24 Mar

EXpectations … for real

I struggle with expectations daily. I expect things to go a certain way, or be in a particular shape, or that people in my life will perform the way I had in my mind. Here is a quote from a faithful lady, Michelle of Faithful workouts.

managing your expectations doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set goals or dream for your life. However, I strongly believe in setting action-based goals, rather than outcome-based ones. Here’s what I mean:

Instead of setting a goal to lose five pounds in 10 days, focus on specific actions you can control. For example, set a goal to exercise for 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8am. Keep your added-sugars intake to under 24 grams for five days this week.

If your goal is purely outcome-driven – like losing five pounds in 10 days (expectation) – you might end up frustrated if you do everything right but only lose three pounds (reality). “

Think about these things today. Think about these things daily. Put you daily routine into a new light and perspective.

Contact me if you need help with your walk in life, health, or physical issues. WE will find your path. You will become empowered.

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