06 Sep

let’s get together and feel alright

OK everyone, my blog today is to encourage you to take a moment with yourself.

Yes, now.

Think about who you are.  How do you see yourself in this moment? What would you want to make different in this moment? Have you asked the Father above to help you in this moment? If not, take a few seconds and ask. Yes, it is that simple to request, but the harder part is to stay quiet long enough to listen. When you hear it, write it down.  Now, ponder it. Was it a simple, yes, or was there more to it? Do you need to ask more questions? Write down the answers. Begin the path to renewal within the gut voice talking to you. It is always correct. Your gut, your core, where the voice comes from, and where all the emotions and past junk or past joys are stored (not in the head are they stored, not at all…memories are completely different from emotions from those memories). Think on this little bit I have given you today, and I will have more for you tomorrow.

If any of this has stirred some “I need some health help, or a massage, or just want to get friends together for a class in cooking, bread making, simple herbal basics, natural remedy making, infant massage instruction, survival topics, or something else, just give me a call or message me for a free consultation (unless you are already my client), and we will blaze the trail.

Jeana Anderson, nature mama



2 thoughts on “let’s get together and feel alright

  1. “When you hear it, write it down” – Yes, I keep hearing that, but I haven’t done a good job of actually listening. I really do need to start writing things down so I can see them better and remember.

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