I have some great ones that have worked for me since having a mammal allergy and needing to stay on certain things that my body needed for thyroid. I had superb results with Trace Elements for years, the lab I use for Hair Mineral Analysis, but I had to switch because many of them were not vegan (no animal products). Hope this helps you all in need of good things with not huge amounts of cost (if ordered online). I have each thing linked to Amazon because it seems to be comparable and quick to receive the stuff, even in this time of craziness.
these can be ordered through a family professional herbalist at https://www.facebook.com/VAofCC/ or from the maker herself đŸ™‚ denmarkdiana@hotmail.com Christopher’s Thyroid Maintenance, Christopher’s Adrenal Formula, Grapefruit Seed Extract (the only company that has this product), Holy Basil Extract Vitamin E Deva,…Vege Life Iron plus C,… Vitamin A 25,000 iuL-Lysine, for anyone with Lyme, or other autoimmune, and cold sores or Herpes, this is superbSolaray Licorice, Curamin Tumeric, White Willow, Oregacillin (this stuff is amazing in the virus arena and and bacteriaCharcoal. most companies have animal products but this one is safe and the most potent I have ever used. I have always had this in my survival bag and natural medicine drawer, for its power on any allergic reaction immediately. I have given this to young children in honey (we call it fun black honey) and it reversed the reaction of a wasp swelling in 10-15 minutes! I take it for all stomach or contamination issues. I take it with every reaction i have ever had along with Chlorophyll and Lobelia, to stop an allergic reaction to my mammal allergy, never taking Benedryl or other stuff. Trace Minerals Power Pak, this has no added sugar like EmergenC does. It is more powerful in the Electrolytes also. GSE, this is the only company that sells this product, making it far surpassed for quality. I have used this for over 30 years for all sickness and virus related issues, scratchy throats, etc. Young Living Cough Drops, these are amazing.this is my go bag, taking it everywhere I go. I have more than this but these are my use often ones. Tyme is superb on the current virus, surpassing most other remedies, and is one of the top oils for cleaners and sanitizer. I put it in my soaps, cleaner, and more.
check out how to become more in tune to health and wellness in our own life and help others along the way https://geti.in/2MmuCNN