21 Apr


Use this time to get your immune up in as many ways as possible. Create new and better habits, learn to garden, learn survival skills, get your apothecary up to par with creations remedies, eat better, exercise, and exercise breathing.
Find a way to keep the stress and fear off as much as possible; stress alone puts one in a 20 percent or more drop in immune system. You can do this!
If you would like to set a Zoom meeting or Facetime for me to show you self-techniques for massage, please do. I have figured out many for myself, and I have done this for other clients as well; although it is not as effective as full therapy, it is better than nothing. I am here for you.
• Let me know how I can help you, even if it is a phone call each week just so you can TALK 😊 to someone. You are all why I do what I do. Here are some other options:
online stress management with the biofeedback device subspace (yes, it works 😊), online or phone consultation sessions for wellness coaching. So many options without being in office! Let’s still meet.

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