22 Jun

Empower yourself with information about your health PART 2

Nutritional Consultation and Holistic Health

Nutrition is more than what you eat, but how you nourish and care for your whole self. During a consultation, all aspects of your health will be taken into account.

The consultation consists of a comprehensive personal interview which evaluates diet, health history, current health concerns, supplements, and medications, along with lifestyle, constitution (immediate family history), and daily workload. You will gain a better understanding of what your body needs and what steps you must take to be healthy.

An estimated 50% Americans take nutritional supplements. You can eliminate a lot of guesswork, while working with a trained professional who can assist you in developing a nutritional program that is tailored to you as an individual.

Holistic healthcare is the use of therapies that are designed to enhance well-being by promoting health for the whole person, rather than a specific symptom or disease only. It promotes health by assisting balance of mind, body and spirit. Scientific studies indicate the mind-body connection is an important aspect of health and wellness. the concept can be summed up in this biblical proverb, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

I believe that health is an ongoing process involving the whole individual who can become empowered through education and knowledge. My goal is to teach others the best possible ways to improve the quality of their lives. I practice a client centered approach to wellness enabling the individual to make choices that best fit their lifestyle, budget and mind. I endeavor to restore wholeness to each individual by helping them maintain control over their healthcare choices.

The following are services that can be used in consultations and coaching sessions. I will indicate the services off site and on site. I can interpret all results from the tests listed.

Hair mineral analysis: in office sample/off site lab: See part one of this blog to learn more about Mineral analysis.

Biofeedback: in office: Stress can become habitual and you can even forget how to relax sometimes; however, biofeedback can teach you how to get back to a more relaxed state. Although biofeedback is helpful to treat stress, it can also help a number of other conditions listed on my web page.

Saliva testing: off site sample and lab: thyroid panel, gastro-intestinal health panel using saliva and bowel, adrenal stress index, female and male hormone panels, post menopause hormone panel. Saliva testing is non-invasive and can be performed wherever you are. There are no stressful blood draws or bio hazards. With blood tests, a number of borderline conditions may be missed. Hormones can either be free, as in saliva, or bound to protein, as in blood. Research has determined that the free hormone fractions found in saliva most significantly influence living cells. Saliva tests help minimize using too much or too little natural hormone replacement and supplementation, insuring proper hormones in the appropriate amounts.

Other tests that can be used are: Amino acid profile (a urine test) and Bone Marker Test (a urine test). I can discuss these if you feel you would want to look into these tests.


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