Biofeedback is amazing. I am a biofeedback specialist with a SCIO device, a stress reduction facilitator. (more information about biofeedback) There is much to learn about the amazing mind, body, and soul from stress studies, and indicator patterns from the device.  I am going to give you some education about your body, some common, yet overlooked, perspective, and recommended remedies tried and true.
Heart Disease and Circulation indicators
part one
Adrenal and kidney are in the same complex of the body…they are the battery of the body. They can become exhausted. Quote from Quantum Academies: ” They say that this battery is 50% rechargeable, which means you can exhaust it to a point, and by resting and rejuvenating, your body will naturally recharge. Maybe this is the intelligence behind resting on the seventh day. However, if we push ourselves beyond normal exhaustion, we may get a ‘second wind’ of energy, but at this point, we are dipping into our non-rechargeable half of the battery.”
THINK ABOUT THIS! I loved the 7th day thing because I am a firm believer in it, and it works. But, think on the rest of what was said. Listen to your inner core. Do you hear the truth of what you just read?
The adrenals are little glands perched atop our kidneys. Without them, our bodies could not adapt to stress. I once knew a school teacher who relied on caffeine to get him through his workday for his entire career. Caffeine and sugar are two of the worst dietary adrenal stressors, by the way. By the time he retired, his adrenals were ‘toast’, and he was on medication on which his life depended. Under-active and exhausted adrenals are a prime signature of chronic stress. A combination of poor nutrition in the first place along with accumulated habitual stress responses conspire to exhaust our batteries, sometimes beyond repair.  Under chronic stress, the adrenals can become initially overactive (hyperadrenia). Symptoms and conditions include: (males) muscular ‘square build’, baldness, excess body hair(testosterone)…(females) excess body hair, unusual physical strength, puffy face, fluid retention, rapid pulse, high blood pressure. This then turns into low adrenals (exhausted) due to chronic stress and poor nutritional support. Symptoms are: excess neck, head, and shoulder tension, sensitivity to bright lights, unusual craving for salt, ‘lump’ in the throat when upset, must lie down when stressed or upset, allergies-(especially skin, inhalant, asthma), form goosebumps easily, excess perspiration, cold sweats, high pitched voice when stressed, easily strained by noise, heart ‘pounds’.
The adrenals have an inner core and outer core. The inner (Medulla) is directly affected by Stress and the Sympathetic Nervous system (the gas pedal). The outer (cortex) produces hormones that affect almost all bodily systems. With a strong stress link, issues like chronic anxiety, fear, anger, and hypervigilance can lead to adrenal exhaustion. The emotional correlates would be chronic defeatism, feeling overpowered, self-neglected, self-anger (depression) and lack of self-approval. Knowing these issues points to the importance of considering adrenal exhaustion and supporting adrenal regeneration when dealing with these emotional themes. (Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome are more serious conditions of this exhaustion). Hypoglycemia and menopausal symptoms are also low adrenal issues.
Daily minerals and vitamins to help recharge Adrenals:
B5 (pantothenic acid) depletion is a huge contributor to atrophy (shrinkage of the glands). Never take B’s single; use a multi B with 100 mg of each in the formula.
Vitamin C (2000 mg), Vitamin E (400-800 mg natural source, vegan source), B-12(sublingual), B-6, Potassium (1/4 tsp creme of Tartar daily), Adrenal Glandular (natural source or vegan)
A hair analysis is a lifeline to knowing what your body needs and the amounts it needs. I do these as well, long distance or local. Contact me for more information on this amazing test (simple and inexpensive but worth its weight in gold).
LOOK FOR PART TWO, AND MORE PARTS, TO THIS SERIES OF BLOGÂ POSTS, covering more heart disease and circulation truths and indicators including low stomach acid/hypochloridia–HCL, chronic indigestion, low thyroid, pancreatic function, and mental-emotional.
Be healthy, Be wise, Take care of yourself