29 Aug


Are You Grounded?

Our culture would have you believe you are defined by your looks, weight, bank accounts or by what you do. That’s not what God says defines you.

Sign up for this FREE series. Become GROUNDED in your God given identity.

I have personally had to ground myself many times in my life. I have written a book to show a time of my greatest grounding experience. I believe it is a constant process to reset, reprogram, and reboot. The Word of the bible had 66 books to give us guidance and instruction on in this important task. Let the Spirit lead you to the best awakening in your life. Let your mind, body and soul become peaceful and live with true joy knowing you have taken steps toward being able to tethered to the presence of the Father Almighty God, aligned with the Creator’s purpose, and connected with Grace.

Check out my book Weeds, A health journey of struggle, discovery and healing with the master gardener .

25 Jul

Healthy Back

  I’ve been talking the last few weeks about our Healthy Back Challenge and today I am so excited to kick this off with you.  Over the next 5 days I will be sharing valuable information with you through a daily email. Each day we will provide some tips and exercises to help you live a life free from back aches and pains.   For Day #1 let’s talk about how miraculous the human spine is. God designed an elegantly balanced system and foundational support of the entire body. The spine balances our neck, chest, lower back and pelvis to keep our neck, body and legs in alignment. Every move we make engages the spine.   So What Causes Back Pain? The spine is a stack of 33 vertebrae connected and cushioned by cartilage and connective tissue and like other joints in the body, they can experience inflammation and pain. Pain in the back can be caused by long-term impact of injury, poor posture, inactivity, too much sitting or certain diseases.   80% of the population suffers from some type of chronic back pain. Two-thirds of adults age 40+ show disc deterioration and by age 60, 90 percent are affected.   Back aches and pain can result from muscle strain, weakness, lack of exercise, injury or straining the back from too much of the wrong kind of activities. The good news is with proper care, toning and conditioning improving back aches and pain is possible!   As we go through this Challenge, I would love for you to think about why you decided to join. How would less back pain affect your quality of life? What activities do you love to do or would love to get back to doing? Knowing our “why” is what motivates us to stay committed and consistent.   I’m sharing common every day causes of back pain in today’s video. 
25 Jul

Healthy Back series

I would like to encourage you to get on board and take time to go through this series every day for the next few days. Your back will thank you, your entire body will thank you.

https://faithfulworkouts.com/healthy-back/#Session%201Get Started

Healthy Back Series

So many struggle with back pain. That doesn’t have to be you.

This page has all your resources for the Healthy Back Series.

Equipment Package: Band, Loops (2), Ball

Why you need this Healthy Back Series

Millions struggle with chronic back pain. Sadly, they often turn to surgery which doesn’t provide the relief they need.

Session 1: Common Everyday Causes of Back Pain

Common reasons for back pain and how to avoid them.

Session 2: Back Strength

If you want to eliminate or prevent back pain, one of the most important things you can do is have a strong core.

These exercises are focused on core strength. Try to do these multiple times a week

Session 3: Back Stretches

One of the main reasons that we experience back pain is due to tight muscles. So much of our day is spent sitting which causes us to feel stiff and achy.

Spend time each day stretching your muscles and you will feel so much better!

Session 4: Range Of Motion and Foam Rolling

As we age we tend to lose range of motion in our joints. This causes us to have pain and can contribute to injuries. Doing daily movements that use full range of movement are important.

In addition, using a foam roller is a great way to get rid of “knots” and also help with range of motion.

Session 5: What you Eat and Think

Inflammation in our bodies is a big contributor to many chronic illnesses. It also impacts the pain we feel in our joints. What you eat and stress are common factors impacting inflammation.

If you want to live with greater health and less pain than you need to work on controlling the inflammation in your body.

16 May

Weeds: A Health Journey of Struggle, Discovery, and Healing with the Master Gardener

“Each page of my life seems to be a different life
altogether. Each day seems to be as if I am beginning
again; and, yet, it all seems to overlap and piece
together at the same time.”

Ebook ready for purchase 🙂

Print books will be ready for purchase soon.

Share this post.

10 May



Hello everyone

It has been a while since I mailed out a newsletter. I have a lot of information to pass along to you.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  😊


I have a book on the market.  Yes! it is finally completed.  I would love you to purchase a copy, and pass on the information to others.  I am including the link here.  Weeds: A Health Journey of Struggle, Discovery, and Healing with the Master Gardener Kindle Edition We have but one body for our entire lives. I made a commitment long ago to take exceptional care of my body because I did not want to become another statistic in the great line of those before me. Then alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) seeded itself in me, causing struggle and strife. I refused to let it take root. This book is about the journey how the Almighty Father, the Master Gardener, gave me the tools to discover, heal, and root out many fears, including AGS.

Watch for a print version on Amazon also.  We had a bit of a delay, but It will be up in the next week or so. 



I am opening a stretch class. I have two people signed up already.  The class begins Wednesday, May 17, at 8:00 am (we can move it to 9 am if that is better for everyone). I will begin with one a week, and move to two a week when we get going and I have a good amount of people.  I need a lot of help to spread the word.  Please pass this on to everyone. NEVER guess who might want to and who might not; You never know who has been thinking about it and It will surprise you, so please tell everyone.  Thank you.   (if you have Facebook, share my web page and it will have the info, easy to pass on to a lot of people at once).  Web page link for Natural Helping Hands  and link for Facebook page for Natural Helping Hands   $45 per month.  SUPER GOOD DEAL. Contact me to sign up. 


Exercise, Workouts, and Resources for education

One of the best places to get a great workout and do it at your leisure or with a group, is at Faithful Workouts.  Check them out for all your stretching, core, leg, and more workouts. You will also get food and spiritual encouragement advice.  I have used this group for many years. I will be going on a retreat with Michelle and others in the autumn.  I love this group. You will love it also.

ONE MORE THING: there is a great program beginning called Sugar challenge. I did it in the past and it really works! It will help you to find your issue with sugar, and tackle it.  you will have so much help and support.  Go for it. Added Sugar and Bread/carbs are the greatest threat to diet, weight loss, and other health related issues.

While we are on the subject of good resources: IIN is a great place to take a jump into learning, for yourself, family and friends.  I have been though the courses many years ago; it is worth the time and money.  You will get the best of the best out there. You will have all you need, and the overwhelming anxiety of “loads of information out on the internet” will be gone, with this one program.  I assure you that it will change your life!   Link for IIN is here.


SWIM Aerobics (all ages and abilities)

I am official AEA instructor for water aerobics. Is it fun, and it is one of the best ways to work out, especially with limited abilities, post trauma, and other things of that nature.  Talk to me about getting a class going on Petit Jean Mountain.  I plan to try a class on Thursdays or Fridays, at noon when the pool opens, to avoid the large crowds. I would have an hour instruction.  $6 per session/person.  Contact me to sign up. 


I really need reviews on the google and on my web page.  Would you please take a few minutes, and it really is just a few minutes, to write a 5 star review about your services with me.  It will help me to stay on top of the search bar for our area.  BE as detailed as you feel you want to be.  Health coaching, massage, and other services you have had with me, can be placed on the review.  REVIEWS for Natural Helping Hands


I am starting up Rumble again.  Thursday evenings live, 7 pm Central time.  Got to the link here. Rumble for Natural Helping Hands   I will speak about 15-30 minutes on health subjects, herbs, and massage techniques; It will be things not usually spoken about. 


Thank you for your support and referrals.  You are important. 

Faith Family Freedom Fitness Wellness  

Jeana Anderson, C.N.H.P., MMT, CLT, CEIM, CBS

Natural Helping Hands, LLC



501-690-3306 (I-phone)

11 Mar

workout and widows/widowers

This message is one I need to share here. It is a great low impact, total body workout, but ALSO a superb message all the way through about widows and widowers.

An article from Got Questions, said, “widows are often grouped with vulnerable members of society such as the fatherless, aliens, and the poor (Deuteronomy 14:29; 16:11; 24:20; 26:12). The Bible says widows are to be treated with honor and compassion and offered protection so that no one takes advantage of them.” The article goes on to say, “God recognized the widow’s plight and rose to her defense: “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling” (Psalm 68:5). A person who denied justice to a widow was cursed by God: “Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow” (Deuteronomy 27:19). Laws and special provisions were put in place to safeguard widows against neglect and abuse.”

Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their ill-treatment of widows (Mark 12:40).

widows and widowers can be young, or older. REMEMBER THAT. They all need the same care.

Stay connected. Call, text, message, often.

Say you are sorry for our loss.

Call and ask specifically, “Can we go for a walk together?” “Would you like me to take the kids to the park?”

Refer to spouse’s acts or words – serious or humorous.

Invite them to anything, as if they were not widows/widowers. Include them in your activities just as you did before the spouse was no longer there.

Accept that we they are where they are.

Walk the talk. They need us. We need them.
09 Mar

Stress and Anxiety

25,000 genes at conception

These genes multiply to trillions upon trillions as organs grow and humans develop.

Genes: 65% are the same as a banana, 75% are the same as a fruit fly, 80% are the same as a mouse, 99% are the same as a chimpanzee. We are human, not animal. We have a percent that is only human, setting us apart from all life forms.

96% of all elements in the body are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. 4 % are all the other elements. All are important blocks to our body.

What does this have to do with stress and anxiety? Before our birth (constitution), our conception day, while we are in the womb, our birth, place of birth, and after birth (condition) play a part in our daily lives. Stress and anxiety can be from imbalances of elements, trauma, circumstances, food, environment, and more.

Everything that occurs in our lives is embedded in our fascia; imprints of trauma in life never go away, but it can be turned around/changed.

Join us as we take on this huge subject, break it down into intricate parts, and tune into bio individuality.

Live Stream, Rumble, each Thursday at 10 am. It will be recorded as well. WE will be in the series of stress and anxiety for the next 6 weeks or more. Series episodes will include: nutritional influences in connection to emotional eating, dehydration, maternal caregivers and general caregivers, navigating relationships, and physical manifestations such as allergic reactions, panic attacks, and mood disorders.

14 Feb

Journey to Wellness

WE go live at NOON CST to introduce our new wellness series. Jacalyn Poyner. These are recorded. Watch for the each week, maybe twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
