Oxygen – Where Did It Go?
Oxygen, a key element to our life on this planet
I have walked through this year with one of the most complex allergies I have ever heard of (Alpha-Gal, see previous posts for more info on this allergy). I have bombed it with herbal therapy, nutritional/mineral medicine, natural cellular therapies, massage therapy, chiropractic, and biofeedback. Being a health coach and wellness therapist, I was not going to allow this “weed” to own my system. I began to consider oxygen because of the research into nutritional anemia. I noticed that when I took chlorophyll I felt better. I added it to the Breathe herbal tincture mix I used when I had an allergic reaction to a mammal product ( I also took charcoal). The chlorophyll helped the side effects from the immune response, hormonal response and adrenal responses the Alpha-gal caused.
One day, I was at the chiropractor with a major migraine. We had discussed many times how this allergy had caused old injuries and nerve damage issues to reappear, and worse than before. They also had a way of causing great trouble during certain times in my monthly cycle. He suggested I try a new therapy, Hyperbaric because it was very successful in killing Lyme. I decided that was an answer to prayer and began the therapy the following week. I have gone every day for almost 40 sessions (5 days a week). I have had some amazing, noticeable changes in my body, sleep, energy, and hormones. I believe the old injury issues have been released and are in the process of being completely healed. I have not had a migraine once during these weeks. I believe it has killed the Alpha-gal and any Lyme I may have had. I will be testing the allergy in the coming two weeks for confirmation (self-diagnosis trials with food, and follow up allergy testing at the clinic). Along with all of that, I have mentally and emotionally been uplifted through this process. Anxiety is gone.
Oxygen, a basic building block, in food, earth, air, blood, and water
We are supposed to be taking it in. In outdoor activity and in eating. Any and all issues will benefit and heal with enough oxygen in our blood cells, or cellular level of our systems. We begin with it (embryo oxygen tank) and we end with it (last breath). Further back, Man was created with the “breath of life” – oxygen. Our future with the Creator is made up of the Breath of Life, Oxygen – for eternity.
I began with the title, Oxygen – Where Did It Go? It is on the decrease in this world. Our land, water, and air are depleted of this essential element. There is proof all over the planet where lakes have dying fish from lack of oxygen, and farmland has to be supplemented constantly to make it produce. Humans have weakened and reduced the living things of this earth, and we are now living with the consequences of it all. Our only option is to supplement because even if things turned around right now, and everyone began to do right with the earth, it would take generations before the oxygen would come back to what it once was.
I believe the Earth does have a time of healing and renewing in the future. For now, however, I hope to give you some hope that there still are some amazing ways to retain that oxygen level in your bodies. Hyperbaric is one. Herbs are another (because they have not been overproduced like much of our food has). Watch for my blog to come on that subject later.
I’ve included several pictures of me in the Hyperbaric Chamber in this post so you can see what I’ve been doing.