrative medicine pioneer, focuses on a holistic body, mind, and spirit approach to health and wellbeing. Breathwork has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety, and Dr. Weil shares these three breathing exercises that you can return to every day, night, or whenever you need.

Deepak Chopra, MD, the world leader in mind-body medicine, shares his take on what is happening around the globe and offers a glimpse into how we can find ways to be happy. He also has many video resources on his site such as tips for managing stress, the health benefits of meditation, and 7 days to peaceful sleep.

Speaking of meditation, this practice can greatly support your mental health during trying times, relieving stress and anxiety, and even helping manage depression and pain. Robyn Youkilis, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, speaker, and gut health expert, shares meditations with her audience on Instagram, oftentimes with her young daughter, showing you that yes, it can be done with children! 

How to support yourself spiritually

Spirituality can mean anything you want it to; it doesn’t have to be religious. Spirituality is the celebration of being connected to one another and everything around us. The practice of spirituality can be grounding and help provide a sense of meaning and belonging. It’s exactly what we need right now.

Gabby Bernstein, international speaker and Spirit Junkie, offers her 7 spiritual tools to relieve anxiety, including guided meditations and anxiety-relieving tools you can use right now. Sahara Rose, host of Highest Self Podcast and teacher of Ayurveda and its practices, is using her Instagram platform to share free daily content to help you get out of your body and mind, even if just for minutes a day. 

IIN is always here to support you 
We’re dedicated to helping our community thrive, no matter the circumstance. Everyone’s priorities look different right now and that’s OK. You may be caring for an older relative or loved one; you have children at home to look after and keep busy; you have clients who need your guidance; you’re navigating unchartered territory to keep your small business running. Maybe you’re doing all of these things, while also trying to maintain calm and healthy yourself. It’s not easy, so don’t be too hard on yourself as you take each day as it comes.

Our content on the blog has always been free because we believe knowledge is power. Knowledge is also health, wisdom, strength, and support. Here are some further resources to look to, and know that we will continue to provide meaningful content to continue coming back to: 

Taking care of your immunity & overall wellbeing: 

Practicing Self-Care in the Digital Age (especially when your world just became totally virtual) 

Five Herbs to Relieve Anxiety 

Natural Remedies to Boost Immunity 

The Health Benefits of Gratitude 

How to Get Better Sleep (sleep is key for keeping your immune system healthy) 

How to Start Meditating 

If you’re at home with kids: 

Meal-Prepping with Kids 

Practicing Self-Care with Your Children

NOTE: If you choose to use this time that you have to sign on to take courses with IIN, please shine that love back to me as your referral, and use this link to sign up so that they know what alumni sent you, and so that I know I have a fellow coach to add to my team of connections.

12 Mar

Clinical Herbalist Immune Support for COVID-19

As referenced in Guido’s Week 6 class, here are the recommendations he discussed concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Immune Support NOTES:

We know very little about this virus, its seasonality, and its transmission. It does seem to be more contagious than the flu, and does affect those over age 60 with heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes more significantly. There is no evidence that any of the classic herbs we use for cold and flu “treat” the virus. Instead of treatment, we have been focusing on good hygiene and prevention by strengthening immune function.

PLEASE take care of yourself: good food, good hydration, and most importantly GOOD sleep. If stress around all of this is an issue, consider adaptogens like American ginseng (if available organic) or Eleuthero (“Siberian” ginseng). IF you suspect infection (dry cough and fever are the most common symptoms, with little nasal congestion), CALL your doctor/Emergency room and ask for directions on how to proceed.

  1. Astragalus and medicinal mushrooms, esp. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum/tsugae/oregonensis). Relatively high amounts: 1 tsp. Astragalus tincture 2x/d, 7-12 g Astragalus total in caps/powder/decoction daily. 2 mL mushroom extract and/or blends, or 3-4 g mushroom extract powder, or 4-5 g mushrooms decocted daily.

2. Lung support herbs include Pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa), Licorice root (caution w/ high blood pressure), Mullein leaf, Elecampane root, Balloon Flower root (Platycodon grandiflorum), Usnea spp.

3. Warming aromatic diaphoretics are theoretically a good idea: Ginger, Angelica, Lomatium, Ligusticum (Osha – caution – endangered)

4. CONSIDER AVOIDING Elderberry for those at greater risk to reduce the risk of over-stimulation of an immune reaction. Elderberry lectins, not present in other berries, ramp up immune function and inflammatory cytokine production, which is THEORETICALLY a concern as the cause of death is connected to sepsis and cytokine storm in vulnerable folks (See this paper from China as reference).

Treatment NOTE: Needs to be in consultation / coordination with the healthcare establishment. DO NOT “go it alone” on this one, especially with higher-risk populations. The virus can cause symptoms to progress into a danger zone quickly. Don’t delay asking for support. Key Symptoms are dry cough and fever, though this can vary. CALL your healthcare provider(s). FOLLOW their directions.

1. One formula (Shuang Huang Lian) is receiving attention for herbal TREATMENT of the virus, but keep in mind it is often used as an injection. It is Baikal Skullcap root (Scutellaria baikalensis), Forsythia fruit, and Honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japonica). We know nothing about other herbs for treatment. Get help, and once you have a plan, consider options

2, 3 and 4 listed above if practical and safe to do so.

Hand & Surface Sanitizer (2 options)

NOTE: Hand washing with regular soap and water for 20-30 seconds is BEST. Sanitizers are an OK alternative, and also a way to clean doorknobs, surfaces, etc.

Option #1 – Alcohol-based (basic recipe) • 2 parts Alcohol (*see below) • 1 part Aloe Vera gel • 5-10 drops your choice of essential oil per ounce of sanitizer (optional, to improve odor). Dispense into squirt bottles. Squirt a pea-sized amount on your hands, rub in, and allow to dry. *Key consideration: The alcohol you use can be rubbing (isopropyl) or “regular” (ethyl, or ethanol), but must be at least 90% (180 proof). Concentrations are listed on the bottle (eg. at the drugstore, rubbing alcohol should say “91% isopropyl alcohol”). Don’t use 60% isopropyl or anything lower than 90%. Alcohol-based sanitizers need to be at least 60-70% alcohol.

Option #2 – Alcohol-free (Thymox) FDA/EPA have approved “Thymox” (a solution of 0.25% thymol) as a coronaviruseffective disinfectant. We can recreate a 0.25% thymol solution using these ingredients: • Water, 29 mL (about 1 fluid ounce). Using distilled water is best, but any clean, fresh water will do. • Gum Arabic, a dispersant, 300 mg • Benchmark Thyme essential oil, 0.8 mL (Consistently high thymol concentration, which is assayed. See this link for more information and additional distributors.) Add the essential oil to the Gum Arabic and mix thoroughly. Add the paste to the water and shake well. Pour into a spray bottle and dispense by spraying. Rub into the hands and allow to dry.

28 Jun

Who am I? I care about you!

Who am I? What do I do? How can I help you? What is health to you? How do you visualize your health? How much would you like to reduce your pain and stress? Please share my new premiere video. Like it on my Facebook page. See it on Instagram and Linked-in. Watch for my blogs and Facebook posts throughout each week.

Have a great weekend.

02 Jun

Be who you are

This is not your typical encouragement write-up on being the person you were meant to be. I will give you some food for thought that is not main stream, and is very out of the box, but should be the normal thinking.

We were created, man was created, out of the dust of the Earth and given life and breath from the very mouth of the Creator. It was good. Did you get that? When the tree of knowledge of good and evil entered the picture, so did the lies that we are no longer good. Fear entered first and foremost. Fear and shame are the foundation to all that is not good, all that is not of the creation in the beginning. We were given a choice. That is all. It was a choice. Man did not become evil. The flesh did not become evil. The mind did not become evil. The man allowed the fear and shame to take over his very own body, mind and soul. Yahweh constantly showed that there is a way to stay within what we are create to be. The stuff that was breathed into us at creation was not taken out of us when the other tree was eaten. This is a key point.

We are made in HIS very image. WE are sons and daughters of the Most High. We are good. Sin can take over but it is not who we are.

We are meant for so much more. We have been given the promise of Eternal Life. We must live that kingdom here on Earth. We have the breathe of the Father in us and through us. We can get the fear and shame out. All sin and all evil can be overcome. All of our impurities, all of our transgressions, all of our health issues, all of our Earth’s pollution, is from fear and shame. We are not evil first. Evil takes over us when we allow it in. Evil is the result of not being what we are meant to be.

Be what you are meant to be. Be who you are. Live the life you have been given to live in Messiah. Use the breath of the Almighty that was breathed into you and never taken out.

I could make this longer, but I want you to digest the truth you have just read. Let’s have a conversation.

BE well. Be healthy. Be YOU.

#healthlivegive #holisticmud #natuaralhelpinghands #naturalhelp

19 May

OPEN HOUSE (cancelled–see below)

JOIN US (due to flooding road issues, will reschedule at a later date. Stay well. I am safe by the way)


#naturalhelp #naturalhelpinghands #naturalhelpopenhouse

Join the Jeana and Jaci at Natural Helping Hands for a celebration of better health through a holistic approach! This year, we open our doors and invite our clients and community to come learn more about what we do here at Natural Helping Hands. This is a non-ticketed event and is open to the public!

  • Meet with Jeana and Jaci. 
  • Learn more about Medical Massage Therapy.
  • Learn about Infant Massage Instruction.
  • Learn what Health Coaching and Holistic Nutrition is all about. 
  • See a sample Hair Mineral Analysis and how it can help you.
  • See what a test result looks like from the Biofeedback, stress reduction device.
  • Put your name in a drawing for a chance to win a free Medical Massage session and Health Coaching Session. 

2621 West Main Street, Suite 7, Russellville, AR 72025



#medicalmassage #infantmassage #naturalhealth #crazyallergies #alphagal #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #russellvillelocal #russellvillear #healthcoaching #healthlivegive #holisticmud

05 Apr

healing scriptures

AFTER you watch the five-minute video, begin to read the healing scriptures. There are a lot of them! If you find more, please share them with me, so that I may add them to the list 🙂

Luke 17:12-14, 18:27

II Kings 10:5

Exodus 15:26, 23:35

Luke 13:10-13

Acts 3:2-8, 9:32-34

Matthew 20

Psalm 29:11

Acts 14:18—

Matthew 8:5-10, 13, 14-16

John 5:2-9

Isaiah 53:5

Proverbs 3:5-8

Matthew 14:35-36

Romans 8:11

Psalm 103

Luke 4:18-19

Isaiah 58:6

III John 1-2

I Peter 3:10

Matthew 9:27-30, 16:19

Proverbs 12:18, 13:3, 16:24, 18:21

Proverbs 9

Ephesians 6:11—

Luke 8:41-55, 10:19

Mark 16

James 5:14-15, 4:7

Deuteronomy 30:19

Psalms 18:30, 23:4, 25:3, 30:5, 34:17, 37:3, 55:22, 57:1, 86:7, 91:3,11-16, 5-8, 107:20, 112:7, 116:8-9, 118:6-8,17, 119: 17, 50,91–, 141:3

Matthew 21:22

Romans 8:15

I John 4:4

Hebrews 11:1

Mark 9:23

Matthew 15

Luke 1:38

Acts 10:34

Ephesians 3:20

John 10:10, John 17:17

Luke 11:9-13

Mark 11:22-34

Proverbs 3:1-2, 4:10

Psalms 145

I John 5:4, 14, 18

I John 3:8

Romans 2:11

Hebrews 10:23

Isaiah 43:1-5, 7:9, 49:23-25, 41:11-14, 46:4, 55:10-11

II Corinthians 10  

04 Apr


Daniel, in the Bible, had an excellent spirit about him. I believe Daniel and his friends were Yeshuah/Jesus-like before Messiah walked the Earth in flesh. Daniel and his friends were living and confirming the promises they were given as part of the chosen people blessed by the Almighty.

The excellent spirit comes from Faith, and Faith can ONLY come by practicing and receiving the Word, by diligently seeking to know all Yahweh God wants you to know.

The excellent spirit has Health, Provision, Prosperity, and Protection. Daniel had all of this.

The excellent spirit has a heart set apart, values the secret things of the Father, is humble, has practiced discernment with constant improvement, and is in continued prayer and meditation.

Continued prayer and meditation (talking and listening) is communication throughout the day. Skilled, continued prayer (as Daniel and his friends) is appointed in the day, developed, and custom. Daniel and his friends had the custom of prayer and meditation. This is how faith is built. We have to set times and keep them, just as we set appointments with people. I know this works and can be done, even on a busy day. You just block out that time just as anything else in the day. With daily consistency ( say 9 am, 11 am, and 3 pm, for 10-15 minutes each time, or more), it becomes easier and others begin to know when you can be called upon and when not, including your children. I remember doing this with my kids when they were young, and with consistency, they began to know I am not going to succumb to their calling during that time and they began to copy it.

I hope I have stirred some ideas in your mind to begin a new “custom” and to yearn for that excellent spirit that we all can acquire, along with the health, Provision, Prosperity, and Protection that comes with it.

One idea to get you started is a Prayer journal, where you stop, and write a prayer on your heart, no matter what it is, or read scripture and write a prayer to use that scripture and see it in your own life. This is a great way to get the daily custom going strong. Here are some scriptures to ponder, and get you started: Hebrews 13:16, 12: 1-3, Set your mind on things above. OR, just begin reading Daniel and things will really get you moving in prayer.

Be blessed.

04 Apr

Purpose, What is Yours?

Ephesians 2:20, Colossians 1:16, Jeremiah 29:11 For we are His Handiwork, to do His good works, with a purpose, each unique.

Satan wants us to misinterpret the “saved by grace” and do nothing. This is far from what we should be thinking. Life is about how desperately we need Yahweh God and the Messiah. We are all in recovery of sin. RECOVERY…meaning we are all together in our unique processes, one unit moving toward the same purpose in the Almighty’s plan for us. We all have unity in how desperately we need the Father God and His excellent spirit (see my next post on an excellent spirit).

Ask the Father, “why did you create me?” Listen for the answer throughout the day.

Ask the Father, “what is the reason for my existence?” Listen for the answer throughout the day.

This hangs in my office, as a paper copy, but I am having it artistically created onto a large poster size canvas

26 Mar

Teaching/Sharing/Passing on/Empowering

I love teaching. Teaching runs in my blood. I love to empower people. I love teaching most because I learn.

Would you like to make sense of the food allergies and sensitivities, and find holistic options within your budget? Food allergies rock your world! They rocked mine. In this class I will help you take an active and empowering role in your daily struggle with this “sensitive” topic (pun intended). 

Would you like to turn around a picky eater, know where to save money for healthy snacks, how to minimize junk and create whole food eaters, be prepared on the go without stress, learn how to travel with food, and create habits to last? This is not just for the now, but for the future.  ALL HEALTH now will reap good or disaster in the future. I have a class for that!
Learn why making even simple menu adjustments can lead to kids who feel calmer, sleep better, wake up easier, weigh less, have tantrums less, and study more.

Do you have a love/hate relationship with cooking and finding creative ways to make a meal? Do you want to have meals ready for on the go? Do you want to learn how to pack and cook on a trip?  The crock pot can become your best pal in the kitchen. I will also show some things for travel with a crock or an insta-pot or aroma steamer (the fast crock pot) —traveling with these is the best thing I have done for saving time and money on a trip and eating healthier.

Do you want to learn about desserts without sugar, honey, molasses, or artificial sweeteners…YES! they can still be sweet and delicious. (Tasting some goodies will be part of the class) Cure your sugar craving and need. Create new habits. Learn the empowerment you have inside you.

Would you like to learn massage techniques for calming, healing, bonding, making stronger and smarter babies.  Gather some friends and set a plan to take a 4 week course

DO YOU ALL GET THE IDEA? I have a class for many things. These are just a few of what I can do. If you have an idea for a class you would like me to put together, please contact me to ask. I CAN BRING THESE classes to your group, in your location (in my local area). I can do many of these classes, even the baby massage classes, online for those long distance.

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., C.H.N.P., LMT, CEIM, CBS

Natural Helping Hands, LLC



501-690-3306 (I-phone)

13 Mar


Hello everyone. I am striving to be on here blogging several times a week instead of just on Fridays, but Fridays for sure 🙂

Visions are something people fear for some odd reasons. I believe it stems from media and movies portraying it all incorrectly. I believe we need to change this.

Visions are amazing tools for our benefit. I have had many that have saved lives, turned events around for the better, simply freaked me out, and put me on a path for the life better than I dreamed.

I have a vision that is developing after years of it just being a picture in my mind. In the communities that surround me, I see connections in one place, classes and seminars teaching holistic pathway, counselors and therapists working side by side, and integration of holistic practices where people come to have whole health care. I see this more than ever in my life. I have people coming into my life with the skills for this conglomeration. I feel the calling I have always had is finally in the end of its gestation and about to be birthed, as beautiful as a newborn baby. Whole health clinic (or whatever name comes upon it), we will not be separated any longer, but connected as one!

I will keep you all posted, and if you feel you are someone interested in this amazing adventure with me, please contact me so we can meet and connect and keep it building. WE all need this. Our communities need this. Our world needs this. Lets start a thing together.