25 Jun

special needs babies

Infant massage can be very helpful for babies who have experienced challenges in their lives. It is a wonderful way to strengthen the communication between parents and their children.

Massage therapy may help young children with DS improve their muscle tone, motor development, and visual function. It also helps to boost brain development by increasing blood flow and muscle activity.

Your IAIM Infant Massage Instructor will be able to guide you as you massage your baby. You and your baby are welcome in IAIM infant massage classes.


“As a parent of a 24 year old son with Down syndrome who had infantile spasms (bad seizure disorder) as a baby, I can attest to how infant massage helped to engage him and enliven him while he was “zonked out” on heavy seizure meds (depakene and klonipin). They also made him blow up like a balloon and lose his hair. It was awful.  However, with infant massage and brushing techniques that we incorporated as part of his daily regimen,  it helped to enliven him so that he could continue to cognitively learn and develop throughout this difficult period.  It also helped me to counter the negative experience of having to inject him in his little chubby thighs with seizure meds throughout the day.  He fortunately overcame the seizure disorder and went on to do just fine.  I’m a first-hand believer!” – Agency Director of Family Support

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