29 May

Reason Two

Reason two that this helped me:

I have had a hard time going out to eat, or buying groceries, with the limitations I have. I have had to read every label, and I mean every label, even the organic ones and the supplements (kosher gelatin is beef so I can only use capsules that are vegetarian), and so many other things that have mammal products. I cannot eat real yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, cream, milk, cheese, etc….and it is the hardest food thing I have ever done. Sweets have been a big issue for me also; I do not eat many but the ones I enjoy are now a no. I have to find sweets that have no soy, dairy, wheat, or mammal. I am wheat,

I cannot eat real yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, cream, milk, cheese, etc….and it is the hardest food thing I have ever done. Sweets have been a big issue for me also; I do not eat many but the ones I enjoy are now a no. I have to find sweets that have no soy, dairy, wheat, or mammal. I am wheat, almond, and egg white free also from hormonal changes, but that is iodine and other things and I will get over that soon (those have nothing to do with the alpha-gal, but the balances in my body). I have to buy gluten-free even though I am not gluten free because nothing is just wheat free. Fortunately, I grind my own flour and make my own bread and can use spelt, barley, and other grains with gluten and bread is good. (if YOU have been told you are gluten intolerant, please do yourself a favor and have a food allergy panel to see if it really is gluten or just wheat…it is worth the effort).

ANYWAY, the point is I have been guided to so many places and found so many things I CAN EAT, and that is encouraging đŸ™‚ I am healthy and feeling fine, but I do not want to stay this way. I WILL HOWEVER stay as positive as possible and keep to programs like www.faithfulworkouts.com and Pinterest, where I can find so many good things to eat without having to stress, and feed my entire family (who are not limited) without stress

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