04 Jan


Every now and then, I read through old journals and notebooks. I love to journal, and have always found it to be beneficial for my sanity. Today, I read through a mini notebook of thoughts I had while my kids were younger. I was attempting to be a better me, a better mother, and wife, than those before me. I was doing my best to find out what the Father wanted me to be. I was passionate about being the best example I could be. I was not trying to be perfect, but I was wanting to be more than just mindful. Below are the things written (things in parenthesis are my present thoughts in response to the past thought).

OK, so far, I see a pattern of my mouth and tongue being noticed as something I need to work on as a parent and as a wife. I can say that some of these I am still working on. Is there ever an end to our madness? I believe I have improved, but take much of our work to our grave. I will continue with more of my mini journal writing.

I believe I was really being molded as a mother. Have you checked yourself lately? I remember always reminding myself not to compare myself to other mothers, or even the proverbs mother. I was the mother I made myself to be. What is your perception of being a mom? Continuing the mini journal, I will finish up this article and allow the journal to speak for itself.

One more thought to end this message from my mini journal.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I will be making more posts, and videos in health, healing, life and spirit. Take care of yourself. See all links on my home page at www.naturalhelp.net

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