August Newsletter

I hope you are all doing well, and walking through disturbances of life with purpose and clarity. If you are struggling, please contact me or someone who can help. Ask God to give you clarity. Listen for the first response when you ask, and that is the one to go for; the others are going to be side tracks and voices overriding the first one.
Good info to keep in mind when you feel you have been through all the options. I want to introduce you to Hyperbaric. I have used this place to rid Lyme, and build my structural issues back to strong again. I have used it to rid my mind of the junk, rid my body of the toxins creating junk, and clean out my brain. I have found that it built many things I had no idea it would, such as released my hormone pain, released old injury lock ups, released blocks in the emotions and signals from the brain, and more. I have continued to take in oxygen with chlorophyl and oxygen foods, to stay on the mend, but I will revisit the chamber ever now and then for a management session protocol. This Oxygen is the key to ridding the body of the toxins from the virus as well. I will put that link below as well so you can read for yourself, but I know for a fact that oxygen rids the junk creating residual long haul covid, and other virus residual. Keep this in mind when looking for the healing to your after virus issues. see some articles below and links for information.
The MOLD Connection to Chronic Illness
An article in Psychology Today by Judy Tsafrir, M.D. notes that mold toxicity is often misdiagnosed as psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, and attention problems. Some may also receive a diagnosis of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mast cell activation disorder, or irritable bowel, when mold toxicity is the ultimate condition.
Dr. Joseph Brewer, MD, is an infectious disease specialist with a special interest in chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and HIV/AIDS. He published a paper in 2013 looking at 112 chronic fatigue patients that he tested for mycotoxins in the urine. Of those 112 patients, 104 tested positive for a least one mycotoxin, with 30 percent being positive for multiple mycotoxins.
If you have suffered from one of these medical conditions but have not received relief from standard treatments, MOLD may be an underlying cause of your symptoms. Hyperbaric oxygen, or HBOT, is able to halt the growth of mycotoxins and help the body eliminate these toxins, allowing you to finally find a treatment method that works for the chronic conditions!
At Oxygen8, there’s nothing we love more than seeing hyperbarics working and changing lives. We are sharing (with permission) the amazing transformation we have seen in one of our clients with long haulers syndrome after having Covid. This young man had a mild case of Covid in November of 2020. He recovered well initially, but soon developed debilitating symptoms of intense headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, inability to control body temperature and many other symptoms. After seeing three neurologists, a cardiologist, going through many tests, ER visits, a hospital stay and 10 different medications with no relief, he found hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 13 months of constant headaches, and his headache was gone after the first session! After the next session, dizziness had faded and as he continued a few more sessions, all of his symptoms were going away! He is now able to think clearly, play all sports and perform like a champ! What a wonderful testimony to the power of oxygen and pressure! His story is just one of many we have seen in our clinic who have had major relief of post-covid symptoms!
With all that said, I will plug in biofeedback: I am a biofeedback specialist. I have used the biofeedback to do many of the things stated above as well by using the signals the body already generates (light and sound), and re-establishing them to the strength the body needs them. The body is a great creation, created to heal, and when we give it what it needs, it will heal itself. Biofeedback is stress management, and a great way to consistently keep your body stable.
Watch for my upcoming classes, spread the word, and let me know if there is a time that would be best for you. See below and on my web page for more info and to sign up.
- Effective massage from the comfort of your home or office. Knowing how you can help those around you is empowering.
While taking time out of your busy schedule to book a massage with a massage therapist may be nice, sometimes it just doesn’t fit in with the busyness of life (or wallet!). Rather than suffering in pain, come learn and feel empowered. Self-Care Techniques will include head, neck, shoulders, low back, pecs, IT/thigh, feet, buttocks/hip, and hands.
- Couples! Friends! Family! You can refresh the whole body to feel fabulous by learning how to massage points on the hands and feet, and following the simple reflexology patterns we’ll show you.