22 Nov

Now is the best time to learn

I have a workshop for you! READ about what I have to offer. Contact me to set up to learn.


What is health to you?

what is healing to you?

What is your definition of the health condition and healing action?

Have you thought of “well-being”? This is a term not considered much.

Do you know what true joy is? Is your finances, career, social life, physical fitness, cooking, home environment, and relationships accounted for in your health and well-being?

The subjects no so common in a health course are: Creation, Before the womb, in the womb, primary food, secondary food, core gut physical health, core gut spiritual health. I have a course for this. The healing is amazing when we put all this together and know we have the power created within us, the knowledge created within us, and the empowerment to see it one on one. You can take this journey. You know more than you think you do.

Goals include: walking away with confidence, authority, and will to mend, heal, prevent, prepare, treat, research and utilize all options. You will question and prove all things. You will understand what medicine is.


Bring a someone to learn some basic massage techniques and feel empowered to heal together. Contact me to set up a learning session.

Are you long distance from my local area? Lets chat to find a way to set up a group long distance learning session.


10 Reasons to Massage Your Baby

Would You Like To ?


To do something warm, loving and special with your baby


To help your baby have regular bowel movements and relieve tension from daily stress (teething, gas, emotions..)


To reduce crying, and ease transitions to sleep or to alert states


To build your baby’s sense of security


To learn how to communicate better with your baby


To help you and your baby relax (a lifelong skill!)


To help your baby have a lifelong appreciation of touch and warm relationships


To help relieve constipation and help your baby have regular bowel movements


To help your baby’s brain development


To help you and your baby fall in love with each other

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