13 Mar


Hello everyone. I am striving to be on here blogging several times a week instead of just on Fridays, but Fridays for sure đŸ™‚

Visions are something people fear for some odd reasons. I believe it stems from media and movies portraying it all incorrectly. I believe we need to change this.

Visions are amazing tools for our benefit. I have had many that have saved lives, turned events around for the better, simply freaked me out, and put me on a path for the life better than I dreamed.

I have a vision that is developing after years of it just being a picture in my mind. In the communities that surround me, I see connections in one place, classes and seminars teaching holistic pathway, counselors and therapists working side by side, and integration of holistic practices where people come to have whole health care. I see this more than ever in my life. I have people coming into my life with the skills for this conglomeration. I feel the calling I have always had is finally in the end of its gestation and about to be birthed, as beautiful as a newborn baby. Whole health clinic (or whatever name comes upon it), we will not be separated any longer, but connected as one!

I will keep you all posted, and if you feel you are someone interested in this amazing adventure with me, please contact me so we can meet and connect and keep it building. WE all need this. Our communities need this. Our world needs this. Lets start a thing together.

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